Monday, July 27, 2015

What in the Universe is Going On?

Hey lovies,

In honor of the fact that we will be having a Blue Moon this coming Friday, I thought I would write a little post and give my thoughts about this event and while I was at it I started looking into what else was going on in our solar system.

I've heard in several places that we currently have seven planets in retrograde, but I was only able to track down five of them. I fully admit that I am not an astronomy buff, and most of the time I find it quite confusing simply because there is just so much of it! If I learn which other two planets are currently in retrograde, I will certainly amend this or if anyone knows and would like to share, please feel free to do so below!

In my effort to become more in tune with the Universe as a whole, I've started trying to pay more attention to astrology whether it's learning about my own natal chart or learning about planets when they go into retrograde.

Before I go too much further, I want to explain what retrograde is. I myself was unfamiliar with the concept not too long ago, so if you're new to this, that's okay! defines retrograde as:


1. moving backward; having a backward motion or direction; retiring or retreating.

2. inverse or reversed, as order.

4. Astronomy. 
moving in an orbit in the direction opposite to that of the earth in its revolution around the sun.
appearing to move on the celestial sphere in the direction opposite to the natural order of the signs of the zodiac, or from east to west."

What we've learned from astronomers and other scientists is that the planets are not actually traveling backwards, but rather their orbit slows down to the point where from here on Earth it only looks like they are traveling backwards.

Moving right along!

We've talked once before about Mercury going into Retrograde which it seems to do about every three months. But what about the other planets? Does this Blue Moon really have any special meaning that a regular full moon does not?

These topics are what I'll be diving into today, to hopefully form a bigger picture of what is going on out there in space, and what we can do about it. Before I jump in, if you have are interested in receiving your own natal chart, I recommend, it's very informative and best part is, it's free!

All righty then, so the planets (that I could find) which are currently in retrograde are Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. I'll list there dates below.

**A quick update for you all, as each planet goes direct again, I will be marking off each retrograde to make finding the current ones a bit easier for returning and current readers.**

Venus - July 25-September 6
I don't know about you, but when it comes to retrogrades aside from the bad rap that Mercury can sometimes earn, Venus going into retrograde sounds just as scary when in reality it's probably one of our greatest opportunities.

As we all know (or so I like to think) Venus is the planet of love, and relationships. So when this planet starts going backwards what does that mean for us? Do our relationships unravel, is this just going to be forty days and forty nights of chaos?

While there is always a chance of communications going array, Venus retrograde is more about moving on and letting go of past loves that might still be lingering around. Whether it's emotionally, or physically.

A lot of times after relationships end, unless they ended really badly, we still hang onto little mementos from that time; whether they're pictures, gifts, mix CDs (depending on your age), little knick knacks. If you've been hanging onto things like that and they only bring you sadness, hurt, longing, or feelings of loneliness-why keep them?

Those physical reminders are holding a space for that person, and thus it's keeping those wounds open. If you're ready to move on and let them go, then do so! Free up that space for self love, and perhaps down the road, love from another.

If you're going to get rid of those items, please keep in mind that in some instances other people can still get use out of them. Before giving anything away, bless them with a few simple words of thanks for the positivity they brought you and send them away with it so that they can bring joy to someone else.

Burning pictures and letters can be extremely cathartic-I myself have done this and I cannot tell you what a difference I felt. If you do go this route, try to do with a friend, and always use fire safety.

If you're currently in a relationship, now is an opportune time to reflect and consider what you're getting out of your relationship, and if that's working for you or not. Use this time to be open with your partner and find ways to heal and/or improve the relationship.

I've seen it advised during almost everywhere to not take any drastic action while the planet(s) remain in retrograde. But always follow what's best for you, if you're in an unhealthy relationship, don't wait on the planets to get yourself into a better situation-your safety and well being should always come first.

One last thing I want to mention, and then we'll move on.

Venus only goes into retrograde every 18 months. So, take some time to look back on December of 2013 and think about where you were, and think about how far you have come. Think about where your relationships have been, and where they are now-are all of those relationships still intact?

Even when it's painful, try to be grateful for those experiences; without them, you wouldn't be who you are.

Saturn - March 14-August 2
We're coming to the party a little late with Saturn being in retrograde, but that doesn't mean that we're out of time or that we can't reflect on what's taken place since the retrograde began.

There were two main themes that I kept coming across; time and krama. Both of these aspects are ruled by Saturn and being a Capricorn, that means that planetarily speaking, I am also ruled by this planet. Now knowing that Saturn has been in retrograde really does explain A LOT.

It's times like this where karmic balances are brought about in a more distinct way, and you may have been feeling like time has slowed down in a sense. As frustrating as it can be, taking the time to examine projects and commitments that you have have agreed to in haste and whether or not you want to amend those decisions.

When people think of karma, they usually think of the not so fuzzy side, and while that's true, we also can't let ourselves forget the brighter side of karma. Another thing to keep in mind about karma is that, karma doesn't recognize time like we do. Past, present, and future are fluid when it comes to karma, and it's really about when those lessons will mean the most to you.

Uranus - July 26-December 26
In the research that I have done, I feel like Uranus is the planet that puts butts in gear. Uranus is the planetary influence that keeps us on our toes if we're getting to comfortable.

So when Uranus goes into retrograde, it goes into a bit of an overdrive. Any issues that have been swept under the rug, put in the closet, out of sight out of mind; Uranus brings them front and center with bells and whistles, and even potentially a light show.

If you've been heading down a not so great path, this is typically the time when Uranus will give you a big wake up call, and an opportunity to turn yourself, and your life around. Such events can be painful, but in all honesty some times we need that to bring us back to who we are and what we really want for our lives.

If you find yourself in a relationship or in a job situation that you're not exactly happy with but you stay out of fear of change, this is the time to really be honest with yourself about why you're where you are. It provides you with an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, face your fears and allow the Universe to provide those signs and guidance to help get you where you want to be.

If left alone long enough, Uranus will end up doing all of that work for you, and it'll potentially prove to be considerably more uncomfortable than if you work with the energy of Uranus and steer into the grove that is radiating from this outer planet, you'll handle these changes much easier.

These changes that Uranus brings us is not just in our personal lives, but can be influential on a much larger scale; which helps to explain all the changes we've been seeing here in the US.

Neptune - June 12-November 18
I've been finding more and more that when people hear the word 'retrograde' there's a sense of panic that comes with that, and I think it's safe to say that Mercury is at the very least, a contributing factor for that.

As it turns out, Neptune is a planet of dreams and illusions, which can lead to outright denial in extreme cases, and the invention of excuses and procrastination in other cases.

One thing you might experience during Neptune in it's retrograde is a harsh wake up call. While Neptune is direct we're able to escape into our inner worlds and to set on the back burner all of the things that we don't want to deal with.

Neptune's retrograde isn't all bad though, all of the following are more prominent during this time: the breaking of illusions, seeing truth and reality, conscious thinking and planning, clarity, seeing what is really important, heightened sensitivity, deeper insight and intuition.

This provides us with the option to do some serious digging into the deeper aspects of our lives, whether mundane or spiritual and to shine some light on what kind of affect those illusions are having; the picture isn't always pretty, but again, it's easier to clean up a small mess versus an explosion.

Daydreaming and having fantasies can be what makes life bearable for some of us, if not all of us from time to time. But it's about balancing that dream world with reality, and bringing those dreams to life in a tangible way so that we don't feel the need to 'escape' all the time. Because we've brought those dreams into the physical world, and by doing so we can possibly help others do the same.

Pluto - April 16-September 25
I don't know about the rest of you, but I still consider Pluto to be a planet, forget that astronomers say! Besides, if it wasn't important why would be we getting close up photos of it, huh??

Stepping off my Pluto for Planet soap box, this little planet has got some serious shadow work headed out way until it turns direct on September 25th.

Pluto is ruler of the underworld, and with that comes the connection with the darker side of things; of secrets, skeletons in the closet, and maybe just some personal dilemmas that we've thus far either been unable to deal with or have outright refused to deal with. Pretty much anything that might be hiding beneath the surface.

By bringing all of these things into the light, it provides the opportunity to do much needed healing and transformation. If that's the case, now is the time for some serious emotional and spiritual house cleaning.

The timing that comes across to me is rather auspicious as we're preparing for the first harvest which you can read about here; and as the summer dwindles down and we head into the darker time of the year, the more light, love and positivity we can bring with us the better.

One thing to keep in mind about shadow work is that it's never done. As human beings we are constantly changing and learning and with that comes less than desirable experiences which can include mistakes.

This is not something to fret over or to beat yourself up about, the sooner you embrace the fact that you have the shadow work to do, the sooner you'll find the strength within yourself to conquer those fears that have been lingering in the dark.


Whew! With all of the information floating around in the air and our brains now, there were several resounding themes that came up, but I am going to focus on the main two.

First and probably the loudest was that there's change coming, it's inevitable, your best bet is to prepare yourself now.

Followed very closely by; stop lying to yourself, treat yourself like you matter, don't let those excuses and what happened in the past keep you from being the best you can be.

With that comes the whole reason I started this endeavor, the upcoming Blue Moon-who knew I would end up spending so much time on the planets when I sat down to write this? I know I sure didn't!

I wanted to do something special with my Circle with this one and I wanted to have my plan set, so I went searching for what is traditionally done, and from everything I've found regarding this event there seems to be one common factor: goals.

This will be the last Blue Moon that we have until January 31st 2018 so it's super important to me that I make this moon count. This moon is all about allowing yourself to think about those dreams, desires, wishes that seem too big or extravagant to come true.

With everything else going on in the Universe this is possibly the biggest sign I have ever seen to be open and honest with yourself, allow yourself to let go and move on from past hurts regardless of how they are caused and to make that space available for planting the seeds of what you want to manifest in your life.

Change is a natural part of life, and fighting it doesn't keep it from happening, all it does is make the transitions more painful. Some times change is painful, but that's how we learn and grow and doesn't it make sense to accept our lessons and the pain that goes with than to drag it out, thus creating more pain?

That's not to say that we don't all move at our own pace, and that some pains take longer to heal than others. Simply that when given the chance to live a better life, wouldn't you take it?

The Universe has a way of making this changes either with or without us at one point or another. I don't know about you, but I personally find it easier over all to do my best to pay attention and to go with the Universal flow of things than to try and fight against the current.

These can be trying times, but know that you are never facing these trials alone, you always have someone there who believes in you, and wants to best for you. Accept the support, we're not meant to do everything by ourselves.

Sending much light and love to you dears,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

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