Tuesday, January 6, 2015

2015 Is My Year

Hello lovies,

Being the day after the latest full moon ritual, since the last one was so powerful for me I thought that it was only appropriate to commemorate the one month mark of writing this blog (for the second time) HOORAY!!

In my last post I talked about wanting to share with you when I achieve goals, it occurred to me that I should also share when intentions that I have set begin to manifest, so that is what I will be doing tonight.

Last night not only was the full moon ritual, but I also took the plunge and joined a private group in an effort to broaden my horizons, to open my heart and soul to the Universe in perfect love and perfect trust, and to hopefully realize my personal power and potential.

In doing so I was introduced to a whole new group of women and I cannot express how much warmth I have felt since doing so. One of the women welcomed me home, and I genuinely felt it. Despite being a part of these communities for a few months now, I have only just begun to really connected with individuals, one of them I have begun speaking with privately and I am almost certain that we are soul sisters. (It's a bit early and I don't want to jinx anything, but I am pretty sure I am right.)

We talked for quiet some time and it is such a wonderful gift to have someone who you resonate with, who you connect with, who is on a similar journey as yourself, who is working on similar goals.

What a blessing from the Universe! It has barely been a week into this new, incredible year, and already I can feel these amazing changes taking place. I feel as though a giant pair of white wings has enveloped me and is holding me close as my own wings begin to grow.

In talking with this (new to me) soul sister, I am filled with joy and encouragement, and inspiration that I feel as though I could burst at the seems. Already she has given me so much support, ideas for this blog, ideas for everyday living! I cannot wait to see what kind of magic we can create together this year.

Going back to last night's ritual, there is still a way to view it if you're interested, I'll include it for you here. January Full Moon Ritual.

I watched the live feed with my amazing tools and have been working with them since. I resonated so deeply with the guided meditation that I will continue to use it whenever I feel the need. I even had to giggle at one point, because my intuition instructed me to seal the letter with my intentions for the new year with a wax seal before the instructor said anything about it! During the extra moments I held my letter in the palm of my hands, said a blessing and then slid them away from me into the darkness where I know the Universe has received them.

The idea of releasing your desires and your intentions to the Universe is something that I have not been previously successful at. Because of this experience I now feel as though I have this amazingly powerful tool to use!

I am sorry this post is so short tonight, but I do have to wonder to bed at some point as school is back in session, but I wanted to at least write a little bit tonight and share these wonderful blessings!

In the next couple of days I hope to share with you the ideas that I have for incorporating more positivity into my everyday life in an effort to help raise my vibration,

I cannot wait to share more with you and I am so excited for what this year has in store!

In light and love with many blessings to you and yours,


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