Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Opening the Door

Hey there lovies,

I have to be honest and say that I've been laughing at myself a little bit today. I've been working with a good friend of mine, to alter and change things around here so that I can effectively offer readings here, Through the Secret Door.

It's been some time since I wanted to share so much all at once and I had planned originally for things to be a bit more spaced out and not a giant lump of information at you all at once.

I had intended to be able to offer the readings beginning on the Solstice, but again, timing. So it became official in the wee hours of the morning, and I did a couple of announcements on social media, but I wanted to share it here as well along with a couple of other posts.

So with this being the first, there will be three posts made live today. Throughout the rest of the week I'm sure you'll see me share them in various places but I really do want to just get it all out there!

In the last couple of months I've been working and developing a Circle, that I have made very tight bonds with and in doing so I have felt myself grow and change in ways that I thought would take years to achieve. Don't get me wrong, I am still very much on a path of learning and exploring, and I sincerely hope that that adventure never stops.

I do want to express how excited I am about this leap I am taking, if only for just a moment. I've been studying the tarot for almost seven years now and working with oracle for about three. I never imagined that I would feel a calling to do something like this as a way of income. I remember watching videos on Youtube of people receiving readings, and I remember thinking how skilled these men and women were, and how much time and dedication it took to get to where they were. I never pictured myself as one of them.

I'd always just done readings for myself or for my friends, and I loved doing that, what I've been learning though is that I love helping people by becoming a conduit between them and the Universe.

This past Friday was my first experience readings for strangers in a professional setting, and the last woman I helped was a reader herself, so I was a bit nervous at first. But the moment I took the cards back and began laying them out, I felt a sense of calm, a sense of purpose, of confidence.

This fellow reader had a subject weighing so heavily on her mind, that I could physically feel how much the situation was weighing on her. I must have spent 45 minutes with her, but it was all worth it to see the relief and the hope that was now with her.

While I know that realistically, it might not be the same for every client, even though I was energetically drained, I couldn't have been happier to meet this woman.

That one reading alone taught me such a valuable lesson: be more open.

Sounds simple enough, and even though it's something I've gotten better at being open to the blessings of the Universe, there is one area that I've kept myself clear of: love.

In my post A Truly Open Heart, I described my experience and insight into saying goodbye to my first love. I was ready to say goodby to the old, but I wasn't ready to say hello to the new.

Well, that's changing. I wrote a poem back in January while writing my Open Heart Series but I wasn't quite ready to share it. I always felt that when the time was right, I would know it, and I would only publish it then.

Today is that day. I realized that I can never be truly open to the blessings of the Universe if I set a limit or restriction, so today I am forgoing all resistance.

I am open to success, I am open to prosperity, I am open to joy, I am open to opportunity, I am open to friendship, I am open to family, I am open to love.

I hope that you are open to the blessings of the Universe dear ones, it can only hold wonders for you

In light and love,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

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