Thursday, December 25, 2014

Holiday Spirit

Season's Greetings lovies,

I originally hadn't planned on writing a post today, but with the events of the last couple of days, I decided that I would share some of my thoughts with you all.

I worked yesterday (which depending on when you read this, I will clarify, it was Christmas eve) and everyone around me was either doing their last minute shopping or talking about their plans for the next day.

I knew weeks in advance that I would not be spending Christmas day with any of my family members, and I was prepared to spend the day in my pajamas, have a wonderful breakfast with my fuzzy child and spend the whole day watching movies.

As the day wore on, I began to notice that I was feeling a bit sad that I didn't have anywhere to go on Christmas; that even though I had already celebrated with one part of my family and I still had one celebration day to go, I was concerned that I would end up being lonely and that maybe I wasn't as content with spending the day alone as I had thought.

I resolved that regardless of how I ended up feeling, that I was not the first person to spend Christmas without family, and I certainly wouldn't be the last. It was one day, I would make it through.

I'm sure at least a couple of you are wondering: If you're a practicing pagan, why do you care about Christmas?

I wondered that myself for a moment to be honest, so I decided that I would figure it out.

I'll admit that I worried for a moment that perhaps the root of my sadness might have been coming from a material place. Was I being shallow or nostalgic? I decided that it was best to be honest with myself and really looked inside as I walked home.

It was true that I missed being a wide eyed child and the magic of a beautifully decorated Christmas tree with shiny presents wrapped beneath it.

But then I thought about the years when we had little or even nothing, and the best gift that I received was spending time with the people I loved. Knowing that there were warm hugs and laughter waiting for me at my grandparents house that always smelled of vanilla and my grandmother's perfume. Or as I got older that I had a significant other's family to visit, play games and have a meal together.

As I turned onto my street I concluded that while material gifts are always appreciated, it was the realization that I have entered into a time in my life where it's just me. That I'm not always going to be celebrating and seeing my family on traditional days.

Approaching the house I decided that regardless past traditions, the days I spent with my family would be the real holidays, forget what the calendars say. That's when I spotted one of my housemates and she spotted me. I was promptly invited to spend Christmas eve with the majority of the tenants and some of their friends. I gladly accepted.

Once they learned I had no plans for today (Christmas day) I was invited to spend all of the next day with them as well, and we would simply have a little house Christmas. I was all too happy to accept.

I've been in my current place for about six months, and I am only now caught up on meeting the other dwellers. Most of us are from out of state, several of us are single ladies who enjoy a glass of wine and good company.

A couple of us are even on similar paths, both in life and spiritually. Which is something that I will write more about another time, but I will say that I am so excited!

Call it coincidence, call it a Christmas miracle, call it whatever you like. I'm going to call it a blessing and a gift from the Universe. The ritual I did for the new moon, and one affirmation that I have been putting to the universe is to not only expand my social circle, but to also expand my spiritual circle and both of those things are happening.

Much like Scrooge finding the meaning of Christmas in the classic Dickens novel, I discovered that while I don't celebrate Christmas religiously, I do celebrate Christmas as a family holiday. It's one of the few times, some times the only time of year when I get to see most of my family; and when we all spend time together.

One other surprise that I wanted to share with you is the mystery gift! When I turned in for the night during the early morning hours, there was a package by my front door. I was tired, and a bit tipsy last night so I have been saving it. It's from one of my favorite shops Sage Goddess, and I haven't the foggiest what it could be or who it is from, but I can't wait to find out!

I'll make a separate post about that in the next few days.

All of that being said,

I hope all of you know that regardless of what or when you celebrate, that you are loved and cherished. That even though things may seem dark, and that times may have been rough, this next year is going to be amazing; filled with magic, and wonder, with so many beautiful changes and possibilities.

Wishing each and every one of you the Merriest of Christmases,

In light and love,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

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