Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Spiritual Firsts

Hello lovies,

I thought this would be a fun little post to do. I found this subject through the MIRTHandREVERENCE channel. Anni is a fantastic vlogger, I have been subscribed to her for a few years now and she has so much to offer! I would sincerely recommend checking out her channel.

The idea of this is to explore what our first experiences with our spiritual paths, and I think it's a great ice breaker-if you will. It will not only give me the chance to remember my roots, but it also help you get to know me better, and may even answer some questions!

1). How did you encounter Paganism, Witchcraft or Magick for the First Time?

I was introduced to paganism by my Dad. In my early teen years he began a journey to rediscover his spirituality, and he was kind enough to share it with me. We had discussed spiritual things before, although being a child I did not recognize them as such, so we started exploring together for a time.

2). What was your first book?

To Ride a Silver Broomstick, by Silver Ravenwolf.

You will probably hear about this title a lot, and everyone has their own opinion about the author, you may have even seen it before. Even though I had been aware of paganism for years by this point, I had never read any books, and wasn't really sure where I stood. While today it is not one of my favorites, it did open the door in a safe way for me to take my first steps.

3). What was the first spell you ever performed? 

At this point in my personal path I don't particularly practice the craft, but I do believe in magic. Don't worry, I'll explain. 

I say 'at this point' because life is ever changing. Two years ago I wasn't working with crystals, and look at me now, my crystal family is around 50 members! I do not have any prejudices against solitary practitioners, meaning that I don't believe that a person has to be formally trained in an established tradition.

I have created charms, and chants for all sorts of things (that you can label spellcraft if you like). When I think of spellcraft, I think of specific ingredients, and a series of words with intention during a certain time of the month with certain colors that need to be used, etc.

Now, is magic actually that complicated? I sincerely doubt it. In truth I am probably building it up to more than it is, but more on that in my next post or so. Moving on!

4). What was your first crystal or stone?

Moonstone. If you hop back to the post I made last year about visiting the wolf sanctuary in Washington I posted a picture of my wolf pendant. The moon in the pendant is represented by a moonstone. 

5). Who was the first God and/or Goddess you encountered on your Path?

As part of the learning curve for figuring out my path, I did a guided meditation to establish my connection to God and Goddess, and that was a very powerful experience for me.

Aside from that, I was approached by Hades a couple of years back when I was working through the aftermath of an abusive relationship. I talk a little bit about my experience in another post

6). How did you first meet other Pagans?

For me it was really just happenstance. Eventually I knew people who knew other people who were like minded and I am fortunate to have most of those people still in my life today. 

7). What was the first Festival, Meetup, or Public gathering you attended?

Unfortunately I have yet to attend an official public pagan gathering. That is one of the things I plan to change next year!

8). What was the first class or workshop you took?

The first class I took was the Way of the Shaman class, mentioned briefly in one of my first posts.

9). What the first chant you learned?

The first chant I ever learned went along with the first tool I ever used. It was a gift from one of my first pagan mentors, who is a very close family friend.

10). What was the first method of divination you learned?

Tarot! I love the tarot so much. It's definitely one of those things that take time and dedication to learn, and I even though I have been using tarot for six years now, I am still learning. 

11). What was your first tool?

Coming back to what I touched on in number nine, the first tool I received was a little broom to sweep away negative energy. 

12). What was the first method or exercise you learned for Energy work?

I would have to say meditation. I had previously been someone who couldn't clear my mind enough or stay comfortable. I think it's because I didn't feel emotionally comfortable. But once I let go of my fear and expectations of what I thought might happen, it was almost too easy!

I cannot imagine going without it.

13). What is a memorable or favorite First on your path that wasn't included in the above questions?

I think for me my most memorable First on my path as simply discovering my path. As a child I felt such a strong connection to the Earth; nature, plants, animals, the wind, to the ocean and rivers. Finding out that I had this connection and that I was not alone-or crazy, that will be another story-I felt such a peace inside of me.

It took some time to fully accept and feel comfortable as I got older and things changed, but the first time I heard my Dad describe paganism to me, was one of my favorite memories. 

Share some of your favorite memories and firsts in the comments below.

Until next time,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

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