Tuesday, September 27, 2016

General Chat: Like a Page from my Diary

Good evening loves,

It's been a lengthy break since my last article for several reasons, but I believe most importantly that I just needed to be able to breath, needed to air out my space, as this place is in fact so near and dear to me.

Some times even with things you love, taking a step back is necessary to regroup, recharge, and to recognize all of the wonderful things in your life. I know I've definitely needed that.

Writing to you tonight, we have gone through the portal of the new moon/solar eclipse combo and the full moon/lunar eclipse combo, made it through Mercury Retrograde, Mabon (Autumn/Vernal Equinox) and experienced two of three 9:9:9 energy dollops.

And this month is still not done...

We still have the second new moon of the month, known as the Black Moon as well as one last dip into the 9:9:9 - which happens to be tomorrow! Or today, depending on when you read this.

With all of that who-ha going on it's easy to get caught up in all of that energy, all of that crazy - you might be feeling overwhelmed, and it's totally understandable!

I myself have found it difficult to navigate some days, nigh impossible during others. It can be rather unsettling, especially when you experience a back spasm lasting for days at a time...

If I ever had a push to change some of my habits, I think this is the bull horn sounding as it's past time to get going on that. Admittedly I have talked about starting this and that as a way to get into a healthier life style, and while some things have stuck, not everything has.

Being pushed in this way also causes me to look at the bigger picture, which I have avoided in the past I think mostly because I didn't feel like I could handle the VAST BIG PICTURE. Every step just felt like a giant leap, and not that I'm ailing by any means, but I've known for a long time that I could be taking better care of myself.

As after almost a week of near consistent bed rest, I was excited to go back to work and get my mojo flowing. Subtly though, no need to rush into anything, not that I can rush much right now anyway.

I will say however that I was disappointed in my lack of enthusiasm when Mabon came round, because it's definitely one of my favorites out of the Celtic Wheel of the Year. Imbolc is neck 'n neck with Mabon and Yule sneaks in there too.

I spent the day getting used to my temporary medication and slept the majority of the day, but I did manage to send out my gratitude by making a list of all that I have to celebrate and burning the message. I also did a small meditation in which I spoke with all of my known guides and expressed gratitude to them as they work so hard on my behalf.

At the beginning of the month I was honored to celebrate the marriage of one of my dearest, and closest friends. It was magical in and of itself to watch him marry the perfect woman for him, and to dance the night away with him and his beautiful bride - and my amazing partner as well.

Barely a week after the wedding I received the best piece of news I've heard in my life - my case is progressing and is taking the next step. If you are unfamiliar with what I am referring to, I would encourage you to read the piece I wrote titled: Behind Door Number Four.

When I received the news, I started crying with relief, it was like a huge weight had been lifted from me. That's not to say that the metric fuck-ton of pressure and stress I live with everyday suddenly disappeared, it's merely one grain of salt taken off the top of a mountain.

I'm currently without a load of information, but I am beyond grateful and relieved to be moving forward, not just with my case, but in all areas of my life.

I can only speak for myself but I am feeling worn out by 2016. Granted a lot has changed, and there are still more changes to be seen or unseen, and we are very close to October which means we are that much closer to 2016 drawing to a close.

I really do find it remarkable, looking back to the beginning of this year; where I was mentally and emotionally, where I was working, who my friends were, who I was dating, what my goals were.

In just nine short months, so much as changed...

I'm grateful for those changes, I am grateful that I have come so far, that regardless and in spite of all of the hell that I have endured thus far this year, that I am still standing (mostly) and that even if I don't necessarily trust that I am ready for what's coming next, I know that I am not alone.

I think this is the first year in my adult life that I really feel that way. That I am not alone, that while I am capable of embodying the lone wolf, that I have a pack ready to back me up, ready to fight along side me, ready to face those hell fires with me.

I guess we'll see what else this year has in store, gods know it can be anything, and chances are, it's going to be everything.

Brightest Blessings to you all,


©2013-2016 Thealynn Oceanna Rosewolf

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