Monday, December 8, 2014

They Find You

Hello again lovies,

I told you I wouldn't be gone for long! I'm going to try and keep this post on the shorter side because this is a subject that I intend to go into more detail with, but this was too cool for me not to share with you today!

I began working with crystals a little over a year now. There is a one shop in town that sells them, and the woman who owns the shop has been doing so for the last fourteen years. Very wise, very knowledgeable. I've spent enough time there, that now I volunteer when I can.

The first time I went in to purchase stones for myself I was a bit nervous, because I had never expected to work with stones, at the time I didn't believe they could do anything for me. With the situation I was facing, I was about ready to try anything.

I started off fairly simple, a few here, a few there. A few for home, a couple to keep at work. I could feel some results, even if all it was doing was putting a wall between me and what was happening-I'd take it!

Well, several months passed by and I felt called to do a meditation, and I chose to do so with a couple of my stones.

Let me tell you, it knocked me on my ass! The mediation was so deep, and the messages I received so clear, and vivid, I was almost afraid to touch them after that! But of course I did, carefully, but I did.

I decided that I would reserve my use of them for when I really needed it, which is also what I did with my tarot and oracle cards.

Why you may ask?

I was concerned that if I used them too often, I would become dependent on their guidance, and that it would lessen and distort the messages I received.

A fair and logical conclusion, but not terribly accurate. The truth of the matter was that I didn't trust my guides, my tools or myself enough to work with them freely.

As time went on, I would use them here and there, and would occasionally pick up additional stones. My little gem family now has around 50 members! Including two new additions from today.

When I went into the shop, I had an intention of spending less than five dollars, since that was how much cash I had with me, and I was looking for a stone to help me with the headaches that I had been experiencing.

There was another guest in the shop, who I ended up helping along with the volunteer who was on duty. Once she was taken care of, I asked for assistance with the reason for my visit.

Most of the stones that were listed for helping headaches I either had or were not in the shop, a few were over the budget I had set for myself. I kept coming back to the smoky quartz, which surprisingly enough was not already a part of my gem family.

Next to it on the table were yellow jasper. Before I could even process the thought, I had one ready to take home. The smoky quartz were almost overflowing! I had a little bit more of a time trying to find the one that was meant to come home with me, but I found 'em!

The nice thing about shopping locally is that the prices are almost unbeatable, but I know that not everyone has that option. So if not, I would HIGHLY recommend the shops I mentioned in my previous post. Not only are they run by amazing women, but helping others through spiritual tools is infused with their life's purpose.

The first blurb about yellow jasper is from the Sage Goddess listing. The description is just too perfect, and it just instilled so much encouragement and confidence in my intuition.

"First, let me say how important the solar plexus Chakra is to your energy's well being. It's the center of your Chakra system, the source of your power, and the core of your personal evolution. It connects the upper and lower Chakras, creating a sense of alignment that's unmatched. Any stone of the yellow ray can balance the solar plexus Chakra, creating a strong foundation. Yellow Jasper takes it a step further. It creates a sense of stability and gives one a feeling of being "enough". Enough to make it through your hardest times and to deal with any situation. I love to carry yellow jasper whenever my confidence is lacking and I need a bit of a boost.

Yellow jasper takes its time when working on your center, but is no less powerful. True change takes time to development and this stone makes sure you are fully prepared to roar with full lioness power. "

The second is from a website that I use quite frequently, the link will be here.

"Smoky quartz is a very protective and grounding stone. It brings physical and psychic protection. It is also an excellent stone for protection from negative energy, as It removes negativity and negative energy of any kind and transforms them to positive energy.

As a root chakra stone, smoky quartz enhances survival instincts, and can help one reach personal and business goals. It is also used in assisting in making wishes come true by grounding their essence in reality.  Thus, it is a stone that brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck.
 Smoky quartz also works energetically to assist in prioritizing needs and wants, and brings wisdom to every day life.
Emotionally, smoky quartz is excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. Smoky quartz relieves stress, fear, jealousy, anger and other negative emotions by transforming them into positive energies. It is a helpful stone for enhancing and encouraging courage and inner strength. Smoky quartz is very comforting and calming, and can be considered a stone of serenity. It can, therefore, be very helpful in relieving grief."
There is a BUNCH of information about the smoky quartz, but this is what stuck out to me the most.
So, I went up to pay for my newest friends, and related the prices, the volunteer shaved fifty cents off of one of the stones because it was so small (something the shop owner does all the time so no worries there) which means that I went from spending half of my budget to only forty percent!

You might be wondering why I'm so excited over saving fifty cents, and I will tell you why. I am excited because I not only set myself a budget, I stuck to it; I not only saved money, but I was UNDER BUDGET. I decided to give that fifty cents back to the shop in the form of a donation to help build and restore a property that will serve as sanctuary for those in need, and a retreat for like minded individuals, which is scheduled to be up and running next year.

I saw a piece of cats eye that was calling to me, but I decided not to, because it would mean that I had one dollar left over, meaning that I would have spend ninety percent of my budget. As much as I felt like I could use it, I reminded myself that I had spent over a year putting off buying a smoky quartz. The cats eye could wait a few weeks, or longer if need be.

I might be getting some strange looks through the computer screen as to why I'm looking at such a small amount of money as such a big deal. I'm sure that I will write more about this in another post, but for now suffice it to say that I am working on changing the way I look at money, my relationship with money and how I handle money. That story in and of itself will take a post or two.

While this one might not have been as short as I had originally intended, I am pleased that I was able to share so much, that I have ideas for future posts, and that I have the drive and desire to post!

I am going to try and stay away for another couple of days so I can focus on studying for my last final and when it's all over I will give a sigh of relief and gratitude, and come write some more!

The idea that I should make a list of the topics I want to write about really makes me smile, not only do I not want to forget anything, but that I am so eager to share it. I just have to hold out until Wednesday!

Until we meet again, may you be showered with love by those around you, and may you know that the dreams which live inside your heart are achievable.

Blessings to you all,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

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