Friday, July 10, 2015

The Intuitive Tag

Hey lovies,

I thought this would be a fun little way for you to get to know me a little better as well as maybe answer some questions that have been floating around out there.

I snagged this idea from Youtube, there were a few vlogger's doing these back in February and rather than trying to make a video about it I would just post about it here!

Of course if at any time you have other questions or topic requests you can leave them in the comments below or you can email me.

So let's jump in!

1. Share your first paranormal experience that comes to mind.

The first paranormal experience that really comes to mind was shortly after my great-grandfather died. It was a couple of months after my folks got married and he had been there for the wedding and we'd visited once more before heading back home, and I remember feeling sad that us kids couldn't go with my parents back to Nebraska for the funeral. 

The night my parents left for the airport I felt incredibly depressed, and I just felt that it wasn't right that I was missing something so important. I couldn't sleep for the life of me, and I just remember thinking over and over again, 'I'm sorry Great-G, I wish I could be there.'

After only a couple of minutes he came to me in his spirit form and reassured me that I was right for staying home. 'Stuffy funerals aren't for young girls.' He stayed with me until I was just about to fall asleep. As he was leaving I asked that he visit my older sister, as she was taking it as hard as I was, to which he agreed. 

The next morning my sister told me how she'd dreamed of our Great-G the night before, and how she felt better knowing he was in a better place.

2. Have you ever had a premonition? 

Yes, I have. I remember being so afraid and feeling so guilty because I predicted the time frame for my grandmother's death.

3. When did you get your first Tarot or Oracle deck? What deck was it?

My first tarot deck was a gift from my folks for my 20th birthday, and they were the Duidcraft Tarot.

4. What element do you connect with the most?

It's incredibly difficult for me to say which element I connect with most because it's such a close race between Earth and Water.

5. Do you believe in Faeries?

I absolutely believe in Faeries! One of my most used oracle decks has faeries living in it!

6. Do you prefer the Moon or the Sun?

I connect with the moon much more easily, but I am working on my relationship with the sun, and I'll say we've come a long way!

7. What is your favorite Crystal or Stone?

While any form of moonstone will always have a special place in my heart, flourite is definitely winning my heart right now. 

8. Can you see spirits/spiritual beings?

 Occasionally, I used to be much more proficient as a child. I typically feel their energy and hear them now. 

9. Would you rather be able to fly on a broomstick, breathe under water, make things grow fast, or control fire?

I would have to say I would rather breath under water, not only would I be able to live part time in the ocean, I would also be able to use that ability to help clean our oceans.

10. What is the animal totem that you feel most connected too?

 On a consistent basis, I would have to say Wolf, but Horse has been connecting with me very deeply over the last few months.

11. What is your first animal/spirit totem?

My very first was actually Orca, a little known fact. 

12. Tell us about your first spirit guide?

The first spirit guide I worked with with actually a forum of deity, and that was Hades. Considering my knowledge at the time of what we now call 'ancient deity' he was the last one I ever expected to see, next to maybe Kali. I still work with Hades from time to time, whenever he decides I need him.

13. Do you feel more connected to the stars or the Earth?

While I've always loved the stars, I definitely feel a stronger connection with the Earth.

14. What is your preferred method of blessing/cleansing?

I haven't done a lot of blessings, but I have certainly done my fair share of cleansings, and I prefer to use sage, but in lieu of that, incense usually works well enough.

15. What color do you feel most spiritually connected too?

This question actually stumped me for a while, I really had to think on it.
I did finally land on green though, for a few reasons. Green is one of the colors connected with the Heart Chakra, which I have been doing a lot of work with. Green is the color associated with the Earth, which is an element I am very strongly connected with; and it's associated with aspects that I am currently working on manifesting in my life, such as prosperity and health.

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