Thursday, June 18, 2015

Summer Solstice

Hey lovies,

I want to first apologize for missing the last two holidays; Ostara and Beltane-those holidays passed during my hiatus and unfortunately got missed when it came to being observed not only in my personal practice but here as well.

But I am happy to be back, and even happier to be preparing for the next turn of the Wheel-the Summer Solstice, also known as Litha.

This holiday might be one of the most well known outside of the pagan community due to the thousands of visitors to Stone Henge which is located in Wiltshire, England. The most noted visitors of the ancient monument are practitioners of the Druid persuasion, but it's estimated that the historic sight receives of 800,000 visitors per year!

Despite Stone Henge being in my top three places to visit before I do, we'll refocus on the topic at hand. By whatever name you recognize this holiday, June 21 makes the longest day of the year and the beginning of the summer season.

If you recall back in December when I was writing about Yule, the archetype of the Holly King and the Oak King as two halves of one whole: The Sun God. This perspective of the Sun God is Wiccan in nature and can be learned about here.

I really love this time of year because we're half way through the year, and with that in mind, I see it as a time of reflection. I think back to January when I was full of fire, and setting intentions and ready to take on this year.

With Midsummer just a couple of days away, I'm going to focusing on the next six months and all that I want to accomplish and manifest in that time. With the power of the Sun I feel my energy being replenished and I feel creative and motivated to celebrate all of the light or positive aspects of myself.

I've spent so much of the this year working on my shadow self, and bringing those aspects into the light so that I might work with them better, and release what's been holding me back.

From Litha, June 21 through August 1 which is Lammas orLughnasad which is the first harvest festival; I will be keeping my eyes on nurturing my goals and soaking up the strength and support of the Sun.

As far as old traditions go, one of my favorites is jumping over a fire-NOT SOMETHING I RECOMMEND YOU DO.

It was customary during this time to light large bonfires in dedication to the sun as during midsummer it was considered to be at its peak. On a small scale, fires were built where couples or individuals would jump over the flames stating what they wished to achieve or receive from the Universe. It was also believed that the hiring one jumped, the faster their wish would manifest.

Protection magic is something we also see a lot of during this time of the year, Litha is the last of the summer festivals which means that not far from now, the summer will be over and the days will grow shorter giving way to longer nights and colder weather. In preparation for the coming cold, protection amulets were a common craft and gift at Litha celebrations.

All manner of deity can be recognized during this time; sun and fertility deities both male and female. Crenunnos, Pan, Apollo, Ra are just a few gods associated with the Sun. Aphrodite, Freya, Cerridwen and Ishtar to name a few goddesses.
 As with the other holidays for the Wheel of the Year, I have a go to book that I use for inspiration, research, crafts, recipes, and even ritual ideas. The title of this book is Magical Celebrations Midsummer of the Summer Solstice by Anna Franklin.

This book has so much amazing information for even your every day practice, including lore, candle and fire magic, how to use a regular deck of playing cards as tarot cards, crystals and their meanings, making your own incense and oils-hands down one of my favorite metaphysical books. 

If you're curious to see what a couple of the recipes in this book look like, I found this site with the recipe and pictures. I think the Gooseberry Fool looks particularly scrumptious. 

I also found this amazing site for additional Litha treats! I don't know about you, but I might have to enjoy some Asparagus Stuffed Chicken, it just sounds so good! Summer Solstice Treats!

I am so looking forward to celebrating this turn of the wheel and as a special treat for all of you, I will be doing a three card oracle card reading of what the next three months will look like. 

Midsummer is a time for divination, and what better way to celebrate with all of you than to give you a special reading to say thank you

May you have a fun, magical and safe Midsummer.

Brightest Blessings to you and yours,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

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