Wednesday, August 21, 2013

All Petals to One Flower

Welcome back,

 In this post I thought I would take a moment a go into a bit more detail about the specifics of my spiritual path.

Everything that I will be talking about here can absolutely be practiced by itself and does not require anything else to go with it. I just happen to do all of these things, and for me, they flow together and so it has all in its own time become part of my spiritual path.

At the current moment, the only label I used to describe my spirituality is Pagan. I know that it is a very broad term, but as I've only begun studying a specific aspect, or tradition, or kind of paganism, I don't feel that it is accurate, or right to use anything else. 

Well, what do you mean by study?

What I personally mean by studying is that I am learning about the culture of the Celts, learning their history academically as well as their myths and legends. Learning about their pantheon, and familiarizing myself with their symbolism. 

When it comes to Druidry, I feel like there is a difference. I view Druidry as its own practice, much like Wicca is its own practice. 

Admittedly, like the beginning of most of my interests, my sources start off hit or miss. I usually start off trying to watch videos on Youtube, looking up books on Amazon, or even stopping by my local used bookstore and just seeing what's on the shelf.

I am lucky in that my father is also very spiritual, and already has some books on the subject. It can be very difficult in that it's hard to find other like minded people to talk with short of going online to a forum type of community, as it can be some times impossible to join an already established community where not all are open to new comers.

Myself personally, I much more enjoy meeting with people face to face and hearing their stories and getting to know and gauge them as they are in the flesh. Not that I am judging however, I am writing a blog after all. 

When it came to the Tarot reading, it was never something I ever thought of doing myself. In fact before owning my own deck (which happened to be a birthday present from my dad) I didn't know very much about tarot. I had seen cards read in movies, but didn't give the idea much thought. But when I received my first deck, The Druidcraft Tarot by Philip Carr-Gomm and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, I thought, why not?

I started reading the companion and began slowly learning. The person I was in a relationship with at the time didn't think too much of it, and was very negative about the whole thing so for the first couple of years the deck didn't get much use. When that relationship ended, I felt much more comfortable about using them, and so I have since done readings mostly for myself, and for very close friends. I had always used the companion to help decipher the meaning of the cards, and have only recently started studying them one by one. 

I have also acquired other decks since then, two other tarot and two oracle decks. My father even made me a set of runes from a branch of an apple tree growing in his backyard. I hope to use them all effectively one day, but for now I'm focusing more on the Druidcraft Tarot.

Another aspect of my path that I never anticipated was working with stones and crystals. To be perfectly blunt I was not fully behind the idea of their effectiveness, and it just seemed like a lot of work! Whenever I looked into books about crystals or would watch a video on Youtube, it seemed like not only a huge investment, and a lot to remember!

It wasn't until a particularly nasty panic attack due to what I felt to be a hostile living situation did I consider looking into stone work for a little extra help and protection. I was also given the idea from a co-worker to use the stones as a way of extra protection at work. (Working in a call center, people can get pretty nasty.)

At this point I work with the stones I have on a very casual basis. There are a few that I am very fond of, and only really think about purchasing more if the need arises. 

I mentioned in my first post the I took a class on Shamanic Journeys and cannot really go into the details as part of a form I signed at the beginning of the class, but if you're curious or would like more information, I will include a link to the website along with the book list. I would also encourage you to read Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner.

Lastly, I will touch base on working with my animal totems and guides. I know that I mentioned working with deity in my first post, but I feel that deserves it's own post as it would make this post twice if not three times as long. (And as I am writing this, it is almost past my bed time.)

I did a video on the subject not too long on my Youtube channel that I will include a link  to in my next post if you would like a little bit more information. My totems have definitely been with me the longest and is something I felt long before I was introduced to the concept of paganism. I view my totems as spiritual guardians who protect me and who help deliver messages from the divine. (In a nut shell.) I work with my totems mostly through meditation and journeying. 

As it is getting late and I am getting tired, I think I will leave the post here. I don't really have the energy to grab my books and list them for you, and to try and keep things neat and easy to find, I will make a separate post including books, and links as a reference post. (It will more then likely be up tomorrow after I get home from work.)

Before I bid you adieu for the night I want to say again, thank you for stopping by. I hope that this post and future posts provide information, clarity, or even some fun. 

I hope everyone has a good night, or day, depending on when you read this. And I will see you again, through the Secret Door. 

©2013-2015 Thealynn

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