Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Being The Voice

Blessed Litha! 
Image from Pinterest (Artist Unknown)
Blessed Summer Solstice!

This is the time! Time to celebrate, time to love, to feel alive, to dance and sing, to go on adventures, to do that one thing you've always wanted to do but never allowed yourself to. This is the time to embrace every part of yourself, to express your deepest gratitude to the Great Spirit, to Source, to embrace the Divine Feminine, to show love to your Sacred Masculine. 

This is the time to love the sum of all of your parts because they make you exactly who you are, who you need to be. This is the time to love yourself for every mistake, stumble, and detour you've ever taken, because they've all lead you to this moment. And this moment is so beautiful. 

This day makes the halfway point between the year, this marks the essence of light! This is the time to get moving, to let yourself embrace your wild, to encourage your ambition, to reach for what you want most. 

The whole Universe is dancing, and singing, and lighting fires to guide you on your way to your highest good, because there is nothing in this world that you are meant to be deprived of. You are worthy of love, you are worthy of abundance, you are worthy of health, you are worthy of friendship, you are worthy of respect, you are worthy of compassion, you are worthy of acknowledgement, you are worthy of freedom.

You are so loved by the Universe, and by your guides, your ancestors, all of whom reach out to you every single day to express that to you, and you are worthy of seeing it.

The pain and suffering, the injustice, the blame, the guilt; all of these things are what we create as humans because we are not perfect, and some times we get lost along the way. Life is not pain free, but it is what we do with that pain that matters the most. 

You are so strong, and resilient, and beautiful, and kind, and we need you here. We need you here and now because no one else can tell your story. No one else can do what you came here to do. You are never alone, ever. You are so important, and so cherished. You have everything you need inside of you to change anything you put your mind and heart into. You really, truly can. 

Let today be the first day when you do not worry, when you do not stress, when you choose not to be afraid, when you deny anger; let today be the first day that you choose happiness, that you choose self-love, that you choose to say yes to your future today. Your future is now, it's not out there in the vast distance. Be who, and what, and how, and are TODAY. 

This world needs people like you, like me, like us to stand up - Together, United - and be the voice of reason, of compassion, of dignity, of understanding. Today is the day, this is the time. 

Step out into the light, embrace the wild, the untamed, the fierce, the badass that you are when no one is looking, or perhaps the one that you've hidden away. Let them be born into the light today, and welcome them home, for this is the time. 

Image from

©2013-2017 Thealynn Oceanna Rosewolf

Friday, June 9, 2017

When Animals Speak

Hey there loves,

I have talked about working with guides in the past, and tonight I felt inspired to touch on that subject again as I have been recently visited by a couple of animal guides.

Two guides have been showing up a lot for me over the last several weeks, so today I set aside some
 time to reference my go to sources for Animal Guide messages and meanings: Animal Speak by Ted Andrews.

Both of the animals I have been seeing speak of transformation, new beginnings, creativity, taking on new adventures.

Image from

Dragonfly refers to beginning and ending of cycles, referencing a two year time frame. Two years ago I was utterly lost, and it was around this time that I was given a chance to start over. I thought what my life might be like two years from now and I can only imagine good things.

Image from
Robin is particularly special to me because I saw them all of the time as a child. Robin brings back special memories of a time when I had no hindrances and no blocks from what I could do with my gifts.

One reason that I love Animal Speak so much is that often times it will recommend another animal to study in addition to the one being discussed as they are closely connected to the animal kingdom and can often provide greater clarity.

This lead me to Frog which happens to be in the 'squeal' volume, Animal Wise.

Frog reiterated the themes of transformation, new beginnings, creativity and the possibility of setting off on a new venture.

Image from

Frog did caution against accepting offers too hastily or without research. It helped to balance the excitement and perhaps the fog that can be brought on with a desire to go, go, go.

Even though all three of these animals are connected to the elements of Air, Water, or both, having my ideas grounded in good decision making is extremely important. This also speaks of taking the necessary time to grow and evolve into my most capable self to see these projects through.

That's what I have for you today, as tomorrow is the Full Moon, and I promised to host a small ritual I should probably make sure my space is nice a clean and that I am also energetically prepared.

Hoping this Full Moon finds you well, and be sure to keep your eyes open for what animals might be trying to guide you.

Full Moon Blessings,


©2013-2017 Thealynn Oceanna Rosewolf

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Be I Am

Good evening loves,

This might come as a bit of a surprise to some of you, but over the last few months I have been putting in considerable thought to what it might be like to make Spiritual sharing and coaching a full time thing. 

For some time I have had the pull to step into the role of a healer, especially considering the work I have put into my own healing journey, it occurred to me that I might just be in a good position to help others through their traumas using the same tools that helped me. 

I even reached out and found a wonderful coach who specializes in such things, and while we ended working in a slightly different direction, it never really left my mind.

I spent several weeks struggling to remain present as dates on the calendar brought me back to past events which impacted the course of my life. As much as I wanted to honor those spaces and those feelings, I was starting to get lost in those times while losing sight of the fact that I had moved past them bit by bit. 

During our last session I was given a bit of a wake up call to what I was doing and I cannot express how grateful I feel to be back in present time. In the weeks since, the topic has come up multiple times including a conversation I had with a coworker. She shared with me how over the course of several years she had been given the message "Be a Shaman" from her guides. She shared with me how she spent so much time trying to understand what that meant and how to get to that place. Hearing it again a couple of months ago, it finally clicked what her guides were asking her: BE a Shaman. She had to choose every single day to step into that role, to live her life as a Shaman, to BE.

Her story resonated with me so much that I began thinking to myself, that's exactly what I need to do. The words she spoke lined up with what one of my mentors was saying to me about living your life as if you're future is already here. 

If I want to be a healer, provide guidance, be a priestess; these are all things I can do right now. I AM a healer, I DO provide guidance, I AM a Priestess. My mentor spoke to me of living in what I want to bring about, and not waiting for a magical time when I just happen to find myself in my future, I literally have to create it. 

So, I started today. 

I have shared my passions with my teammates in my current profession mostly in passing conversation, and yesterday one of them took me up on it. We had spoken tentatively about getting together once before, and yesterday she was ready to take the plunge. As we settled on a time and place they asked me about also inviting another teammate, to which I was happy to encourage.

So last night I took a bath in an effort to unwind, during which I tried to figure out the best way to broach the subject of helping these people as I did not want to simply wing it. There was also the concern of how to transition from coworker and friend to client. I wasn’t confident in my ability to channel Spirit effectively and I began to worry. It was then that I heard the voice of the Goddess.

This might have been the clearest I have heard her in a long time. She shared with me how she could see and feel my anxiety, my fear of saying or doing the wrong things during the session and how I was concerned that I wouldn’t be what was expected.

She reminded me that these clients are clean slates, they have no expectations other than being genuinely heard, and how they already know that’s what they will be receiving from me because they have already received such from me time and again. These are clients that I already have an established relationship, and trust with, and how it is a testament to my person that they have accepted my offer to assist them in any way that I can.

She told me that the fear and the anxiety that I was feeling were merely the echoes of lives past in which I was ridiculed, abandoned, even killed for the gifts that I possess, and how they are coming up now because I am ready to heal those wounds and fully begin stepping into myself.

She told me, “No one is going to kill you for this, you are not going to die for helping people.”

It was then that my eyes welled with tears as I felt the phantoms of those wounds; the stones bruising my hands and feet, breaking my nose and blackening my eyes, the sharp edges of knives, swords, even axes cutting deep into my flesh and piercing my intestines, the blade of a knife scraping my scalp as they shaved my head, the fire burning my flesh, the noose around my neck, the water filling my lungs.

“I will never stop fighting, I will never cease to heal, I will never turn my back.”

Voice after voice rang in my ears, voices of men and women who were all once me, and I them. It brought me back to a day when I was on my way to work, I received a download of a memory from long ago. I was to be hung on the accusation of witchcraft, I was given one last chance to repent, and as I looked onto the crowd I took in every single face of the village. People I had known my whole life, children that I had helped to bring into the world, people I had nursed back to health, men whose battle wounds I had tended; there was some piety in their eyes, but it was mostly fear.

I began to tell them how I forgave each and every one of them, whether they had accused me or convicted me, whether they had remained silent or whether they defended me, whether they had ever spoken a harsh word or had returned my smiles, I forgave them. I knew I was not the first nor would I be the last, and when I came back to this Earth to return to my work, I would not return with hate in my heart, but with greater compassion for people just like them. Because it was people like me that people like them needed the most.

The Goddess went on to tell me that I was safe, that those wounds of the past did not need to come into the future with me as they had no place here in the present. She told me not to worry about how today would go, to simply go with an open heart and that things would be all right.

As much learning and re-membering that has been taking place for me recently, it’s always reassuring to me know that I have the support of the Universe. As much as I know that my guides are always with me, to have this experience with ‘real talk’ with the Goddess was something truly special.

I’m beginning to see how much in my own way that I can get, and how sometimes all it takes is slowing down, and simply BEing who and what I am. It’s been a couple of months since I have done a full moon ritual centered around release, but I think this upcoming full moon in Sagittarius is the perfect opportunity.

I am excited to say that the two individuals I mentioned earlier will be joining me, and have expressed their interest and desire to take this journey with me. It truly is an incredible honor to be in a place of service, it really does make my heart soar. 
Image from Pinterest

I AM a Healer 

I DO Provide Guidance

I AM a Priestess




Never shy away from who you are, the world needs you.

Do not be discouraged if you are still discovering who and what you are.

You are powerful, you are wise, you are capable.


©2013-2017 Thealynn Oceanna Rosewolf

Saturday, June 3, 2017

A Shot in the Dark

Hey there loves,

There has been a topic of conversation and study that has been at the forefront for me recently that I thought I might share with you. When it was first brought to my attention I didn't think it was something that I personally needed to work through and even thought that I had done all of the work that needed to be done in this particular area.

I can't say that this will be the last time I talk about this subject, because like most things in life and spirituality, it's ever evolving.

This is something that I have been curious about, have kind of wandered around but never getting too close, something I've had a pull towards for a long time but never really felt comfortable exploring and it can be reduced to one single word: Darkness.

Photo from

Usually at this point is where people start becoming nervous and wondering what the hell I am going to say next and is it even worth hearing?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes. I am willing to wager that there are those who like me have struggled with deconstructing the demonization of darkness. I find more often than not that so many of us come to a path of spiritual freedom because we have fought for it through oppression, rejection, denial of worth, hypocrisy, and archaic beliefs.

I've spoken before about how I was raised in a Christian family, and how I have even spent different parts of my life attempting to swallow the blue pill only to come to find myself resentful at their attempts of conformity and their blindness when it came to the cavern separating fear and love.

By walking along this path of Spiritual freedom and embracing my inner voice I thought that to some extent there would be a blanket affect when it came to releasing the fear of the dark and the oogie boogies that might live there. But as I have developed more in my path and allowed myself to be more honest, I've realized how that wasn't quite true.

I might not be afraid of the dark any more, but that doesn't automatically translate to embracing the dark. From the time that I have spent attempting to learn and grow, what I have found to be the most consistent practice is to focus on the light, maintain a high vibration, focus solely on the positive.

Not to say that there is anything wrong with those things, aside to say that it's not entirely realistic. We are here to have a human experience, and that means facing challenges and hardships as often as we experience the things that bring us joy.

There also seems to be this preconception that the dark is something to avoid, that it holds less value than the light, when in fact the light and the dark need each other. Call it balance, two halves of a whole, yin and yang, any of these names are accurate.

Just as the Universe is everything including the dark and the light, so too do we possess both the light and the dark. We may have a tendency towards one or the other, but that doesn't justify completely shutting out the other side of ourselves.

What is becoming more and more apparent to me is that there are some of us that connect more easily to darker energies. And it really has nothing to do with not being able or not wanting to connect with more sunny or light deities, but rather that not everyone is going to mesh as well with one form of spirit to the next.

I also thought about the expression 'the Shadowself', I have written about it myself and am beginning to understand on a deeper level how the Shadowself is really the aspects of ourselves that perhaps take more effort to work with and appreciate, the parts of ourselves that we find more difficult to love; but that doesn't meant that we should completely ignore it.

Light and darkness cannot exist without the other, and in multiple creation stories it is described how before the light, there was darkness, and how the light is birthed from the darkness, just as we are. When we enter this world we are exiting a place of darkness, the womb. We come into a world of light that we have to adjust to and grow into.

I think we owe it to ourselves to explore and be willing to expand our understanding of what the dark really is. Even in pop culture we are still being fed that the dark is something to fear, something sinister, something to defeat, to conquer.

Like most spiritual endeavors it might not be the most comfortable, and it might take some time, but it's the journeys such as these that often hold the most value. It is when we step outside of our comfort zone that can bring us the most growth and in turn hold profound meaning to us, what's more it may turn out to be exactly what we've been looking for.

In the future I hope dive a bit deeper into this topic as there really is so much that can be discussed. For now I really just wanted to express the thoughts that have been accumulating, a bit of a starting place. Pieces and ideas to jump off of, perhaps even start some conversations.

I look forward to see where this journey goes, it feels like a long time coming.

Wishing you comfort and clarity,


©2013-2017 Thealynn Oceanna Rosewolf