Saturday, September 14, 2013

Catch Up

Hello again lovies,

First I want to apologize for my long absence, (or at least what I consider to be long.) My laptop was not turning on and I needed to get it fixed. Especially with school coming up, two of my classes are online, so having this little gal working was more then necessary.  (Side note, I named my laptop Harriett; just like Codex in the Guild at CheeseyBeards.)

In the couple of weeks that have passed since I had to take my computer in, a lot and a little has happened.
I took an impromptu trip to Portland to lend some moral support to some very special people to me. (I might do a separate post about that at another time.)

I also have been planning the celebration I will be sharing with my boyfriend. It'll be one year on the twenty-second of this month (September.) We will be spending the weekend on the coast, which I am crossing my fingers that the weather is decent.

Just a couple of short days after that I will be taking the train into Washington to spend a couple of days with my cousin and uncle and will be setting up to sell some of my jewelry in his new shop!

Then I come home just in time to start school! And so will begin my adventure...

I have been wanting to attend school for a few years now, but have not due to certain restrictions, which no longer apply, so I am more then excited and a tad nervous to begin this journey.

I'm not really sure what to expect with school, seeing as I have never been, so that makes it a little scary. But I can just tell that it's going to be one of the most exciting rides of my life.

©2013-2015 Thealynn

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