Thursday, August 22, 2013

Leafing Through Pages

Welcome back lovies, so I promised you titles, and links and all of that good stuff. I would have gotten this started a bit earlier in the evening, however the router decided to forget its purpose, so it took a some convincing to start working again.

I will say first off the since I have only just begun researching and exploring Celtic paganism and Druidry, I have not read most of the books I am going to list. A few of these I just happened to pick up recently, and a few my father had on his bookshelf that he let me commandeer. That being said I would also like to quickly mention that I am in no way recommending these sources as the end all be all: This is MY starting point. 

The first book I am going to list is one that I would recommend, as I have read through most of it. I have really enjoyed it, not only as an idea into how Druids practice today, but I also really enjoyed the writing style. As for the last two in the list, I didn't realize that the authors shared a name, and I am not entirely sure they are the same.

Druid Magic By Maya Magee Stutton, Ph.D. and Nicholas R Mann
Celtic Gods and Heroes By Marie-Louise Sjoestedt
The Druids Celtic Priests of Nature By Jean Markale
Secrets of the Druids Compiled and Edited by John Matthews
Classic Celtic Fairy Tales by John Matthews

Again, this is just my personal starting point, I may not even get through all of these books, but I figured starting to learn about the history and mythology of the Celts would give me a clearer idea of what I'm really getting into before I just straight into books specifically about a Celtic pagan path.

I also promised you a couple of links. I will include the link to the website that offers the classes if you're interested in learning how to Journey, would just like some basic information. Again, I would also encourage you to read Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner.

Shamanic Journeys

I will also be including the link to a video I did for my YouTube channel, which is very much under construction right now, but as I spend quite a bit of time on animal totems, and animal guides, rather then reiterating here, I figured a video might be more exciting. I also talk a bit about one of my favorite authors Ted Andrews and refer to his book Animal Speak.

Animal Totems

Just for a bit more fun, I thought I would share a playlist I have on my YouTube channel about Druidry. I have had a hard time finding videos on Druidry that I felt I got something out of, so here is that as well.

Druidry Playlist

I may come back and add things here and there, but for now I feel that what I have is sufficient. As I continue to learn and find things I absolutely love, I'll be sure to share them. And if you have suggestions please feel free to share as well.

Until next time lovies when we meet outside the Door,

Blessings and Light to you and yours.


©2013-2015 Thealynn

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