Monday, July 17, 2017

Project Lift Off

Hey loves,

I have something that I wanted to share with you all in the event that you have not heard about it already. Which may be the case since it is a fairly recent development.

This may come as a no surprise but I have been working on a new project, several in fact but when I started I wasn't sure how to get these projects into the world once they were finished. I was and am super excited to be tasked with these projects and to bring them to life, but the how was a bit fuzzy for me.

I've been practicing going into the stillness within where my higher self can communicate more clearly, and I asked, where and how am I going to share these projects. What can I do to help facilitate these ideas. The answer I got was not one I was expecting: Create a Facebook Group.

I was a bit stunned because you see groups all the time focusing on different things, why and how would my group be any different?

I sat on that answer for a time, but the longer I waited, the more my guides placed ideas in my mind. The more I found myself thinking about it in my spare time, and wondering the best ways to tap into the energy that I wanted the group to embody.

Then it hit me. I was trying to tap into Shakti, who is the embodiment of the Divine Feminine Creative Life Force.

The group would be full of Shakti, so thus, Shakti's Circle was born!

I have linked this group with my Facebook Page, Through the Secret Door by Thealynn with the intention that it's all connected.

So what is the purpose of Shakti's Circle?

Shakti's Circle is a sacred temple space where we honor Divine Source, Spirit, God, Goddess, Creator, however you identify with the ultimate power. This is a space intended for the community, a place to share your work, ask questions, start conversations, build relationships.

This is a space for all who seek fellowship, not just a sisterhood or a brotherhood; because at the end of the day it's going to take all of us. We need each other, we need to be partners in recreating this world, because this world needs us.

I invite every and anyone to join us in this space, I hope to see you there.

Much love to you all,


©2013-2017 Thealynn Oceanna Rosewolf

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