Monday, December 29, 2014

For All Intents and Purposes

Hello lovies,

I have been receiving the same question by several people during the last few days, so I thought I would take some time to answer that question.

As you may have noticed, there are posts dated from last year, and then I simply disappeared for a year. The last post I made before the hiatus wasn't even published until almost a month after I had written it. So it's only natural that people would wonder:

Why did I stop writing? What caused me to start this project up again? Why decide to make this a public blog instead of keeping it private like a journal?

The main reason I stopped writing was simply because I was utterly and completely overwhelmed by everything else that I had going on in my life at the time. I was working full time in a very demanding and stressful environment, I was trying to do school part time, I had mutually ended a loving relationship because neither of us were really getting what we needed, and home life was stressful to the point where I felt like I had to leave as soon as possible.

I could barely keep myself together to go to work only to come home to a place that I didn't feel welcome while trying to keep up with school work.

Writing just was not a priority for me. I didn't even think about my blog for months after I made that last post. I honestly can't recall what made me decide to visit my page and look over everything again. But it happened and here we are! I guess it's just divine design.

What compelled me to start writing again? Well, if you check out the first post since coming back which is titled When One Door Closes, you'll read about a very powerful experience, and I just felt inspired. I had to write, I had to share my experience. A couple of years ago I tried my hand at a Youtube channel talking about my path and my experiences and while it was cathartic at the time, I didn't always feel comfortable filming since I did not live alone and those I lived with were not supportive or understanding of my path. So that was an endeavor that did not last long. I also did not feel savvy enough with posting and filming and editing, etc.

Why make the blog public? For very much the same reason that I wanted to have a successful Youtube channel. I wanted to connect with others who were of similar minds, and on similar paths, but I also wanted to do something to give back to those who unknowingly helped me on my path. I wanted to do something to help my community, near or far.

Helping to spread tolerance and helping to provide education on what this path can be like, I believe are essential things. There is so much hate and propaganda, misinformation, and ignorance (either by design or happenstance) that simply is unnecessary.

People are going to believe what they like, and some may even refuse to educate themselves, and that is their choice. But because of the negative shroud that paganism has been cloaked in, people can be scared away from either learning for themselves, or accepting that their hearts truth lies somewhere beneath that enormous umbrella.

By being open, and honest and sharing all of the ways that we are just like everyone else, but perhaps do things a bit differently; it not only opens the lines of communication, but it illuminates the truth versus the fantastical. Which is something I wholeheartedly believe in.

I believe in it so strongly that I have slowly been taking steps to put myself out into the pagan community where I live. Admittedly my comfort levels have varied since the time I decided it was something I wanted to do, but everything in its own time.

In fact it's only been in the last couple of weeks that I have begun making connections with those in my immediate community about becoming involved with a couple of different groups. Which is so exciting to me, I am so anxious to see how these connections develop and just to see where this adventure takes me.

I know that taking those first steps can be hard and even scary, in fact I know better then most. It's taken half of my life and several other necessary journeys to bring me to this place. By no means did I simply jump in, I played a lot of spirituality-chicken.

So if you're not sure what exactly what you believe or if you're interested in learning more but you're not sure if you should-I've been there. I understand how frustrating it can be being so uncertain about something that so many people are certain of.

Don't be afraid to take your time. Don't feel like you have to decide by a certain point, as if there is some deadline that is ticking away. I created those types of limitations for myself because I felt like I had to, and all it did was push me away from everything that I could or did believe in whether I openly admitted it or not.

This journey is for YOU, for YOUR benefit.

I feel called to help bring paganism out into the open, so we're not all crunched into the broom closet together, as part of this life's purpose. To let the world in, to let them see, to help those who are willing to listen understand who we are and what it is that we do.

My goal is not to make paganism popular or 'main stream'. My goal is to help erase the fear that has been ingrained into society, to help lift the wool the has been pulled over the eyes of the world and to help people understand that hate and negative stereotypes only cause us to go backwards instead of moving forwards.

So, there you have it!

Now, if you are waiting for the post about my mystery gift, I am afraid that you will have to wait a few days longer as I am out of town for my birthday, I have not forgotten! I am hoping to have that and at least one most post up before the end of the week, but I make no promises as this time of year is so busy.

If nothing else be sure to check in on the weekly oracle card and monthly tarot card as this will be your last chance to see the card for December as it will be changing in just a few short days!

Sending you all light and love and patience this night; you deserve to take your time and the freedom to search your soul's truth. The Universe is full of patience and understanding, even in times when we are not.

Many blessings to you and yours,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

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