Monday, February 1, 2016

Facing My Chakras

Hey there loves,

This article was originally started on January 25th and was only lacking a few links below when my eyes and brain decided that I needed sleep. I considered changing the flow of the beginning, but decided that it was just as well that leave it.

I hope you enjoy!

Happy Mercury Goes Direct Day!

If you're not sure what that means, that's okay. If you're curious, you can follow the link here and learn all about Mercury Retrograde.

For those who are familiar with Mercury's patterns, you'll possibly be a little more understanding as to why I've stayed a bit on the down low, especially since my current laptop has been having technically problems without Mercury's help.

One thing about Mercury Retrograde that I do love though, is the opportunity to really spend those few weeks looking inward, and focusing on what magic I can work not only for myself but also for others.

I'm learning more and more how much I avoided healing for so long, and how severally it affected nearly every aspect of my life. The Universe has really had to poke and prod me to this point but I've been awakening and warming up to the idea of stepping into my role as a healer.

When I first went in to write that last sentence, I almost wrote "...idea of becoming a healer." Spirit made me stop and really think about that statement.

As broken has I have been and as low as I've found myself, I've always had this goal, this gift, this purpose; of being a healer, being a spiritual guide, of being the light for those who feel too frightened to take the necessary steps.

There were times in the last couple of years where my struggles overflowed into the lives of my loved ones because due to the lack of control I possessed when it came to what I was attempting to work through.

After making a series of changes, I've begun moving to a place where I'm able to not only see my soul's purpose, but my passion as well. I have no illusions about putting myself on any kind of time frame as to how long it will take for this to turn into a career or anything along those lines. For now I am viewing this journey as my own way of thanking the Universe for its support and guidance, and as a promise to not turn a blind eye or to tune out the messages I receive.

One adventure that I've decided to embark on for this year (2016) is I am going to be working on and paying special attention to my chakras.

I've known about the concept of chakras for a few years, and even received a chakra necklace as a birthday gift around 2010 - and it's just now that I am really open to how they work, how they affect everyday life, and what I can do to help myself by being aware of them.

If this is your first time hearing about chakras, there is a channel on Youtube called Spirit Science that has a couple of videos about chakras that make it really easy to understand that I really enjoyed. Here's the link for that: Intro to Chakras.

At the end of the year I am hoping that I'll be able to write an article combining the knowledge I've gained, what I will be doing different for the following year, as well as any tips I picked up along the way.

When I decided that this would be one of my self projects for this year, I was trying to determine how much time I should spend working on each chakra. With there being seven (main) chakras, I wanted to spend a good amount of time with each one, but stick to the one year time frame, starting from root to crown.

After doing a little math, I landed on working with each chakra for seven weeks. Seven chakras, seven weeks landed me with 49 weeks, leaving me with three weeks to play with.

As I go along however, I will be sharing the tools I am using for my work with each chakra.  The main tools that I have been using are; candles, stones, meditation, and essential oil. I'll make sure to include links to my favorite meditations.

The candles I have been using are from Aloha Bay. About this time last year when I was working on healing my heart space, which I wrote about in my Open Heart Series, I burned the heart chakra candles.

The smell is amazing, they burn beautifully and they come in two different sizes. I've also been using Root Chakra essential oil from Sun's Eye. They smell fantastic, and prior to acquiring my oil burner I would just take a wiff or two whenever I needed some grounding and reminding of my work.

I've been working with a couple of different stones to connect and to help heal my root chakra. The first stone I've been working with is garnet. Partially because it is a root chakra stone but also because it's a good stone for Capricorn, which I am.

 The other stone I've been working with Carnelian. Another good stone for Caps, and I learned that it can be used to with the first three chakras; root, sacral and solar plexus - but I'll be using other stones when I'm ready to move one.

As an additional way to connect and become more aware, I've been working with the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards by Tori Hartman. One the full and new moons I pull a card to see which chakra needs some healing and love, because I believe it's important to not ignore the rest while I might be focusing on one.

A friend purchased the set, and was kind enough to let me work with them a little bit, and I fell in love with them. I fully intend on acquiring my own.

One card in particular as come up almost every time I pulls cards, which I think is really quiet beautiful.

 "You are being given a chance to awaken to a new life. You may need to deepen your roots and anchor yourself by taking stock of what you would like to create. This is a time to start again and grow a strong foundation."

Before I even decided to begin this journey with my chakras, this card came to me, and I have to say it's repeated appearance serves as a reminder and a re-enforcement for the path that I am starting on.

Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I will be ready and able to write about my tarot card for 2016 as well as the card's counter part as I believe it could also give some additional insights.

I mentioned above that I have been using meditation as a tool to assist me in connecting with my root chakra, here are the three that I have found that I really enjoy.

They vary in length, as some times you have more time to meditate some days than others.

I'm including three different Root Chakra meditations, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and 25 minutes.

This ten minute meditation is composed of beautiful singing bowls. Perfect if you only have a few minutes, and just want to get in touch with your root chakra.

Singing Bowl Root Chakra Meditation

This next meditation is the one I started out with. It's almost a half an hour long, and it's guided, which can be incredibly helpful if you're not used to meditating, or if you're new to working with your chakras, like I am.

Guided Root Chakra Meditation

This meditation is probably my favorite one, it's a good amount of time and really gets you connected with your root chakra. One thing I will say about this meditation is that rather than having any kind of call back, it just ends.

I would recommend setting some kind of timer for a minute or so after the meditation ends to help bring you back, I've also found that wiggling fingers and toes helps to bring back the feeling of being grounded; and I always encourage people I work with to take their time coming out of a meditative state.

Deepak Chopra Root Meditation

I hope you find these meditations helpful, and that if you do begin your own journey working on your chakras, please know that there is no 'appropriate time frame' to work on each one.

Light, love, and blessings to you all,


©2013-2016 Thealynn Oceanna Rosewolf

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