Thursday, January 22, 2015

Why Answer The Why

Hello lovies,

Welcome to Part Four of my Open Heart Series!

If you have not read the previous parts of this series I would encourage you to follow the links below so that you can get all caught up! What started as a minor project has blossomed into a journey of how, why, and how to!

We are nearing the end of this series and I have to tell you, this has been one wild ride. I want to give a huge thank you to my soul sister Trisha, I never would have walked down this path without your suggestion and guidance. I am so excited for our ritual February 3rd, not only to share my experiences here but to share them with you as the grand finale to this amazing first series on Through the Open Door.

Do not forget that if you would like to join us on the full moon, follow the link February Full Moon Ritual through Sage Goddess.

Previous Series Postings
Behind Door Number Two

So without further ado!

Tomorrow I am going to share a personal experience of mine, that in all honesty I never expected to share with a wide audience. Prior to publishing the post, I have only shared with two people. So why share it here? Well, there are a couple of reasons. But first I wanted to clarify a couple of things.

I decided to make this it's own post simply because the other post is so long. I did my best to keep to the high lights, but I also wanted to convey as much as I could about the experience. I wanted both the mediation piece and my reason for sharing to be able to stand on their own.

So much of the time we see actions that don't have a lot of reasoning behind them, when in fact the reasoning is just as important as the action itself, in some instances even more so. If that vital piece of information is missing we're left with these seemingly pointless actions and then we have to deal with the repercussions of those actions, good or bad.

I sincerely believe that if we are more open about sharing our reasons, it not only encourages honesty with others and others with us, but it also helps to promote tolerance by removing the opportunity to make rash judgements. If someone needs further clarification, chances are they will ask for it. If someone is going to pass judgement regardless, then that is on them.

All of that being said, some times reasons are not needed. In circumstances that are private and personal, then the decision falls to the individual of how much they want to share. In this space, when you are here with me, I will do my best to be as open and vulnerable with you as if you were here sitting right next to me.

This sanctuary is not just for me to share my experiences and my thoughts, my hopes and fears. This is also a place for you. A place to learn and grow, and perhaps even share a little bit of yourself if you feel so inclined.

With all of that being said, I will get to those reason I mentioned before. After all, that is what this post is for.

Reason one-I sincerely feel that there are universal themes in what I am going to share with you. Admittedly being a child of the 90s Disney universe, I think that we (and I primarily am referring to girls, but guys are not exempt) grew up with a very different perspective, and certain ideas when it came to love.

Despite the fact that I am a child of not just one set of divorced parents, but two, I still harbored these specific ideas about true love. That regardless of the worlds troubles, and even my own, that my true love was out there some where, and that eventually he would find me.

That's not to say that I still don't believe that somewhere deep down, but being an adult with some seriously not so pleasant life experiences, I know that life and love are not made up of fairy tales. That being said, I am still a very romantic person, that is just part of who I am. I won't say that Disney didn't affect that to some degree, but I think there had to be some inclination already a part of my personality and that's why I resonated with the love stories so strongly.

Even with all of the hardships and trials that just come along with being alive, I still believe that there is a happy ending out there waiting for me to live it.

Reason two-In the meditation that I am going to be sharing, there is a lot of interaction with my guides. I sincerely believe with all of my being in the value of our guides. I know that I have been able to grow and proceed through life in the way that I have because of them.

And I do want to clarify that not all of our guides are of a spiritual nature, if you will. We have guides here on the physical plane with us too. They might be parents, teachers, friends, confidants, pets. Guides are only restricted by the limits we put on them. If you have not already I would encourage you to read the story of how I met one of my guides here in the material world, My Guardian Angel.

Reason three-I think it's important to show people that your guides connect with you on your level. If you think you're connecting but you have doubts like, "Oh, I'm talking with so and so, they wouldn't say that/talk like that/look like that." Your guides are there to connect with YOU, they are going to do so in the best way to give you the messages you need.

This is what I was referring to about setting limits. I understand how awkward and even difficult it can be to not let that affect things, but try to remember that they are doing everything they can to meet you on YOUR level, maybe try giving back a little and try to meet them at their level or even half way. Once you start to do so, it will get easier and you will be so thankful that you did.

In my next post I will be sharing some of the techniques that I have used to successfully connect with my guides as well as a few different meditations that I have been doing to help release the fear in my heart.

I want to thank you so much for joining me on this journey so far, your continued presence is very much appreciated.

Light and love to you and yours dears,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

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