Tuesday, July 28, 2015

In Dreams

Hello lovies,

I had a dream not to long before I made this huge decision to offer readings in a public, professional form, which you can now find here. It was something that at the time was relative enough to the path I've been on, and the progress I've made on that path, but it didn't sink in until the Solstice how much deeper this dream went.

I knew that I wanted to share this dream right away, but I also wanted to take my time getting back into the groove of this blog, and with writing rather than blurting out and publishing every thought that I have.

This post alone as been added to several times, mostly because of timing. I will say that it is quite rare for me to hold on to a post for as long as I have, but I am happy that I did so. 

Without further ado...

Earlier in the REM cycle I experienced a dream and the only thing I can remember about it was that in my dream state, I concluded that the meaning of this dream was that I had been trying to approach things the same way or do things the same way and that things were simply not working so I simply needed to changed them...Okay.

This second dream, I had given birth to a baby girl, and my mother was with me. In her motherly duties she was preparing for the baby to baptized and made an official member of the church. (Just to be clear my family is not Catholic, those who fall under the Christian umbrella are mostly Baptist. But all the same.)

At point point it was even discussed that I would go through the baptism-which in my dream I was uncomfortable with being that I've never been baptized in the physical plane and dream me knew this, dream me was not keen on the idea.

I could feel myself panicking because even though I have nothing against baptism, it simply wasn't something I wanted. I began to feel as though I wold have no say in my daughter's life, I mean, the kid was just born why not wait until she knows what it means and then let her decide?

When my mother returned to take my daughter to be baptized, I told her no. I looked straight at my mother and told her that I didn't want to raise my daughter that way, that I wouldn't allow it.

I spent some time considering what this dream might mean, and it wasn't until a meditation in which I was instructed to find my sanctuary that I made the connection.

I sincerely believe in following your soul's truth, your own path and while I have never explicitly come out to my mother as a pagan, she's a smart woman, I'm sure she knows on some level.

When I was asked to find this sanctuary, I found myself in the ocean. My breathing sounded to me as though I were underwater, I felt the waves around me, the sun beating down through the blueish green glass.

By finding this sanctuary, by going to these meet ups and being introduced to certain people I am finally seeing my path being illuminated. When I come out the other side of this journey, I will have been reborn, I will not be able to conceal my work from my family, and I don't want to.

I will always be my mother's child, she will always want to protect me and do what she thinks is right for me. But I need to find the strength that I've always lacked when it's come to her and use my voice to tell her the truth.

I am beginning to see the woman that I am slowly transforming into, and while I'm slightly nervous about this process, I move towards it with heart.

I may even change my name, but that's for future me to decide.

©2013-2015 Thealynn

Monday, July 27, 2015

What in the Universe is Going On?

Hey lovies,

In honor of the fact that we will be having a Blue Moon this coming Friday, I thought I would write a little post and give my thoughts about this event and while I was at it I started looking into what else was going on in our solar system.

I've heard in several places that we currently have seven planets in retrograde, but I was only able to track down five of them. I fully admit that I am not an astronomy buff, and most of the time I find it quite confusing simply because there is just so much of it! If I learn which other two planets are currently in retrograde, I will certainly amend this or if anyone knows and would like to share, please feel free to do so below!

In my effort to become more in tune with the Universe as a whole, I've started trying to pay more attention to astrology whether it's learning about my own natal chart or learning about planets when they go into retrograde.

Before I go too much further, I want to explain what retrograde is. I myself was unfamiliar with the concept not too long ago, so if you're new to this, that's okay! Dictonary.com defines retrograde as:


1. moving backward; having a backward motion or direction; retiring or retreating.

2. inverse or reversed, as order.

4. Astronomy. 
moving in an orbit in the direction opposite to that of the earth in its revolution around the sun.
appearing to move on the celestial sphere in the direction opposite to the natural order of the signs of the zodiac, or from east to west."

What we've learned from astronomers and other scientists is that the planets are not actually traveling backwards, but rather their orbit slows down to the point where from here on Earth it only looks like they are traveling backwards.

Moving right along!

We've talked once before about Mercury going into Retrograde which it seems to do about every three months. But what about the other planets? Does this Blue Moon really have any special meaning that a regular full moon does not?

These topics are what I'll be diving into today, to hopefully form a bigger picture of what is going on out there in space, and what we can do about it. Before I jump in, if you have are interested in receiving your own natal chart, I recommend Astro.com, it's very informative and best part is, it's free!

All righty then, so the planets (that I could find) which are currently in retrograde are Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. I'll list there dates below.

**A quick update for you all, as each planet goes direct again, I will be marking off each retrograde to make finding the current ones a bit easier for returning and current readers.**

Venus - July 25-September 6
I don't know about you, but when it comes to retrogrades aside from the bad rap that Mercury can sometimes earn, Venus going into retrograde sounds just as scary when in reality it's probably one of our greatest opportunities.

As we all know (or so I like to think) Venus is the planet of love, and relationships. So when this planet starts going backwards what does that mean for us? Do our relationships unravel, is this just going to be forty days and forty nights of chaos?

While there is always a chance of communications going array, Venus retrograde is more about moving on and letting go of past loves that might still be lingering around. Whether it's emotionally, or physically.

A lot of times after relationships end, unless they ended really badly, we still hang onto little mementos from that time; whether they're pictures, gifts, mix CDs (depending on your age), little knick knacks. If you've been hanging onto things like that and they only bring you sadness, hurt, longing, or feelings of loneliness-why keep them?

Those physical reminders are holding a space for that person, and thus it's keeping those wounds open. If you're ready to move on and let them go, then do so! Free up that space for self love, and perhaps down the road, love from another.

If you're going to get rid of those items, please keep in mind that in some instances other people can still get use out of them. Before giving anything away, bless them with a few simple words of thanks for the positivity they brought you and send them away with it so that they can bring joy to someone else.

Burning pictures and letters can be extremely cathartic-I myself have done this and I cannot tell you what a difference I felt. If you do go this route, try to do with a friend, and always use fire safety.

If you're currently in a relationship, now is an opportune time to reflect and consider what you're getting out of your relationship, and if that's working for you or not. Use this time to be open with your partner and find ways to heal and/or improve the relationship.

I've seen it advised during almost everywhere to not take any drastic action while the planet(s) remain in retrograde. But always follow what's best for you, if you're in an unhealthy relationship, don't wait on the planets to get yourself into a better situation-your safety and well being should always come first.

One last thing I want to mention, and then we'll move on.

Venus only goes into retrograde every 18 months. So, take some time to look back on December of 2013 and think about where you were, and think about how far you have come. Think about where your relationships have been, and where they are now-are all of those relationships still intact?

Even when it's painful, try to be grateful for those experiences; without them, you wouldn't be who you are.

Saturn - March 14-August 2
We're coming to the party a little late with Saturn being in retrograde, but that doesn't mean that we're out of time or that we can't reflect on what's taken place since the retrograde began.

There were two main themes that I kept coming across; time and krama. Both of these aspects are ruled by Saturn and being a Capricorn, that means that planetarily speaking, I am also ruled by this planet. Now knowing that Saturn has been in retrograde really does explain A LOT.

It's times like this where karmic balances are brought about in a more distinct way, and you may have been feeling like time has slowed down in a sense. As frustrating as it can be, taking the time to examine projects and commitments that you have have agreed to in haste and whether or not you want to amend those decisions.

When people think of karma, they usually think of the not so fuzzy side, and while that's true, we also can't let ourselves forget the brighter side of karma. Another thing to keep in mind about karma is that, karma doesn't recognize time like we do. Past, present, and future are fluid when it comes to karma, and it's really about when those lessons will mean the most to you.

Uranus - July 26-December 26
In the research that I have done, I feel like Uranus is the planet that puts butts in gear. Uranus is the planetary influence that keeps us on our toes if we're getting to comfortable.

So when Uranus goes into retrograde, it goes into a bit of an overdrive. Any issues that have been swept under the rug, put in the closet, out of sight out of mind; Uranus brings them front and center with bells and whistles, and even potentially a light show.

If you've been heading down a not so great path, this is typically the time when Uranus will give you a big wake up call, and an opportunity to turn yourself, and your life around. Such events can be painful, but in all honesty some times we need that to bring us back to who we are and what we really want for our lives.

If you find yourself in a relationship or in a job situation that you're not exactly happy with but you stay out of fear of change, this is the time to really be honest with yourself about why you're where you are. It provides you with an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, face your fears and allow the Universe to provide those signs and guidance to help get you where you want to be.

If left alone long enough, Uranus will end up doing all of that work for you, and it'll potentially prove to be considerably more uncomfortable than if you work with the energy of Uranus and steer into the grove that is radiating from this outer planet, you'll handle these changes much easier.

These changes that Uranus brings us is not just in our personal lives, but can be influential on a much larger scale; which helps to explain all the changes we've been seeing here in the US.

Neptune - June 12-November 18
I've been finding more and more that when people hear the word 'retrograde' there's a sense of panic that comes with that, and I think it's safe to say that Mercury is at the very least, a contributing factor for that.

As it turns out, Neptune is a planet of dreams and illusions, which can lead to outright denial in extreme cases, and the invention of excuses and procrastination in other cases.

One thing you might experience during Neptune in it's retrograde is a harsh wake up call. While Neptune is direct we're able to escape into our inner worlds and to set on the back burner all of the things that we don't want to deal with.

Neptune's retrograde isn't all bad though, all of the following are more prominent during this time: the breaking of illusions, seeing truth and reality, conscious thinking and planning, clarity, seeing what is really important, heightened sensitivity, deeper insight and intuition.

This provides us with the option to do some serious digging into the deeper aspects of our lives, whether mundane or spiritual and to shine some light on what kind of affect those illusions are having; the picture isn't always pretty, but again, it's easier to clean up a small mess versus an explosion.

Daydreaming and having fantasies can be what makes life bearable for some of us, if not all of us from time to time. But it's about balancing that dream world with reality, and bringing those dreams to life in a tangible way so that we don't feel the need to 'escape' all the time. Because we've brought those dreams into the physical world, and by doing so we can possibly help others do the same.

Pluto - April 16-September 25
I don't know about the rest of you, but I still consider Pluto to be a planet, forget that astronomers say! Besides, if it wasn't important why would be we getting close up photos of it, huh??

Stepping off my Pluto for Planet soap box, this little planet has got some serious shadow work headed out way until it turns direct on September 25th.

Pluto is ruler of the underworld, and with that comes the connection with the darker side of things; of secrets, skeletons in the closet, and maybe just some personal dilemmas that we've thus far either been unable to deal with or have outright refused to deal with. Pretty much anything that might be hiding beneath the surface.

By bringing all of these things into the light, it provides the opportunity to do much needed healing and transformation. If that's the case, now is the time for some serious emotional and spiritual house cleaning.

The timing that comes across to me is rather auspicious as we're preparing for the first harvest which you can read about here; and as the summer dwindles down and we head into the darker time of the year, the more light, love and positivity we can bring with us the better.

One thing to keep in mind about shadow work is that it's never done. As human beings we are constantly changing and learning and with that comes less than desirable experiences which can include mistakes.

This is not something to fret over or to beat yourself up about, the sooner you embrace the fact that you have the shadow work to do, the sooner you'll find the strength within yourself to conquer those fears that have been lingering in the dark.


Whew! With all of the information floating around in the air and our brains now, there were several resounding themes that came up, but I am going to focus on the main two.

First and probably the loudest was that there's change coming, it's inevitable, your best bet is to prepare yourself now.

Followed very closely by; stop lying to yourself, treat yourself like you matter, don't let those excuses and what happened in the past keep you from being the best you can be.

With that comes the whole reason I started this endeavor, the upcoming Blue Moon-who knew I would end up spending so much time on the planets when I sat down to write this? I know I sure didn't!

I wanted to do something special with my Circle with this one and I wanted to have my plan set, so I went searching for what is traditionally done, and from everything I've found regarding this event there seems to be one common factor: goals.

This will be the last Blue Moon that we have until January 31st 2018 so it's super important to me that I make this moon count. This moon is all about allowing yourself to think about those dreams, desires, wishes that seem too big or extravagant to come true.

With everything else going on in the Universe this is possibly the biggest sign I have ever seen to be open and honest with yourself, allow yourself to let go and move on from past hurts regardless of how they are caused and to make that space available for planting the seeds of what you want to manifest in your life.

Change is a natural part of life, and fighting it doesn't keep it from happening, all it does is make the transitions more painful. Some times change is painful, but that's how we learn and grow and doesn't it make sense to accept our lessons and the pain that goes with than to drag it out, thus creating more pain?

That's not to say that we don't all move at our own pace, and that some pains take longer to heal than others. Simply that when given the chance to live a better life, wouldn't you take it?

The Universe has a way of making this changes either with or without us at one point or another. I don't know about you, but I personally find it easier over all to do my best to pay attention and to go with the Universal flow of things than to try and fight against the current.

These can be trying times, but know that you are never facing these trials alone, you always have someone there who believes in you, and wants to best for you. Accept the support, we're not meant to do everything by ourselves.

Sending much light and love to you dears,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Lughnasadh and Lammas

Greetings lovies,

As summer reaches its height we here Through the Secret Door have been studying the holiday that is known as Lughnasadh - pronounced Luna-sa or Lugh-na-sa by some and Lammas by others. Are they the same holiday? What are they celebrating, and what does this ancient holiday mean to us today?

This holiday was one that I was excited to learn about simply because it's the turn of the wheel that I have the least knowledge about. And with good reason, for several centuries it was only celebrated in Europe and is still celebrated there, but for anyone else in the world, unless you're in the pagan community, you've probably never heard of it.

In doing my research of this holiday I was pleasantly surprised that more people are talking about this holiday than in years past. From the research that I've done it seems that these festivals were fairly obscure despite the fact that countries all over the world celebrate their own form of harvest.

Lughnasadh as the name suggests, recognizes and honors the Celtic god Lugh. Lugh was considered a sun deity and was also connected with warriors and was called Master of Skills. Among the skills Lugh possessed he was a master at smithcraft which was highly regarded since warfare was something the Celts often experienced.

Lugh's story is one that we have seen time and again throughout different mythologies. Lugh was born destined to overthrow his grandfather Balor who was ruler of the underworld. After his brith, Lugh was sent off for his protection and raised by his foster mother, Tailtiu.

It's mentioned in The Book of Invasions by Lebor Gabála Érenn, that Lugh becomes associated with grain after he holds a harvest celebration in honor of his foster mother. Thus as time went on Lugh was often honored with grains, corn, and bread.

In ancient times, Lughnasadh was often celebrated by a series of games and competitions and was a time to settle tribal matters as well as ritual to promote a bountiful harvest along with being the opening to the hunting season. Most believed that it was considered bad luck, and even disrespectful to harvest before the first day of August.

From what I have been able to surmise from my research, while Lughnasadh and Lammas may have been different holidays at one point, celebrated by different peoples in the British Isles, they are celebrated as one in the same today.

I'll continue to research and study this holiday to see what else I might be able to learn and I'll be sure to share here if and when I do. Or if any of you have information to share, please feel free to do so below!

So how does one go about celebrating this holiday? What if I want to honor this time of year but I don't feel a connection to Celtic deities?

Never to worry! Remember above when I mentioned that harvest festivals are celebrated all over the world? Well, that alone gives us the freedom to choose how specific you want to get with your celebration.

The word Lammas translates to 'loaf-mass' so any harvest deity could very easily be honored here. While I was doing my research I came across this handy list of different gods and goddess that you can check out!

Another way you can celebrate this time of year is to bake a loaf of bread! I know the task seems daunting but there are a lot of recipes out there that are beginner friendly. My circle and I are going to be taking the recipe from one of my newer books, Super Market Magic.

Not only does this book cover all of the eight holidays but it all goes into simple magic you can do with herbs and spices that you get in the grocery store. It's phenomenal, and I sincerely recommend it.

One activity that my Circle and I will be doing is making Corn Dollys, I found a great how-to video on Youtube, which I would recommend checking out. It's a fun activity not just for adults but kids too! Corn Dollys then remain on your alter until Imbolc to promote abundance through the dark time of the year. What's nice about this craft is that they can be as simple or as elaborate as you like.

You'll often hear about John Barelycorn during this time as well. John Barleycorn is a character from English folklore who represents the crop of barley that is harvested each fall. He also represents what can be made from barley; beer and whiskey, and their affects. There are several songs about John Barleycorn and his adventures which when looked at closely, correspond with the continuing cycle of nature; planting, growing, harvesting, and then death.

 Another common activity done during this time is of course decorating your sacred space. Decorating with reds, yellows, golds, browns, oranges are easily incorporated all over the house, stalks of grain, acorns, pine cones and large leaves are another easy and natural way to welcome the first harvest.

Another one of my reads during this time was Lammas by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason. This title is a little harder to come by without spending an arm and a leg-I happened to get lucky, and it has a lot of good information about how the harvest is observed all over the world and goes more into detail regarding Lugh.

Of course it also goes into dozens of recipes, crafts, games and rituals to be done in a group or solitary setting.

Being that this is historically a Celtic holiday, if you haven't already done so, now is a great time to read up on some Celtic mythology, familiarize yourself with these gods and goddess.

One thing that is very special about this year is that while Lughnasadh is always on August first, we have a Blue Moon July 31st.

This will be the last time that we will have a Blue Moon until January 31st, 2018. That's two and a half years! I'll be writing a separate post about that in just a short while, and once it's up I'll be sure to link it here.

Venus has also just begun it's retrograde and will be spending 40 days and 40 nights in its retrograde which only takes place every 18 months.

So as you celebrate the first harvest, take a few moments to consider where you were this time two year ago, where you were 18 months ago.

Take time to relish and appreciate your accomplishments, and give serious consideration to what you have reaped in that time.

As we prepare to head into the dark time of the year, make the most of the sunshine and soak in as much as you can. Think about which seeds you've sown that have born fruit and which ones need more care.

Remember, there are several plants that take a year or even more after they are planted before they bear fruit. Which of your seeds are nestled safely in the ground that might be needing that extra time, and what can you do to help nourish them as they prepare to sprout in the coming spring?

Always be thankful for your blessings, and take heart that we are fortunate enough to live in a time where food is plentiful.

Many blessings of light, love, and abundance to you my dears,

May the gods and goddess shine on you and yours,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

Friday, July 10, 2015

The Intuitive Tag

Hey lovies,

I thought this would be a fun little way for you to get to know me a little better as well as maybe answer some questions that have been floating around out there.

I snagged this idea from Youtube, there were a few vlogger's doing these back in February and rather than trying to make a video about it I would just post about it here!

Of course if at any time you have other questions or topic requests you can leave them in the comments below or you can email me.

So let's jump in!

1. Share your first paranormal experience that comes to mind.

The first paranormal experience that really comes to mind was shortly after my great-grandfather died. It was a couple of months after my folks got married and he had been there for the wedding and we'd visited once more before heading back home, and I remember feeling sad that us kids couldn't go with my parents back to Nebraska for the funeral. 

The night my parents left for the airport I felt incredibly depressed, and I just felt that it wasn't right that I was missing something so important. I couldn't sleep for the life of me, and I just remember thinking over and over again, 'I'm sorry Great-G, I wish I could be there.'

After only a couple of minutes he came to me in his spirit form and reassured me that I was right for staying home. 'Stuffy funerals aren't for young girls.' He stayed with me until I was just about to fall asleep. As he was leaving I asked that he visit my older sister, as she was taking it as hard as I was, to which he agreed. 

The next morning my sister told me how she'd dreamed of our Great-G the night before, and how she felt better knowing he was in a better place.

2. Have you ever had a premonition? 

Yes, I have. I remember being so afraid and feeling so guilty because I predicted the time frame for my grandmother's death.

3. When did you get your first Tarot or Oracle deck? What deck was it?

My first tarot deck was a gift from my folks for my 20th birthday, and they were the Duidcraft Tarot.

4. What element do you connect with the most?

It's incredibly difficult for me to say which element I connect with most because it's such a close race between Earth and Water.

5. Do you believe in Faeries?

I absolutely believe in Faeries! One of my most used oracle decks has faeries living in it!

6. Do you prefer the Moon or the Sun?

I connect with the moon much more easily, but I am working on my relationship with the sun, and I'll say we've come a long way!

7. What is your favorite Crystal or Stone?

While any form of moonstone will always have a special place in my heart, flourite is definitely winning my heart right now. 

8. Can you see spirits/spiritual beings?

 Occasionally, I used to be much more proficient as a child. I typically feel their energy and hear them now. 

9. Would you rather be able to fly on a broomstick, breathe under water, make things grow fast, or control fire?

I would have to say I would rather breath under water, not only would I be able to live part time in the ocean, I would also be able to use that ability to help clean our oceans.

10. What is the animal totem that you feel most connected too?

 On a consistent basis, I would have to say Wolf, but Horse has been connecting with me very deeply over the last few months.

11. What is your first animal/spirit totem?

My very first was actually Orca, a little known fact. 

12. Tell us about your first spirit guide?

The first spirit guide I worked with with actually a forum of deity, and that was Hades. Considering my knowledge at the time of what we now call 'ancient deity' he was the last one I ever expected to see, next to maybe Kali. I still work with Hades from time to time, whenever he decides I need him.

13. Do you feel more connected to the stars or the Earth?

While I've always loved the stars, I definitely feel a stronger connection with the Earth.

14. What is your preferred method of blessing/cleansing?

I haven't done a lot of blessings, but I have certainly done my fair share of cleansings, and I prefer to use sage, but in lieu of that, incense usually works well enough.

15. What color do you feel most spiritually connected too?

This question actually stumped me for a while, I really had to think on it.
I did finally land on green though, for a few reasons. Green is one of the colors connected with the Heart Chakra, which I have been doing a lot of work with. Green is the color associated with the Earth, which is an element I am very strongly connected with; and it's associated with aspects that I am currently working on manifesting in my life, such as prosperity and health.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Two Year Turn Around

Hey lovies,

Today I've been thinking a lot about synchronicity and how much events in my life have been lining up in such similar ways as they were before.

Three years ago my life changed, it shattered completely and I was left with no other option than to start over. I was extremely fortunate and I had help from some amazing family members and some irreplaceable friends.

I moved back to my hometown and spent two years trying to rebuild a life on my own, frankly for the first time. And for a good portion of that two years, I struggled. Not just with with finances and my schooling, but emotionally and mentally.

After great consideration and admittedly with my back against the wall, I moved back to a place I've spent half of my life. In the two months that I've been back, I have stabilized more than I ever anticipated I would manage in such a short amount of time.

There have definitely been obstacles,  some that I had hoped I would never face again. I have also been so blessed by my friends, and by my family in their love and support of me for simply being who I am.

I have found a tribe and am co-facilitating a Circle with equal members not only to improve ourselves and grow in our spiritual path but to also improve and help change this world.

When I stand back from it all and I look, I am surprised and so grateful that I am welcomed back into this place. This town, this group of people, and now I am returning to the best place I have worked for.

It does cause me to wonder what else might be falling back into place, what else might I find my way back to. What else perhaps even about myself will come back around.

What might be making it's way back to you?

In light and love,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

Saturday, July 4, 2015

A Note for the Fourth

Hey lovies,

Today is a day that we celebrate freedom, and I think it's something that we take for granted on a day to day basis.

While we as a nation, and as people have fought many battles, there are still more to be fought. I am not a supporter of war, but I am a supporter of equal rights for all inhabitants on this planet, including the planet itself.

It is such a privilege to be alive, and to live in a place like America. By no means do I believe my homeland to be perfect, there is still a lot of work to do.

But I am proud, and honored, and humbled by all of those who have sacrificed everything to give me the life I have today. And I will fight to create a better future.

By human definition I am an American citizen, but I am a child of the world, and I believe in a world that is whole, that is abundant in renewable resources, that is tolerant and understand, full of compassion, because whether we like it or not we are in this together.

So, from America to my fellow Americans, Happy 4th of July. Let's not squander our independence.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Man in the Moon

Man in the Moon
I'm ready to meet you
I know I've been hiding from you
And I think you've been hiding from me too

Whether you are far far away
Or happily next door
I think it's time we both admit what we've been looking for

You be you
I'll be me
I'd be willing to meet you on the street
On our way to the same destination
We're heading towards each other after all

I'm ready to sing my siren song
I hope you're ready to hear it
And if you're not, that's perfectly all right
I've always been the patient kind of type

I'm not expecting love at first sight
Because we'll have the rest of our lives for that
I don't need a shinning white knight
I've got my own kind of armor that still fits all right

Not that I think I'll need it with you
But you might think you need it with me
I know in time you'll see

I'm not a damsel in distress
Nor some beast that will break your trust
I'm the perfect kind of girl for you
Not some hussy to leave you in the dust

I'm not looking to jump or fly or even run
I'm very fond of walking I'll have you know
So walk with me a while, and we'll take it slow

I can't see your face
Man in the Moon
But I know who you are
And you won't arrive a moment too soon

When the time is right 
You'll walk through those doors
Life as we knew it will be done
And a new life will have just begun

It wasn't too long ago that I used to be afraid
Afraid of me, afraid of you
All of that seems to be gone now
Washed away with only an imprint left behind

A lesson to keep with me
Perhaps a lesson still needing to be learned

So I'll be me
And you be you
One of these days we'll finally meet
And it won't be a moment too soon

It's hard to say that I already know that I love you
Because even though I know it's true
We still have so much to do
Before you know me and I know you

So I'll continue my walk alone
Happy and content
Knowing that while you may not be here yet
Every step I take is one step closer to you

I'm happy to walk this journey
Because when I do finally find you
When you finally find me
It will be as if we were never apart

In this my heart I truly believe
With a patient smile and my head held high
Man in the Moon
I'm ready to meet you

©2015 Thealynn Oceanna Rosewolf

Opening the Door

Hey there lovies,

I have to be honest and say that I've been laughing at myself a little bit today. I've been working with a good friend of mine, to alter and change things around here so that I can effectively offer readings here, Through the Secret Door.

It's been some time since I wanted to share so much all at once and I had planned originally for things to be a bit more spaced out and not a giant lump of information at you all at once.

I had intended to be able to offer the readings beginning on the Solstice, but again, timing. So it became official in the wee hours of the morning, and I did a couple of announcements on social media, but I wanted to share it here as well along with a couple of other posts.

So with this being the first, there will be three posts made live today. Throughout the rest of the week I'm sure you'll see me share them in various places but I really do want to just get it all out there!

In the last couple of months I've been working and developing a Circle, that I have made very tight bonds with and in doing so I have felt myself grow and change in ways that I thought would take years to achieve. Don't get me wrong, I am still very much on a path of learning and exploring, and I sincerely hope that that adventure never stops.

I do want to express how excited I am about this leap I am taking, if only for just a moment. I've been studying the tarot for almost seven years now and working with oracle for about three. I never imagined that I would feel a calling to do something like this as a way of income. I remember watching videos on Youtube of people receiving readings, and I remember thinking how skilled these men and women were, and how much time and dedication it took to get to where they were. I never pictured myself as one of them.

I'd always just done readings for myself or for my friends, and I loved doing that, what I've been learning though is that I love helping people by becoming a conduit between them and the Universe.

This past Friday was my first experience readings for strangers in a professional setting, and the last woman I helped was a reader herself, so I was a bit nervous at first. But the moment I took the cards back and began laying them out, I felt a sense of calm, a sense of purpose, of confidence.

This fellow reader had a subject weighing so heavily on her mind, that I could physically feel how much the situation was weighing on her. I must have spent 45 minutes with her, but it was all worth it to see the relief and the hope that was now with her.

While I know that realistically, it might not be the same for every client, even though I was energetically drained, I couldn't have been happier to meet this woman.

That one reading alone taught me such a valuable lesson: be more open.

Sounds simple enough, and even though it's something I've gotten better at being open to the blessings of the Universe, there is one area that I've kept myself clear of: love.

In my post A Truly Open Heart, I described my experience and insight into saying goodbye to my first love. I was ready to say goodby to the old, but I wasn't ready to say hello to the new.

Well, that's changing. I wrote a poem back in January while writing my Open Heart Series but I wasn't quite ready to share it. I always felt that when the time was right, I would know it, and I would only publish it then.

Today is that day. I realized that I can never be truly open to the blessings of the Universe if I set a limit or restriction, so today I am forgoing all resistance.

I am open to success, I am open to prosperity, I am open to joy, I am open to opportunity, I am open to friendship, I am open to family, I am open to love.

I hope that you are open to the blessings of the Universe dear ones, it can only hold wonders for you

In light and love,


©2013-2015 Thealynn