Saturday, April 15, 2017

Full Moon in Libra Tarot Reading

Hello loves,

I realize this card is coming a bit behind the curve, and while I could thank any number of reasons why, suffice it to say that until this morning I was not connecting with the Universe and if I can't genuinely feel the message coming through, I feel it best not to share.

For this month's reading I decided to work with the DruidCraft Tarot by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm.

This month's card surprised me a bit, there have been very few times when a Court Card as come up, and I do believe that this may be the first time that one has come up in the reversed position.

I began thinking about all of the energy that is present in the Universe at this time, and seeing this card, I think it hits the nail right on the head.

The Card I pulled, is the King of Pentacles, Reversed.

As soon as I remembered Saturn is in retrograde (which how could I forget being a Capricorn?) I almost started laughing. Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are also in retrograde at the moment, although some not for much longer. If you want to read more about these planets in retrograde, here's a fun article I found, April Vedic Astrology.

With all of the upheaval and the Full Moon being in Libra, calling for balance in all areas of your life, you might be wondering what the King of Pentacles has to say about it.

The King of Pentacles can represent a person who has reached their desired level of comfort. He wants for nothing and has worked hard for his position; he is kind and fair, and enjoys the best life can offer. He is a passionate person who loves his family, and takes pleasure in the material aspect of life.

When not representing a person, this card can mean that great success is being achieved, and it is time to treat yourself for all of your hard work. Perhaps you're closing in on a new home or have landed a new promotion.

However, when the King of Pentacles appears in the reversed position, he could represent a person in your life who is rigid, cold, stubborn, unwilling to compromise. This card could also represent a stall in negotiations or perhaps you could be suffering a financial loss.

As I was meditating on what the strongest message was, there was a great sense of 'holding my breath' like I was on the precipice of some sort of big decision, one that could change everything, I heard the same phrase over and over again,

this is the time to stop and ask yourself, is this really what you want? Whatever the it is for you.
If so, is this really the way you want to go about getting it?

Some times getting to the top means you're at the top alone, and even once you're there, do you have what you need to stay there? There are no guarantees in life, and the King of Pentacles urges you to see the realities for what they are.

Some times in our race to success we often overlook things we should not. The devil is in the details, and as painstaking as it can be, now is a time when it is of utmost importance to be thorough. And what's more, it is even more imperative to be honest with ourselves.

When planets are in retrograde, it can feel like we are under a microscope, which is not exactly a comfortable feeling. But I can promise you, that if you practice patience, and if you're diligent, things will come around, they will work themselves out, and you will be better off for it.

Better to take your time and be confident in yourself and your work than to rush in guns blazing half cocked.

 Wishing you all of the best,


©2013-2017 Thealynn Oceanna Rosewolf

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Back From Break

Hey there loves,

I realize that it's been a couple of weeks since I wrote last, and in truth it had nothing to do with 'not having anything to talk about' and everything to do with simply taking a step back and really letting my last article sink in.

Some times when I write, I feel more like a conduit for the messages versus being in the driver's seat; which I am not complaining about, but some times it takes me by surprise.

As I am preparing to take the next step in my journey, I thought I owed it to myself to simply take a break for a little while. Take a break from Facebook and my groups, take a break from watching Netflix and YouTube, I even took a small break from work (thank you vacation time.)

Every once in a while, we as humans just need a break. A break from our typical routines, a break from the people we see everyday (with a few exceptions as necessary), a break from the internet, really a break from any and everything that we allow to demand attention from us. Most of the time that includes the things that we love the most.

I know that I personally try avoiding extensive breaks simply because I have this habit of not coming back to things, I do eventually, but it can take time. It can feel like I'm losing momentum, and that in and of itself can be the very indication that I need to just listen to my intuition, and slow down.

I am beginning to be able to pinpoint the areas of my life where I don't trust myself as much as I do in other areas, and it's so interesting to me, because they are such little things in the grand scheme of things. Like coming back to write in this blog for example, it's not like I have any sort of schedule for myself unless it comes to the Full Moon postings or any postings regarding the Wheel of the Year.

I just don't work that way, in fact trying to have to many time restrictions and I become more tired and more resistant to writing at all. I end up feeling like I let myself down, or my readers down, and that's simply not the case.

I would so much rather give myself the break, and come back when I feel called to do so, and to just chat as I am doing now. Perhaps it's the fact that Saturn went into retrograde today, that I am feeling the ease of simply slowing down (being a Capricorn and all.)

Slowly but surely I am beginning to realize that I need to be as gentle and caring with myself as I am with others. I've lacked balance in that respect for such a long time that I think this break was perfect for what I needed.

I will also admit that there is a sense of readiness to return to my routines, I know that if I stray too far and my relaxation turns into laziness, and being that it's a rather fine line for me to begin with, I do my best to stay active.

Being that that I am currently having trouble remembering that we are in April now, I will do my best to stay on track and not let my April Full Moon Tarot Reading be late. I'm very interested to see if Saturn Retrograde will play a part in next weeks reading.

Image from

Until next time,


©2013-2017 Thealynn Oceanna Rosewolf