Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Out of the Closet, Breaking the Silence

Hey there loves,

I wish that today I had something light and cheerful to talk about. An update about the changes happening with my life, an amazing interaction I had with my guides, a recent gathering of my Circle, instead I'm writing with frustration, heartbreak, and the burning need to just say something.

Early Sunday morning, on June 12th occured the deadliest mass shooting in American history.  The last time I wrote about a shooting was last October, which you can read about here if you so choose. I will say that since writing that article, there have been a number of events that have caused me to consider the beliefs and philosophies that I hold, and despite all of the, I still hold fast to the conclusions I came to last year.

As difficult as holding onto my beliefs can be some times, I always end up finding comfort in them, but what's more - they motivate me. Ultimately I am encouraged to take a stand, to be a voice, to be a contributor to change.

One thing I will say that is that it can be disheartening, and even exhausting to fight for what's right, to put in so much time and effort into making change and then not see any change, or at least not see any immediate change.

Seeing the same tragedies happen again and again, and some times we can't help but wonder what in the possible hell is it going to take for the people that we as citizens have asked to represent us to do just that. But not just that, but to protect us.

To be clear, I say that not just as an American citizen, not just as a woman or as a pagan but as a member of the LBGTQA community as I am bisexual.

If memory serves this is the first time I have mentioned this particular aspect of myself, and while it's something I've felt the need to share this before, I want to clarify that I feel compelled to share now because I don't want to let this horrible event to be one more reason to hide.

Previous to tonight, I always told myself that I didn't mention my sexuality very often mostly because I didn't really feel the need to. I've always been fairly selective about who I shared this part of my life with because I didn't want to deal with the potential ridicule, the questions about why I haven't dated more women, or the possibility of whoever I told simply not believing that bisexuality is a real thing.

But events such as these are committed by those who are hateful, fearful, and desperate to cling to anything that allows them to stay that way. Which is their prerogative - until they lash out, and are allowed to commit heinous acts by those who to stick their heads in the sand and remain silent.

I choose to not be silenced by fear. I refuse to be a part of the problem by not being a part of the change. I'm lucky in that I live in a fairly liberal state, and that the elected officials for my state tend to vote the way I hope that they do.

I live in a place that is fairly accepting of people because they are just that - people.

I'll admit that I felt afraid to say something up until now about this because I didn't want to make it about me, because this tragedy, this horrific event is so much bigger than myself.

But the truth is that it's about every single person who is afraid to walk outside their doors; who are afraid to get on the internet or check their emails; who are afraid of losing their friends, their family, their jobs; those who are afraid to really live their lives because they might be risking those lives by simply being, by simply being brave enough to love.

I came across this video today from someone that I've been subscribed to for a long time. It moved me in so many ways, and was definitely the biggest contributor to me writing this article. I've shared the video on my personal Facebook page, and I'll be sharing it here as well.

I encourage you to watch it, to share it, to take action and to contribute to positive change, to be brave.

Hannah Hart: I'm Afraid of You

Never doubt that you can make a difference, never doubt that your voice has merit, never doubt that you are loved and cherished and are needed by those around you, even those who will never know you.

Love conquers fear.

Light and love to you,
to all of those who have been affected by acts of hate,
we are with you.


©2013-2016 Thealynn Oceanna Rosewolf

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