Hey there loves,
I probably mentioned this in my last posting, but boy howdy am I ready for September to be over. For only being thirty days long, this month has seen more shifts and changes, ebbs and flows, ups and downs, back and forth than I think any one month has seen in a LONG time.
Even though we celebrated the Vernal Equinox just a short time ago, for me, I've been feeling a bit sluggish in the transition between summer and autumn. Perhaps it's because of all of the cosmic energy going from one point to another, portal after portal, and tonight it feels like it's finally coming to a close with tonight's Black Moon.
Tonight it feels as though the breath I've been holding can finally be released and I can take in a deep breath beginning October first. I honestly don't even know if I can say specifically why that it is, only that I've been looking forward to it for weeks now.
With all of the hub-bub that's been going on this month, I've felt a great need to not only reevaluate the emotional, mental, and spiritual clutter; but physical clutter as well.
For over half of my life, I have moved on average once a year. The longest I can remember staying in one place was four years. As for where I live now, it's been about a year and a half, which isn't bad; however it is a distinct possibility that I will be relocating once again near the beginning of next year.
As that has been on my mind, I begin to take account of what I have been carting around with me for the last five years and I ask myself if it's something I want to take with me this next time. The isn't including the items I received from my mother when she had a mind to move across the country and cleaned out her house, storage unit, and garage. Most of which, I have narrowed down and three fourths of said items have already been donated.
Being that routinely purging myself of unused items is a habit of mine, it also made sense to take a look at my alter, and decide what I might want to change out, what I might want to bring in, and I must say that I am very pleased with the results.
Some of the items I've never had on my alter prior to now, as I never really felt a calling towards those items. I even took it upon myself to create a second smaller alter, which I absolutely adore.
With my new alters in place, cleaned and charged, it really makes the energy of my space feel more, magical. Which might sound silly to say, but it's truly how the space feels. I feel comfortable spending time in front of my alters, I WANT to spend time in front of my alters, which is something that I can't has I've really felt this strongly before.
I feel myself wanting to craft, and to create, to dive deeper into my spiritual studies and practices and for the first time since beginning this path, I feel comfortable calling myself a witch. I'll be writing about that journey in a separate piece.
September has been like one giant trip down the rabbit hole, if the rabbit hole was like a whirlwind with different portals to navigate with a touch of asking Toto if Kansas was where we even started in the first place.
During this Black Moon I will be working with not just one dark goddess but three. It only seems fitting between the three moon phases, the 9.9.9 x 3, the portals of the eclipses and the turning of the wheel from the light to the dark time of year.
Not only will I be doing ritual work with three amazing goddess, I will be setting intentions for 2017, which is strange for me to really think about as I feel the past two years have been so transformative, I sincerely feel like 2017 is going to see a lot of manifestation, and I am curious to see how it unfolds.
I do think that this is an amazing to be setting those intentions though, as we are quickly approaching Samhain, the Celtic New Year, and what many pagans view as their magical New Year.
I know that one of the things I've been thinking on recently is that I want to trying and get ahead when it comes to planning and preparing for rituals, holidays, and aspects of the more 'mundane' as well.
In a way I feel as though 2015 was the year I took the blinders off, and really took a look at my life and myself and genuinely asked myself where the hell I was going. I remember starting of in 2015 thinking that all of these amazing changes were going to happen and that I was going to kickstart and just be awesome about getting my ducks in a row.
At the year end I found myself assessing what progress I had made, taking account of what I still needed to focus on, what areas I needed help with, and asking the question, was I happy where I was.
Early 2016 was a lot of cleaning skeletons out of closets, taking out the trash and really deep cleaning the parts of my life that were being neglected. 2016 was the first time in my life where I have continuously put myself first and didn't apologize for it.
2016 has been a year that has been desperately fighting to get back into balance, and tonight I think is one more milestone of the journey. Tonight I will take a power vacuum to all of the corners and crevices to snatch up any remaining dust and cobwebs holding onto old, stagnant, no longer needed energy, ideas, perceptions and emotions that keep me attached to past.
Tonight I will set my intentions, I will meet with the Universe through the divine feminine, I will bathe in the glory of fresh beginnings and I will emerge on the other side ready to greet the rest of this year refreshed and ready for the work ahead.
Rather than waiting until the end of December to think about how you want to improve your life next year, start thinking about it now. Beginning setting yourself up now, and really consider what you can do to help yourself succeed next year. Start planning ahead, and be open to alternative methods, be flexible and I think you'll be amazed at what can happen when you're open to the possibility.
I shared this photo on my Instagram page, and I loved it so much, I will share it here also. If you would like to follow me on Instagram, I'll leave a link for you here: My Instagram.
If this is the first time you're hearing about the Black Moon and are curious about what this might mean for you, I'll include a few links to some articles that I read and really enjoyed.
I've also shared some of these links on my Facebook page that I will link for you as well: My FaceBook.
This article talks about the power of connecting with the goddess Lilith during this Black Moon: September's Black Moon: The Rare, Powerful Feminine Goddess Lilith.
If you're interested in celebrating and working with this Black Moon energy but aren't quiet sure how, I found this simple ritual that I liked so much, I shared it in one of my groups.
One thing I want to say, is that when it comes to ritual, never be ashamed to work with what you have, even if all you have is you. Tools are nice to have and they can help add to the experience, but some of the most profound rituals I've done have literally just been me and the Universe. Black Moon Ritual
Writing abundance checks is a practice that I try to do every month, and it doesn't always happen, but it just goes to show that planning ahead is something I know I can benefit from.
Don't have a printer? No problem, you can hand draw your checks, it works just as well, if not more so because you are putting your energy and intentions in from start to finish. Writing New Moon Abundance Checks.
The last link I want to share with you is a Youtube Channel. If you've been with me before you know that finding Sage Goddess has been a major help to me not just in my practice but in transforming my life as a whole.
Tonight we are gathering in ritual to work with the energies of the Black Moon and you can too! I link her YouTube channel because you can come back and visit whenever it's convenient as all of the rituals are archived.
I sincerely recommend watching/participating in at least one ritual and see how you feel, I personally love them - clearly as I am recommending them here! Sage Goddess Black Moon Ritual.
I hope to be able to provide more resources and ideas with you all as time goes on, and hopefully I'll get better at doing so in a timely manner.
I will be drawing a new card for the Monthly Tarot Card tomorrow, so don't miss that, and if you're in need of more personalized guidance, I can help you with that also.
May this Dark Moon shine some light for you as we move towards Sahmain and into the dark half of the year. I encourage you all to release at least one thing that you know does not serve you, and to set an intention to help replace that one thing with something that makes you happy, that serves your higher purpose.
Brightest Blessings,
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