Thursday, January 14, 2016

From 2015 to 2016

Greetings and Salutations to one and all back Through the Secret Door and to 2016!

For my regular readers I am back for the first time since Samhain, or the first of November and am thrilled to be back here with you. 

For those who have just stumbled across my blog, a warm welcome to you! In this space I not only share about my personal journey through this life of mine, as short as it has been so far; but I also share about my adventures, my struggles, and the main reason - my personal practice as a pagan. 

Just as a child learns as they grow and develops new interests and passions, so do we all when we discover more and more about ourselves.

2015 was really about my finding where I was supposed to be, getting my feet on the ground and finding the stability and security that had been lacking in my life previously. 

That's not to say that I am out of the woods by any means, but I feel confident in moving forward and have relatively no fear. Which if you've been with me since last year, you know has previously been a huge struggle. 

In addition to facing and working through anxiety, depression, and at the worst of it suicidal thoughts, I am happy to be starting a new year with new goals, new hopes, new dreams and new focus. 

One of the things I learned about myself last year was that as much as I loved being in school, I simply don't learn some subjects the same way that others do. I also discovered that part of the reason I seemed to cling to the idea of school so tightly was that it was a part of a dream that I had so long ago. It was one of the few things that still appeared to carry weight from such a different part of my life that I couldn't help but think that it was what I needed to do. 

As of now I am on hiatus from traditional higher education. When I originally had to take leave from school I was angry and frustrated and confused because I thought that I was on the path that I was meant to be on, and when it came down to not being able to afford school and living simultaneously, I was devastated. 

Life was pretty rocky for me over the next several months until I made my first posting at the beginning of June

After getting settled and finding my footing a bit, I was almost thrown into a world with others so much like myself; young, bright individuals who saw greater things for this world who were all trying to make it somehow in this strange, unrelenting, and some times unforgiving world. 

Making such immediate connections was one of the last things I could have expected but I am overtly grateful for the magic that brought us all together. 

Between the months of June through September my circle and I joined in ritual, meditation and community as we learned about each other, ourselves and our place here on Earth.

I was fortunate to spend a couple of months as a reader with the Portland Psychic Gallery and hope to return to it as a regular this year.

In August I was surprised by my guides and the Universe as once again magic took hold and introduced me to my current partner. I won't spend too much time on that particular piece as it could be a post all on its own, and may very well be. 

By the time my last post of 2015 was published I had accepted a second, seasonal position and am now a regular member during high traffic times as well as reclaimed my previous supervisory position with my permanate employer.

As I look ahead into 2016 I am excited to continue with an open heart to the blessings awaiting me and of course to those that are already on their way to me. 

I am diving into learning and working with chakras on a deeper level. Up until now I've had a rather basic knowledge but this year, both my boyfriend and I will focusing on our chakras one by one.

I will also be attending my first public ritual - ever. This ritual will be celebrating Imbolc, which you may recall is one of my favorite Sabbats. I even picked up the new book from Llewellyn's Sabbat Essentials - Imbolc Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Brigid's Day by Carl F. Neal.

If you need a refresher on this holiday or are simply curious, check out the article I wrote about this holiday last year: Imbolc and the Festival of Lights.

I will attending my first ever magical conference come April and I am very much looking forward to that also. If you're interested in the events and want to know more, I'll leave the links below for you.

I hope to be able to return to pulling a monthly tarot and weekly oracle card for my lovely readers on a regular basis as before and will probably begin that again next week.

I'll also be writing about my tarot card for 2016 and reflecting on my tarot card for 2015, so stay tuned for that!

For now my dears, I say goodnight and wish you all the sweetest of dreams.

In light and love,


©2013-2016 Thealynn Oceanna Rosewolf