Friday, January 9, 2015

Plans for the Bloggity

Hello lovies,

Because my last post was a bit out of the blue (I was just so excited I couldn't wait to share!) and the post before that was so short, I wanted to set aside time to share with you some of the plans I have for the next couple of months here, Through the Secret Door.

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I have begun connecting with a soul sister of mine, and one of the things that we talked about was the upcoming full moon ritual for February which is focused on Soul Connection, which lead us to talk briefly about our previous relationships.

I shared with her how I was a bit nervous for this ritual because for the past year and a half I have been adamantly against having a relationship. I was not interested in dating, how I was solely invested in what I was doing and where I was going and how I just felt like I needed to be selfish for a while.

She shared some of her own story with me and how she was at a bit of a crossroads. During our talk she decided that the best thing for her to do would be to do a meditation and to ask her guides to assist her in making the right decision, and she encouraged me to do the same.

I then shared with her the last meditation I did when asking my guides for direction, which was a very powerful experience for me. She painted a picture of me sharing that experience here on my blog, and then later on sharing it with my soul mate. I wasn't sure what to think about sharing something I deemed so intimate on the internet, but then I began to think on it.

I have been working so much on opening myself up to the Universe to what I need to know, to how I can better myself and the world around me, to strengthen my faith and trust in this path I am walking. Being open to love, shouldn't be any different.

So, I am going to exit my comfort zone and I am going to share the highlights of that meditation. I will also be writing and sharing my new moon ritual for the 20th  and then I will also be participating in full moon ritual and sharing that experience also.  After all is said and done it will be like a mini-series, which as it happens I am actually really excited to do.

(I also have to throw in that I was so excited about looking up the date for the new moon because I got to use my Llewellyn’s Witch’s Calendar. I am not a witch but it still comes in handy!)

I also want to bring attention to the fact that as the Wheel continues to turn, there is another holiday fast approaching by the name of Imbolc or Imbolg depending on where you are from, sometimes also called Candlemas which is celebrated on the 2nd of February.

When it came to Yule, I made the post on the day of Yule which doesn't exactly help if you are looking for a ritual or recipes or anything else because it basically gives you no time at all to collect what you might need.

As the year progresses I will be continuing to write about the Wheel of the Year, and with any luck I will be posting about the holidays at least a couple of weeks before they happen so that way anyone wanting to celebrate has enough time to get their goodies in order. December was such a busy month for me on several levels that it just kind of fell to that day to write the post.

Even with being back in school, this term is much more flexible so I don’t foresee it being too much a problem as long as I stay focused and organized. To help me achieve this I am introducing what I am calling Book End days; Monday and Friday I will have new posts. Occasionally there will be a post in there on a different day of the week which I will deem as a Special. Doing this should help keep me focused and motivated versus feeling the urge to write and then posting as soon as I’m done; which means I will be making serious use out of my focus candle. 

I am also going to be studying new aspects of my path including astrology and numerology. Much like the attitude I had towards crystals in the past, I didn't give a whole lot of credit to these systems mostly because I didn’t understand how they worked, how they can be beneficial, and if I am being honest, I still do not fully understand how they work.

In the upcoming weeks I will be making posts about these topics, along with the sites and books where I am getting my information so that way you can look for yourself if you like.

I know that there have been topics that I have mentioned in previous posts that I touched on and then said I would talk about them later on, I have not forgotten. One of the items on my to-do list this weekend is to go through and make a list of those topics so that way I can have a master list of what I have written about.

If there is a subject or topic that you would like added to that list, regardless of when you read this, please leave it in the comments below and I will either let you know where you can find that post or I will add it to my list.

I hope that this year is treating you well so far,

In light and love,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

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