Monday, August 15, 2016

Tarot Card of 2016

Hey loves,

I don't know about the rest of you, but this year has been a serious roller coaster ride. There have been so many changes it's hard to keep track of them all. Some of the changes I brought on consciously, others came unexpectedly, most of which were welcome, others not so much.

If I had the presence of mind to look into this at the beginning of the year, I might have been a tad more prepared, because my tarot card for this year is in fact, the Tower.

The Tower and I have a love-hate relationship. It loves to show up and I tend to hate it whenever it does, at first at least. Even though I am late in the year for pulling this card, I can feel the ripple of energy that began when the clock struck twelve on January first.

I started of the year in relationship that I quickly got out of, spent a few weeks single before connecting with my new partner, I've changed jobs twice, I've had the opportunity to meet my niece and nephew for the first time whom I now try to see on a weekly basis, I began the process of releasing dozens of item from my past that I no longer felt a need to hold onto, I started journaling and writing just for myself, I've connected with new and old guides and I found the synchronicity of two paths that I feel such a strong connection and pull towards.

Those are the good things, and I am grateful that there have been so many to balance out the few but traumatic events that have come with them. When times are difficult, I hold onto the good things, and I try to remind myself that balance is necessary in all things, but it can't always be maintained on it's own.

I'm realizing how much I crave balance, and as I am being confronted by and attempting to work through the greatest darkness I've come across in this life time, I'm learning a whole new respect for myself.

When I look at the Tower card, I can relate to the character who is jumping in an effort to save herself, where as the other character looks like they are being thrown by the force of the lightening strike, this character looks as though they will surely hit the rocks and may not survive (given what we can see from the picture.) The character on the left however looks as though they may miss the rocks and avoid further damage.

The character in red knew that there was no other way out, and even though jumping was a risk, it was a risk they were willing to take, it feels to me that this woman in red put her faith in what she held true to her heart, and took a leap of faith.

We don't necessarily know the fate of these two figures, but I see is that the destruction of the tower, perhaps their metaphorical walls, cause them to make the choice to crumble along with the stones, or to move on and to move towards something new, perhaps even something better.

What I experience earlier this year was traumatic and awful and some would say down right evil. There were times I felt myself caving in just like that tower, but I had friends, and family, and my partner to help me push the rubble aside, and lent me their strength and courage to rebuild.

Destruction before creation, death followed by rebirth, the ebb and flow of Source.

If you are new to my blog and have not had a chance to read about last year's tarot card, and want to find your own tarot card for the year, here's how.

This idea is based on numerology using your birth month and day, and the current year.

I will use my own as an example, my birth month and day are, 12/31 and of course the year is 2016. So you will take each number individually and add them together, like this:


When you add it all together you come to 16.

If you come up with a larger number than the number of major arcana cards then you take your two digit number and add those two numbers together.

The deck I used for this year's card was the DruidCraft Tarot by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm. The deck was my first ever, as it was a birthday gift from my folks when I was first starting on my path, it is a deck I highly recommend.

With that, I wish you all the best,

Light and love to you and yours,


©2013-2016 Thealynn Oceanna Rosewolf

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