Sunday, September 29, 2013

Every Journey Begins with a Single Step

I wanted to take a moment and write another short post. Most of this was written on my way home from my trip to Washington, but like the other post, I got distracted and so I wanted to make sure that I finished it.

This post is a little bit more of a journal entry style, but I thought it was important to share it.

I am already missing Washington. I'm not sure how much of it is Washington and how much of it is my uncle, and cousin, and their store. It really changes you when you're surrounded by so much magically charged energy. It's a very similar feeling I get when I walk into the local metaphysical shop at home.

Even though this was the first time I spent time with them, never once did I feel like I was intruding, or somehow didn't belong. After feeling like such a stranger with my own siblings and at times with my mother, making such an instant connection with people who I had met maybe once or twice previously, was a huge comfort.

During my trip I got to explore parts of Washington, including the Wolf Haven that I wrote about in a previous post. I also got to spend quiet a bit of time in the store. Not only did I get to learn about some of the process of running a store, but I even brought some of my jewelry to see if it will sell! Thank you auntie for the suggestion, thank you uncle for thinking it was a good one!!

This entire trip has been such an amazing experience. Bonding with family, getting an inside look at the working of the kind of store that I myself have hoped of one day opening, or at least being a part of, a place to sell and showcase my jewelry and I can promote their shop all at the same time.

When I stop to think about where I was this time two years ago, it's hard not to become overwhelmed from the memories of everything that I was going on at the time. This time last year, I had just begun a relationship with someone who truly valued me, and my experiences.

I am just completely an entire world away from where I was. Two years ago, I had no clue if I would ever go to school, I was in an unhealthy relationship, I was settling for a future that I wasn't sure I actually knew anything about. I wasn't in control of where I was going, and I wasn't being supported by the person I had built my life around.

Now, even though we're currently long distance, I am with someone who may not share all of the same views that I have, but he supports me. He encourages me to do whatever it takes to be happy and successful. To walk whatever path I feel called to, regardless of whether or not he is on the path with me.

My first term of school officially begins tomorrow, and in the last six months I have been home, I have already moved leaps and bounds from where I was.

During my train ride home as the rain came down I took the time to reflect just enough to reenforce the conviction that I never want to be in that kind of place again. In a letter to my closest friend I wrote

...Never again will I let myself be held back, or believe the falsehood of someone who doubts me.”

This trip has done so much for me, in just four days I have summed up the courage to not be chased by the fear of uncertainty, but to move forward with determination.

There's just a few short months of this year left, it'll be interesting to see where this path will lead.

©2013-2015 Thealynn

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