Friday, September 27, 2013

First Steps

Something that I have seen quiet a bit when people are looking for a place to start, is where did I start? Where did we start? Our generation is very lucky in that we  have the internet, and Youtube, and countless other resources. Ten, twenty years ago, others who were like minded did not have that luxury. There is also the timeless classic: How did you know? How did you know that this was right for you?

I honestly don't think it's one of those things where you know from the moment you are born that this is the right path. I think a lot of it is trial and error. Or curiosity. One could argue that it is merely chance, or happenstance; stumbling into it. 

For me personally, as I have mention previous, I was raised in a Christian family I grew up going to church, and being expected to know about the contents of the Bible. Fiction like Harry Potter was of the devil, and a movie like Hocus Pocus, (or later) Underworld was a neon sign to Satan that we were open for spiritual attacks.

I was formally introduced to paganism by my dad around the age of twelve, as he was very spiritually minded and connected with native american spirituality. My guess is that after the umpteenth time I told him about the feelings I got from animals, plants, the wind even, it was safe to say something.

So realistically, my spiritual journey started about as early as I could remember. Not that it didn't have it's detours however. There were periods of my life where I flat out refused to believe anything. I didn't give two figs about anything, so it made things easier if the universe worked the same way. 

As a child I was sensitive to energies and spirits, not that I knew the name, or even what they were really. But there were there just as much as I was, and that was good enough for me.

Like most young people who start exploring the idea of paganism, Wicca was the first path I was introduced to. I didn't understand a lot about it, and I naturally assumed (like most who don't know better) that Wicca and Witchcraft were the same thing. Or at the very least that they naturally went together. 

Through most of my teen years I went back and forth on whether I believed anything I had read or been told about paganism and spirituality. I knew what I felt and I knew what I had experienced, but with the divorce of my parents being so nasty, with the main focus being religion or lack there of depending on which side we were referring too, I just didn't want anything to do with anything.

It wasn't until I was out of high school that I felt safe enough within myself to take another look. I felt like I had a fairly decent grasp on Wicca. I learned how Witchcraft differs from Wicca, which took some time to make the separation stick.

For the first couple of years I just explored what I specifically thought, believed, felt was right. I would read books here and there that I could get my hands on. But it wasn't until I year and a half ago that I really began to take my spiritual path as more then something I kept between myself and my Dad. I began reading more, exploring different ideas, different paths, and began to really develop.

By the time I was in a place where I was willing and able to accept myself and my experiences and I wasn't scared to share it, or even acknowledge it, my spiritual path became something of great comfort for me. Having faith in what I know to be my soul's truth has been such a blessing. It has helped me in so many ways.

The universe is patient. If you're not sure, or if you're questioning, there is no one to guilt you because you're unsure. It took me most of my life (up until this point) to be solid in the general direction of my spiritual path. You may very well spend your whole life studying, learning, growing, questioning.

There are aspects of my path that I never thought I would incorporate. Like working with stones and crystals. I don't have a big collection, but I like having them. I enjoy learning about them and working with them. I've had a tarot deck for almost four years, and I'm still learning. I love giving readings to a few close friends, and of course my mentor. But I don't think I'm any where near giving readings for strangers.

As far as how I knew this was right for me, it really just took time. I was back and forth for years before I settled. I was lucky that I had a few very strong supportive people who were like minded that gave me the go ahead to believe what felt right. Not what they believed because that was their path, if they coincided, great! If not, great! We can learn from each other.

In the next couple of posts I'll make a list of books that I have read geared towards beginners, and a little blurb on my take on the books.

For now lovies, I am visiting family, and they would probably like some interaction.

Blessings and Light to you and yours.

©2013-2015 Thealynn

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