Saturday, September 14, 2013

God Talk

One of the things that I have been thinking about quiet a bit lately is how to incorporate the god into my everyday life. As I am sure a lot of people can relate to, having the goddess represented as an equal is a main part of our spirituality, perhaps even a dominating factor.

I've always had a bit of a hard time relating to the god, in that being raised Christian and had an absent father figure most of my childhood, I was always more then eager to recognize the goddess, and incorporate her into my spiritual path.

Reflecting on the subject, it is a bit interesting to me however that in my very first meditation to meet the goddess, the god made an appearance as well. At the time I didn't think much of it, but in looking back I can see now that it was his quiet way of saying that: I'm here, when you're ready. I'll be watching over you.

It's even more interesting to me that the first interaction I had with specific deity was a god. Hades in fact, kind of the last manifestation I ever really expected to see, or to encounter, rather.  

Even with those experiences, I feel as though the god may get forgotten, and pushed to the back of our focus. I had another experience a couple of weeks ago while I was dealing with some financial business where I very strongly felt a sense of god energy. It was very subtle at first, but once I recognized what it was, it became very strong and a very prominent glow.

Since then I have been trying to really answer what I expected to be a fairly simple question. Which lead to another, which lead to another, and another.

Where does the god fit in with my spiritual path? What exactly does he do? What does he represent? How do I recognize him, and honor him?

I was kind of stunned when I realized that I didn't have a solid answer to any of those questions. Obviously he is the male half of the source, of the universe; consort to the goddess.

After that however, I was tapped out. I had absolutely not a clue what the god represented to me. Which, in all honesty, made me feel horrible. Previously I had worked solely with the goddess, with just about everything. Finding a way to work the god was a thought, but not a priority to me. And of course like most other things regarding my spiritual path, it came to me on its own accord, and when it felt right, I ran with it.

I have these gorgeous statues that I purchased at a local place in town and I fell in love with them instantly. It was really encouraging to me to have a like idea of how I view deity, and a very specific way to call on their energies. I had been looking at statuary for quiet some time, and when I saw these, I knew instantly that I would not be leaving the store without them.

 The lighting in my room can be a tad difficult to work with, so I tried to make sure my shadow didn't interfere with the shots too much.

I wanted to show the back of the statues also because seeing the carvings on the back because until I went to take the photos I hadn't noticed!

Which I feel a little silly about, but honestly I think it just makes them more special.

I could gush about these forever!

I think it goes without saying that having statuary of the god and goddess is definitely not necessary. There are literally hundreds of thousands of ways to honor them, and call on their energy. Again, I had been looking for statuary for a while, and being that I am a very visual person, this is what works for me personally.

One thing that I have found that I really enjoy, and helps me focus in on the energy of the god and goddess is having different items to represent them, to call on their energy, help me feel their presence.

For example: growing up in a Christian family, I definitely felt more connected to that god when I wore a cross. Listening to certain music helps get me in a certain frame of mind. Like mediation music, or classical to help me fall asleep. It goes the same way for this path also, having physical reminders helps me focus.

One of the things I also purchased at the store on a separate trip was a three armed candelabra with a white, red, and black candle respectively to represent the three faces of the goddess. Maiden, Mother, Crone. I loved it, and brought it home, set it up alter began looking very goddess focused...lopsided even. Which was slightly concerning, but I wasn't sure what to do about it.

I wasn't sure how I connected to the god, how to find him outside of how I generally see him. With the goddess, I see her in the moon, in the earth, in water. But where did I find the god? Looking at my alter it struck me, what if I got a second candelabra, and used different colored candles? But what colors would I use? Was there a triple god aspect?

I knew already of the Holly King, and the Oak King, but what else was there? So I looked! I came across a blog post by Lady Caer Morganna, and in that post she talks about the Triple God, and what that looks like to her. She mentions the Young Lord, the King and the Sage. The Rising Sun/Dawn, Noon, and the Setting Sun/Sunset.

After a bit more digging, I also found a couple of other posts referring to the Young Lord as the Youth, or as the Warrior. I also found the triple aspect described as The Hunter and the Hunted, The Lover and the Fighter, The Giver and the Taker.

There was also the idea of tying the aspects of the god, with the goddess to the pentacle: Maiden-Greenman-Mother-Horned God-Crone.

In my own mind, it makes the most sense that the goddess would have a companion all through life. So there would be a triple god aspect.

Friend to the Maiden, I think would be the Young Lord. Associated with the color yellow. The rising sun, bright, vivacious, full of energy. 

Consort to the Mother, for me would be the Oak King or the Horned God. Associated with the color green. He is the hunter, provider for his people, the leader in battle, the warrior.

Companion to the Crone, to me would be the Holly King or the Sage. Associated with the color blue. He is Merlin, the keeper of knowledge, adviser, full of wisdom, the teacher.

None of this is necessarily set in stone. It's still a fairly new concept for me and it's definitely still evolving. But I think I like it the way it is right now. 

Now that I have at leas that part figured out, that leaves me with figuring out how and what does the god represent in my life and in my path.

One thing was fairly clear to me, the god made his presence known when I was dealing with financial matters. I also got a burst of god energy when I was having a few concerns about school, like actually doing well. I also felt god energy when I thought about taking a break from my Etsy page. 

So rather then trying to figure it out, he let me know without doubt where he would be involved. When it comes to concentration, focus, and will power with work, school, and my business, that is where my energy is going to channeling to and through.

The goddess is definitely my passion, and my creativity, my ideas and the desire to do them. The god will be the driving force to make it happen, and have it make sense in a prosperous way. 

So there is my god talk. I'm curious how you relate to the god, and how you recognize him. What colors would you use for the candles. If you were to (or do) recognize a tripe god aspect, what colors would you use to represent each aspect?

i.e. White~Maiden, Red~Mother, Black~Crone

In case you fall as much in love with these statues as I did, one of my favorite shops is carrying them now. I will also include a link where you can check out the artist.

For now my dearies, I bid you adieu as I have work in the morning.

Blessings and Light to you and yours.

Mickie Muller

NOTE 09/18/13

I found this book while I was killing time downtown.

I haven't been able to crack it open yet, because I am currently in the middle of another book. I did flip through it before purchasing it, and read the little blurb on the back, and it talks about gods from different pantheons, as well as making ways to incorporate the god into your practice.

I'm pretty excited about this find, for me it's also a clear confirmation from the universe that I am on the right track with my path.

Gotta love those!

©2013-2015 Thealynn

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