Saturday, January 10, 2015

My Guardian Angel

Good day lovies,

Today I want to write about friendship, unconditional love, support, intuition, and what has to be divine design.

I haven't felt particularly called to write about the specific people in my life, at least until now. During my birthday trip I had the opportunity to spend almost an entire day with one of the most amazing women I have had the fortune to meet, her name is Yvonne.

Yvonne and I met two and a half years ago when I was closing up shop at my place of employment at the time. She was with a few of her family members who happened to be looking for some party favors and they happened upon my store roughly ten minutes before closing. I was standing at the front when they entered and greeted them offering assistance. After pointing them in the right direction, one of the ladies stayed behind and struck up a conversation with me.

It started off casually enough, a conversation much like I would have with any other customer. Then she asked me what my sign was. Without missing a beat I told her Capricorn, she smiled and let out a laugh. She started describing my sign, painting a picture much closer to my actual personality,

"You're someone who, once a decision is made, you stick to it. There's no dancing back and forth, you're solid in your choices."

It had only been a few months since I had made a decision that would change the course of my life-I had ended a nearly ten year long relationship and had decided to move home to start over. That was several months off, but I still felt the weight of all that had been transpiring.

I nodded with a weary sigh I replied, "I have to be, there's no other option."

This petite, five foot and a half elderly woman took one hard look at me and said so matter a fact, "You've been through hell, girl." that it was as if she had seen the ghosts of that's summers events through my eyes.

I cracked a weak smile, "Ah, I'm still here though." My smile gained some strength after the words left me. In those days it was hard to remember that I was in fact still there.

Our conversation carried on and she told me how she was a palm and card reader. As if this woman wasn't interesting enough, now she had really piqued my interest. I shared with her how I had just begun study the tarot after a two year dry spell.

Before we knew it her group had finished their shopping and it was time for us to close up, I hurried to the register and grabbed a scrap of paper scribbling down my name, number and the name of my store.

"I don't give my number out to people, but I would really love to have coffee with you some time."  Her face lit up, and she promised to call within the next couple of days.

I remember being delighted to hear from her, and the nervousness I felt as I made my way to her home for a reading. Not only had I given a complete stranger my phone number, but I was going to her house for coffee and a palm reading. She encouraged me to bring my cards to read her as well, I did as she asked, and it was the first time I had done a tarot reading for anyone other then myself.

That day Yvonne and I made a connection unlike any other I have ever experienced. She met a young woman who had just begun trying to sort out her life, was trying to find her place in the world, and most importantly, was trying to find herself for the first time in years.

She was kind, and understanding. As I told my story she listened without judgement and saw in myself what I could not; my strength. For having been a complete stranger, Yvonne was able to see into my heart and soul, and shared her own with me.

Almost every time we meet we exchange readings and we speak of the world and of spiritual things. Despite being on potentially opposite sides of the spectrum, we both believe wholeheartedly on what the world needs; love, tolerance, patience, compassion, kindness. The beliefs that we do share are much more important to us then our differences, because at the end of the day, it's not all that we are.

Yvonne is a devout Catholic, whose grandmother was a first generation Spaniard in America who taught her the art of palm reading and reading cards. She has gone on to teach her granddaughters as well. There have been those who are opposed to her abilities, and insist that she is being assisted by the devil.

She shakes her head and tells me,

"I know that what I do is not evil, because it comes from God. I do what I do to help people, and I do it because He works through me. Just as I believe he works through you. It's a gift of the Holy Spirit and I don't intend to waste such a gift."

Me being a pagan I worried that we wouldn't be able to maintain a friendship. She told me very firmly once that she believed heart and soul that God had brought us together, and only God would be able to separate us. I always insist that He not take her too soon, that I've only had so much time with her and that I need more. She laughs every time and reassures me she's not going anywhere.

I absolutely, truly love this woman, and everything about her. I didn't believe in angels before I met Yvonne, but I certainly do now.

One of my favorite things about Yvonne is that she is an artist. An amazing, wonderful, incredibly talented artist, and it began with a vision. It's a story that she has told me twice, and that I have had the privilege to hear her share with others. But since it is her story to tell, I will not share it here. I will say that it had such a profound impact on her, and though I didn't see it clearly before I see it now.

Yvonne was sent to me to be a confidant, a friend, a mentor, a support, and a guide. She is my guardian angel, sent to watch over me, protect me, encourage me, and to help keep me on the right path.

I thank the gods, hers and mine, everyday that it was in the cards for us to meet during this life. She has such a special place in my heart, I know that I would not be where I am without her.

During out last visit she allowed me to pick two cards that she does the art work for, and right now she is producing them herself. I have four in total now that I wanted to share below.

The art work is followed by the name of the art and poetry that she writes herself on the back.

©Yvonne Rice

©Yvonne Rice

©Yvonne Rice

©Yvonne Rice

©Yvonne Rice

©Yvonne Rice

©Yvonne Rice

©Yvonne Rice

I can only hope that one day I can shine and share as much light and love as she has given me.

The Universe surprised me with a guardian angel as an earthly guide, who I know will continue to guide me to the end of my days. I hope to have many more years with you, Yvonne.

Sending you light and love dearies.


©2013-2015 Thealynn

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