Sunday, May 13, 2018

Away But Not Gone

Hello my lovely readers,

It has been too long since I've sat down in this space and called to the Spirits of Inspiration. The written word has always been so close to my heart and has served in the most difficult times of my life.

However, writing has simply not been my medium for some time. I've longed for it, and I am sure it has longed for me in return but we have been two passing ships in the night and have not managed to come together to create as we used to.

That is not to say that I am done with the blog, or that I am done writing, it's simply that my creative energy is manifesting in other ways at present and I wanted to visit our space at least one more time to assure any and all who come here that I am not gone.

I have simply started a journey of different means, and I am doing my utmost to honor that call. Almost a year ago I created a Facebook group with the intention of holding a safe and sacred space for those who sought sanctuary or simply looking for a space to commune with like minded souls.

I have also been attempting to be more active through other means of social media, mostly through Instagram. Sharing photos of my goings on including when I do readings for the group, and occasionally some of my personal readings.

I want to invite you to join us, and to keep in touch. I cannot say when I will be back writing regularly here, but I am live in our group at least once a week. I would love to see you there.

Shakti's Circle

If you're more of a passive individual and would rather get a feel for me first, here is the link to my Instagram account.


If this is the first time you've come across my blog, or if you're a long time reader, the invitation is the same. If there is anything you wish to connect on or if you're curious about anything I may have written about here, please feel free to reach out to me personally, I would love to hear from you.

Wish you the best,
