Full Moon Tarot Card

Hello lovies,

I have decided that it would be fun and even helpful to have a monthly tarot card. This is something I do in my personal practice, and I thought it would be wonderful to share with you.

There was a period of time where I was also pulling Weekly Oracle cards. When I came back this year I decided that I just wanted to focus on the blog itself and not so much the divination, mostly because I didn't want to make a commitment that I could not keep.

After receiving some guidance, I will be continuing the Monthly Tarot Card as it is considerably less time consuming, and still provides guidance and insight to those who might be needing it. 

I have been learning the Tarot for the last seven years, and it's a tool that I find incredibly helpful. 
Everyone uses the tarot in a slightly different way. The way that I use tarot in my personal practice, and the way that I use them here, is strictly for guidance that will result in the highest good for all.

The deck that I will be using is the Oceanic Tarot by Jayne Wallace, illustrated by Jane Delaford-Taylor.

Monthly Card: The Vortex 

Keyword: Temptation, Illusion

Oh my loves, very rarely have I felt a card this profoundly since I began drawing cards for this blog. This card is known as The Devil in the traditional tarot deck, and is a card all about illusion, but it can also represent temptation.

This card is calling on us to break free of the illusions that have been created either by our own selves, or by others to keep us complacent, trapped, silent, unhappy. 

This card not only shows us that more often then not that we have created our own hell, that we ourselves are responsible for so many of the hardships that we bring ourselves and that just as easily as we have made them, that we can get out of there. 

The Vortex that keeps us trapped is really a rotating list of all of the reasons why we 'cannot' do or be who and what we want. Why we don't embrace ourselves for the person that this world so desperately needs. Why we keep our voices quiet, why we swallow all of the crap that is fed to us about our worth or lack thereof. 

This card is telling you, that it's all a bunch of bullshit. This card is telling you that you are worth it, that you are capable, that yes you can. This card is asking you to break through, and to trust yourself.

The Vortex is the voice in your head repeating all of the words and replaying all of the experiences that keep you down, that keep you miserable. But The Vortex is hollow, and it is weak, because that is all it knows how to do. 

You are so much more, and this is your wake up call. You only stay in the Vortex as long as you choose. Because you ARE strong enough to break out of it. Make it a daily choice to silence the Vortex, and to raise the volume on your heart. 

I know just as well as anyone how easy it is to say in that Vortex, it's small but depending on how long you stay in there, it's safe. You know what's coming at you because it's always the same stuff. It's always the stuff that hurts you, and you know all to well what that looks like. 

It's also tempting to blame others for the Vortex, it's easy to say, "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for [insert reason here]. What it really comes down to is you making the choice to dwell in your pain, to hold onto the feeling of injustice, and to let that become your whole world, the Vortex. 

It can be challenging, it can be painful, and it can change your life. Leaving the Vortex is the first step that you can take to healing that pain, to a happier and more fulfilling life. 

Wake up love, you're more powerful then you think you are, and you are worthy of so much more. You just have to believe it as much as you believe in the Vortex.

Wishing you light on your journey,


If you would like a personalized reading from me, you can message me privately or you can email me at sacredstepsonasacredjourney@gmail.com

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