Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My Tarot Card for 2015

Greetings lovies,


I feel as though I could jump out of my skin right now! I am in awe, I am shocked, I feel empowered, and I truly feel that the Universe is guiding me by the hand to all of these wonderful and amazing things. I am going to try and stay coherent as I explain to you what in the world I am talking about-I just feel so much energy right now!

In one of the groups I am a part of we have been discussing numerology, and how you find your life number. Which will have its own post, I want to focus on this particular aspect for right now.

During a discussion there was talk of using numerology to find the tarot card that you are to work with for the year, which I found incredibly intriguing. With how much I love tarot and how much I incorporate it into my practice I had to look into this!

The way that you go about finding your tarot card for the year is you take your birth month and day, and add it with 2015. So mine looks like this:


Which comes out to 15, so that is my major arcana card for 2015!

In most tarot decks, the major arcana go to 24, if your number goes higher than that, say you got 26, you would add 2 and 6 to get 8.

As I was going through my deck I was a little nervous, a little excited and extremely curious to see what the card would be! On Samhain I dedicated myself to work with a new tarot deck for a full year which is the Shapeshifter Tarot by D.J. Conway and Sirona Knight, illustrated by Lisa Hunt. It is the same deck I am using for the Monthly Tarot Card page, so if you haven’t checked that out yet, please do.

Getting back to my card! I went through about three fourths of the deck before I found it, but when I did my mouth dropped open.

My card for 2015: Choice 

Traditional card: The Devil
Keywords: Resonance, flexibility, decision making

I am telling you, I almost flipped! The name of the card for one, spoke VOLUMES to me! I have been making conscious choices to better myself and my life; by letting go of fear and hate, by forgiving others as well as myself, and I've chosen to work on being more open to the Universe and my guides and accepting any and all help that is available to me. I swear, if I wasn't so stunned, I probably would have cried. Everything from the description of the card, to the message touched my heart.

Depicted in the card we see a satyr-woman who represents sexuality and action, usually embodied by their male counter parts, they are spirits who roam the forests and the mountains. Her companion, the winged centaur-man represents the dreaming man. The two are connected in sacred union by the golden circles of divine light around their ankles.  In one hand the centaur-man holds a torch representing passion and creative vision, his lady in the other. They travel together through a labyrinth fully aware of the golden thread that connects all spiritual dimensions.

I will be quoting directly from the book as I cannot fathom putting together better words to describe this card.

“Choice indicated a time to follow your inner voice and not let things throw you off balance. A card of motion, attraction, flexibility, and adaptability, the choice is yours, each and every moment of your life. This may be a good time to face any problems in life, remembering not to take yourself too seriously. Decisions need to be made using the four keys: wisdom, self-honesty, self-responsibility, and love. Hidden hopes and fears arise as you discard beliefs that have kept you chained to outworn or negative patterns. Learn to balance the magnetism and dynamism in your nature as the Choice card may indicate sacred sexuality as a form of play and creative expression. You may find yourself chained to a relationship or career, suddenly breaking free as you discover personal freedom within.”

There are so many things that I am taking away from this, and I do genuinely feel as though it will serve me throughout the year.

With the depiction of the card I feel as though I need to embody the fiery side of myself that I don’t let come out too often, and not be so passive and day dreamy. If I am to meet someone this year and develop a relationship with him, he will be more of the dreamer between us, allowing me to shine and maintain control. 

The four keys mentioned in the description are going to be words I revisit a lot throughout the year; I may even make some pictures with those words and hang them around my apartment.

Breaking free of a relationship is something that I really feel strongly about. There are a couple of people that I have considered either letting go of, or simply changing the nature of our relationship to make sure that the relationship we maintain is healthy and best for both parties, so this is a definite sign to make those changes.

It also reinforces the decision to not live in fear, to face the obstacles I have before me and to CHOOSE to be BRAVE with my life.

If you are interested in learning what you’re tarot card is for 2015 I will happily assist, just provide your month and day of birth and a way to contact you and I will get that to you. You can comment below or you can send me an email.

As always dears, I wish you and yours many bright blessings,

In light and love,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

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