Friday, January 16, 2015

Open Heart Ritual Tools

Hey there lovies,

Welcome to Part Two of my Open Heart Mini-Series!

If you have not read Part One, there's a link for that!

Following pieces of this mini series will include a retelling of a of a personal meditative experience, some meditations that I find helpful and of course the resulting experience of the February Full Moon Ritual through Sage Goddess.

I should also disclose that as there are a couple of weeks to go before the full moon ritual, there may be a post or two in there that might not be a part of the series. There is more time between the next full moon than I have topics to write about, at least when it comes to love and romance.

So without further ado!

I promise that I will keep this post much shorter as it will mostly consist of pictures. There will be pictures of stones, and I will be including some information about each one. However, if you have further curiosities about any of the stones I will include a couple of links to my favorite stone sites at the end of the post.

The stones I will be including are by no means the only ones available to work on your heart space, these are the ones I happen to have and have thus decided to work with. I decided to include them all in one photo, they will be left to right, top to bottom.

None of your tools have to fancy or elaborate, you can make them all yourself if you're super crafty. That pun was only slightly unintended.  ;)

So, here we go!

When it comes to healing your heart space, or your heart charka, I believe that it is important to have a good foundation, which can equate to having a stable root charka.

I will openly admit that I am not well versed in the complexities of working with charkas, I have very little knowledge. I am speaking only of what has been taught to me, so this is how I personally am proceeding. 

When it comes to a foundation, I have a couple of favorite stones that I work with to help keep me grounded. 

Hematite, Tiger's Eye, and Smoky Quartz. My personal favorite right now is Red Tiger's Eye. The thing I love about Red Tiger's eye is that it all of the properties of regular Tiger's Eye, but it has a little bit more of a punch. It helps to maintain vitality, promotes courage and even assists with motivation for self care. It's also known as Dragon's Eye. 

I love Smoky Quartz SO MUCH. I wrote about this amazing stone in my post title They Find You, so you can click the link for a some additional info. Smoky Quartz is great at absorbing negative energy, which is why it's so important to cleanse them, which you can do in the light of the full moon. 

Another one of my favorite stones is Snake Skin Agate. This stone is actually connected with the sacral chakra which is located right above the root chakra. 

Snake Skin Agate comes in sever different forms, this one I picked up at the local shop in town. This stone is pretty self explanatory, but just in case; it encourages the removal of all that doesn't serve you. This stone helps to release the past just as a snake sheds it's old and tried skin leaving a shining new layer of scales. By shedding and releasing the past, we are letting go of what we have grown out of, so that we can continue to grow.

Three crystals that I will be working with for my heart space are Rose Quartz, Green Moonstone, and Emerald. 

Green Moonstone might seem like a strange choice, but there are a couple of reasons I decided to include it here. When I did my first full moon ritual back in December which you can read about here, Green Moonstone was one of the two crystals that act as a touch stone for my work on inner peace. 

This stone is fantastic for several things. Not only does it encourage a 'go with the flow' perspective, but it has a very nurturing and loving energy to it. It helps to promote self love, balance, self care, it helps to see the big picture and helps in stabilizing emotions when they're all topsy-turvy.

Next is Emerald, this might seem like an obvious choice, but Emerald actually has a very special place in my heart, which you will learn about in part four of this series. (That last pun was mostly unintended.)

Emerald is said to be the stone of successful love. It not only promotes love, but healing as well as having a protective quality.

Rose Quartz may sound like your stereotypical 'love stone' but there is a reason for that. Rose Quartz is not just about romantic love, it's a stone for all levels of love. Self love being one of the most important. My adorable kitty got her paws on my tumbled stone, so I decided to purchase a Rose Quartz point to wear, I rarely take it off.

Since I have a chalice specifically for ritual purposes, I will be using that to hold the water as my offering to the Goddess. 

I will be using my bell to clear myself and my space.

If you opt to have ritual specific tools, you'll want to make sure that ritual is all they are used for. Dedicating them is also a nice gesture to the Universe.

These candles I will light when I am ready to start the writing portion of my ritual. I chose these colors because they coincide with the intention for my ritual.

Red: Energy, vitality, and strength, health, passion, love, protection, strength, courage, warmth, action.

White:Spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, healing, truth-seeking, purity, peace, truth, protection.

Pink: Devotion, love, tenderness, faith, friendship, romance, forming partnerships, peace, emotional healing, care.

This is a Love votive that I picked up at the local metaphysical shop that will act as my working candle during the ritual.

I will be burning Lavender incense as it is associate with love, healing, protection and happiness.

 Now, I do realize that not everyone is able to burn candles where they live. If that's the case, try different colored votive holders with the little LED candles. It's the symbolism that we're looking for.

Same thing with incense, try using the herb that you're wanting to use and make your own, just remember to go with your gut!

Many blessings to you and yours, 


Charka Stone Guide


Magic of Crystals

Crystal Meanings

©2013-2015 Thealynn

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