Friday, January 30, 2015

Whisperings of a Ghost

Good morning lovies,

Welcome to Part Seven of my Open Heart Series!

If you have not read the previous parts of this series I would encourage you to follow the links below so that you can get all caught up! What started as a minor project has blossomed into a journeys of how, why, and how to!
Following pieces of this series will include ways to connect with your guides and of course the resulting experience of the February Full Moon Ritual through Sage Goddess.

Previous Series Postings
Behind Door Number Two
Why Answer the Why
When Guides Come Knocking
Grounding and Bubble Meditations

So without further ado!

This is very much an unexpected addition to my Open Heart series, but I believe it may be one of the most significant.

For those who are unaware, we are currently experiencing what we call Mercury Retrograde. This is a period of a few weeks in which Mercury appears to travel backwards on its axis. This is mostly observed by the pagan community as something to be weary of because it causes disruptions in communication, technology, seems to slow down the progress of projects and overall it can just feel like an unpleasant time.

However there are some positives that can come along with Mercury Retrograde that I discussed on my Facebook Page, so if you're curious follow the link. One thing that I will mention is that Mercury Retrograde can some times bring in people from your past wanting to reconnect.

Without spending too much time on details, suffice it to say that there is one side of the family that I have not had consistent contact with for the last 20 years. Some interaction here and there, but nothing terribly serious.

I’m guessing that between opening myself and my heart to the Universe for my highest good and Mercury being in retrograde is what helped the stars to align causing me to get a fairly abrupt message from one of my biological father’s sisters, being my aunt. She has said before how much she has wanted to get together over the last several months, but nothing has ever come of it.

After some seemingly convoluted conversations which really did turn out to be misunderstands, we had lunch last week. What started out as my aunt, uncle and myself turned into two of my other aunts from that same side joining us.

It was the first time in almost three years since I had seen any of them, and even longer since we had spent real time together. Over the course of lunch they asked me if I was interested in seeing my biological father whom I have not seen or spoken to in 20 years. Minus one painful denial of my existence at the mall when I was 15.

I thought for a moment and realized that I really have nothing to lose by doing so. That I have an amazing opportunity to help clear up some understandably made assumptions, to help provide healing and understanding, and forgiveness in the hopes that others will be able to start forgiving themselves.

I realize all too well how much I do not owe anyone anything, and I almost surprised myself at how much the thought didn’t enter my mind until way after I had made my decision.

I’ve been called to change my perspective, and to not miss the forest for the trees.

Even though my father was not around when I was growing up, even though he did some down right criminal acts, he really did the best thing for me by allowing me to be adopted by another man whom I love as my father and staying out of my life. I was able to become the person I am because he let me go. In that one simple yet heart breaking act, he put his children, including me first. And I love him for that.

As I was thinking about whether or not I wanted to share this right away or to wait, I heard a frog croaking outside. I'd been house sitting for almost a week, and this was the first time I have heard a frog, and not just during this visit, but EVER as I am a frequent visitor.

I heard it only a handful of times, but I felt instantly called to pull out the copy of Animal Speak by Ted Andrews and look up frog medicine. It almost brought tears to my eyes. I won't go into that much here as I really could write an entire blog post on frog medicine and the connection that I have to it.

This is was the confirmation from the Universe that I am going to play a crucial role in helping to heal my father’s heart. I know full well and accept that the real healing will have to come from him, and that it will have to be his choice. But I will be the doorway for him, I will be the one to help him understand and put pieces together. I will be able to answer questions that he has never had the answers to.

I realize that it might sound like a burden, or some form of family obligation. But I see it as an immense privilege, as an incredible opportunity. I don’t feel as though I am walking into a situation that I am unprepared for, or am somehow fulfilling a family duty.

I am approaching this as a daughter to her father, expressing gratitude and forgiveness that is long overdue. Even though I believed this to be a closed door, and I felt like I had as much closure as I was going to get, I feel that this is the chance I never thought I would have,

As I said before, I do have a loving father in my life, and I know that I would not be the person that I am without him. But I see something so beautiful in at least attempting to heal this relationship. Not that I believe in putting all of the blame for my 'heart troubles' but I do see the loss of my father as the first heart break of my life.

I was a small child when everything happened but I still carry memories and scars from the events leading up to, during and after the divorce. These are scars that are so old and buried so deep that most times I forget that they are there. And I would argue that they do not affect my daily life.

But in those short hours that I spent with my aunts I learned more about my father then I ever knew before. There are a few things that we share, and it's already answered some questions I didn't know that I had.

I had a friend ask me why I was doing this, and I did not want to go into the spiritual reasons behind my decision, so I thought about it for quite some time. And it only occurred to me as I was writing this how much I owe this to myself. I've denied myself this chance in the past, but I knew then and I reaffirm now that I wasn't ready before, but I know that I am now.

I can't say that I expect us to be a happy family again, I can't say that I expect anything really. I think if I were to do so it would ruin the integrity of the event. I might not be that little girl in sundresses any more, but I am still his child, and that is how I am going into our phone call this afternoon.

Even if this ends up not going anywhere, if one of both of us decide that it's not working, at least we can say that we tried, which is more then I've ever had before.

As I wait hour the hours I am not focusing so much on what we will talk about, I only set the intention that it will be what we both need.

Sending you light and love,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Wheel of the Year

Hello lovies,

I'm laughing at myself a little bit as I write this to you because I feel as though I am a little late to my own party. When I first started this blog, before the unexpected year and a half hiatus, I had always planned on incorporating the Wheel of the Year and why I find it to be so important.

Well, by the time this post is available for you to see, we will have passed two cycles with some of you not knowing why the heck I am talking about these holidays and some of you might not have even heard of the Wheel of the Year!

I'm sure that had I not been caught up in the rush and dazzle of picking up this project again I would have made this post already. But! As fate would have it, I have until now been completely wrapped up in everything else that has been going on, so I shall apologize for the time it took to get this post to you, and digress...

Other then the previous posts about the previous two holidays, and potentially mentioning it in passing, I have not really addressed what the Wheel of the Year is, and why as a practicing pagan, I observe said holidays.

Believe it or not, this will probably end up being one of my shorter posts. [Instert dun dun dun noise.]

The Wheel of the Year is really, what it sounds like. It is a calender that consists of the eight major holidays celebrated/observed by most pagans. There are the four solar holidays that are more commonly known as the four seasons which traditionally tracks the birth, death, and rebirth of the Sun. Spring and Autumn mark the quarters and are known as Equinoxes leaving Summer and Winter to make the halfway points between the year, and they are known as Solstices.

You may some times hear these four holidays called Sabbats, as well as the 'cross quarter days' as there are four of them, and they make a cross shape. Yep. (I'm feeling silly as I write this, sue me. :P ) These holidays consist of Midwinter/Yule (Winter Solstice), Ostara (Spring Equinox), Midsummer/Litha (Summer Solstice) and Mabon (Autumn Equinox) .

There are some pagans that only observe those four main holidays as they mark the seasons, which works just fine. Being someone who likes celebrating I like the idea of having the eight holidays, and that's just how I learned it.

In between those four main holidays we have what are called Esbats and they mark the lunar holidays which consist of Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas/Lughnasadh, and Samhain.

So if you were to put them in order of the Gregorian calender that we still use today, the list of holidays would look like this.

Ostara (Spring Equinox)
Midsummer/Litha (Summer Solstice)
Mabon (Autumn Equinox)
Midwinter/Yule (Winter Solstice)

However, since many pagans (myself included) recognize Samhain as the Celtic New Year, most of us start our spiritual calender there. So instead, the list looks more like this.

Midwinter/Yule (Winter Solstice)
Ostara (Spring Equinox)
Midsummer/Litha (Summer Solstice)
Mabon (Autumn Equinox)

Or even,

Midwinter/Yule (Winter Solstice)
Ostara (Spring Equinox)
Midsummer/Litha (Summer Solstice)
Mabon (Autumn Equinox)

Keeping track of the sun, the moon and the seasons themselves were essential to substantial living in ancient times. Even today, modern farmers use the moon as an indication of when to plant what crops.

Regardless of how you want to order them, it all comes back around again, which is why it is likened to a wheel, and thus it became known as the Wheel of the Year.

As the year progresses I will be making posts about the different holidays, hopefully with enough time for you lovely readers to get what you might want if you're interested in celebrating!

One thing I will share with you is that when I first started on this path, I had the WORST TIME trying to remember these holidays. If I was lucky and remembered it on the day of, I would burn a plain white tea light candle. It hasn't been until more recently that I have gotten better at planning ritual, or making yummy things to be devoured in honor of the holiday.

Most times I still only end up burning a candle and maybe saying a few words. Some times life is just too busy for us to do much more than that. But I figure that as long as I am setting aside just a few minutes, that's really all it takes.

I look forward to sharing more with you throughout this turning of the wheel.

Many blessings,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

Grounding and Bubble Meditations

Hello lovies,

Welcome to Part Six of my Open Heart Series!

If you have not read the previous parts of this series I would encourage you to follow the links below so that you can get all caught up! What started as a minor project has blossomed into a journeys of how, why, and how to!
Following pieces of this series will include ways to connect with your guides and of course the resulting experience of the February Full Moon Ritual through Sage Goddess.

Previous Series Postings
Behind Door Number Two
Why Answer the Why
When Guides Come Knocking

So without further ado!

As promised here are a couple of different meditations that I have been practicing. Before I jump in,  I would like to say that I used to not be one for meditation. It used to be very hard for me to concentrate and quiet my mind enough to feel like it did any good. If that is something you are struggling with I would encourage you to keep trying, it does get easier, I promise.

I would also like to point out that meditating on even the most basic level, sitting quietly for five to ten minutes focusing on your breathing, has been proven to have residual benefits not only in relieving stress, but it helps your skin, it can help lower your risk for life threatening occurrences such as stroke and heart attack. If you'd like to learn more about the health benefits of meditating, follow the link here.  

One thing I found that is extremely helpful is to have some sort of white noise. I can't have things too quiet otherwise I end up noticing EVERYTHING. There are a lot of good meditation CDs out there with all different kinds of music or white noise. I usually put on my Piano Guys Pandora station and let it play. Everyone is different, so if you don't find your niche right away, don't be discouraged.

I think the very first meditation I ever learned or even heard of was a grounding meditation. If you've been with me for a while, you've probably heard me talk about different stones I use for grounding. And while they are helpful, not everyone works with stones, which is totally fine! So if stones are not your thing or you can't afford them or simply don't have one with you, there is still an excellent way to ground yourself that you can do anywhere.

Before I go further I would like to add that I would not recommend doing this or any meditation if you are driving or operating heavy machinery. (I don't know how necessary that actually is, but you never know.)

 I always begin and end my meditations the same way, and always you are free to use my suggests as a starting point, or if you just really like them, go for it! That is the purpose of sharing after all. :)

I always begin every meditation with closing my eyes and taking in a few deep breathes. I don't have a particular order I do this in, so just go with whatever comes naturally to you.

Whether you are planning to meditate for five to ten minutes or a hour, you want to be comfortable, hopefully in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. It's not always going to be possible but when you're learning, it's the best way to go about it. Eventually you may learn to do it any where you are!

Once you are comfortable and you have taken your breaths with your eyes closed, imagine yourself outside. You could be in a garden, in a park, a field, underneath a tree, wherever it is that you feel comfortable.

I personally am a very visual person, so I like to imagine the way that the grass feels underneath me, is there a breeze, what time of day is it, is there anything going on around me or am I alone? My go to is always to be sitting underneath a tree, my back supported by the firmness of the trunk.

Don't feel like you have to answer every one of those questions. If the idea of painting that specific of a picture is distracting or overwhelming, let it go. If the easiest picture for you to visualize is you standing in the middle of an open field with the sun shining down and a breeze passing by, that's great! It does not have to be elaborate.

And as you meditate more and you get comfortable, you will probably also have a 'go to' scenario. Remember, do what feels right, don't worry about the rest. Once you feel comfortable, the rest will fall into place.

Now, once you have your visual in mind, continue your breathing. In your mind's eye, get comfortable where you are, when you feel safe and content touch the ground beneath you. Whether with your hands or your feet, you want to have a direct connection with the earth.

When that feels good, take in a deep breath and feel your arms/legs/finger tips energetically reaching down into the earth itself. As you exhale, feel the energy of the earth travel up through your appendages to the rest of your body. With every breath in imagine them traveling further down, and every breath out, more of the grounding essence of the earth come into you.

I personally love imagining my feet acting as roots traveling deeper and deeper and as they do, that I grow taller and taller, and as I do I myself transform into a great oak tree in full bloom at the height of summer.

Continue to do this until you feel yourself firmly grounded. When you feel solidly grounded, try reversing the purpose for your breathing; with every breath in, imagine yourself retracting from the earth, and with every breath out imagine giving the nervouse/upset/angry/anxious energy back to the earth.

Once you are back to your original or whole self, imagine a bell ringing in the distance. Soft at first, but progressively growing louder until you feel yourself back to where you started before the meditation. Take a few deep breaths before opening your eyes. Wiggle your toes and your fingers, open your eyes slowly, maybe blink a few times. Make sure you feel steady in your being before getting up and moving around.

I like to give a sort thanks to the earth for lending me its energy to ground and calm myself before fully getting up and around.

Grounding meditations are a great way to 'break in' to meditating, and meditations are not always terribly deep. Some times if I don't want to go the whole giant tree route, I imagine a chord going from my navel to the earth and sending all of my unwanted energy down to the center of the earth and once that is done, I fill up the space with calm, grounding energy.

The other meditation that I have been working on recently what I call the Bubble Meditation. I was reintroduced to this mediation within the last week and thought how silly I felt for not applying it more liberally to my practice.

Maybe it's just me, but I talk about bubbles a lot. Whether I am describing another person, an event or even personal space, I like bubbles. Plus they are just super fun to blow and play with.

For the Bubble Meditation, it really is SO SIMPLE, it will blow your socks off. This is another meditation that can be done anywhere, any time (expect for what I mentioned above, I'm sure you remember.)

This is so simple and awesome you don't even really have to meditate to do this. I like to because I feel more focused, and I feel like I put more intent and energy behind it doing it that way.

So! When you are settled in and comfortable, you've done your breathing and your eyes are closed imagine yourself just as you are in your minds eye, with one small difference, you are one a slight platform.

In front of you are words or phrases that represent or describe your worries, fears, distractions, illness, pain, whatever it is that has been preoccupying your mind and stealing your energy. Put whatever it is, and you can certainly do more then one at a time, put them into a bubble.

Visualize them floating in front of you inside of their respective bubbles, you decide if they are big or small bubbles. Once you have done that, imagine there being space between you and whatever it is that you have put inside of that bubble.

You can blow at them, have the wind carry them away, or just see yourself pushing them away with your mind. Whatever works for you to put defined space between you and it.

Now, this is clearly not going to be a problem solver, but it can help you to stay focused. It can help you to put distance between yourself and what has been keeping your vibrations and energy low.

It might sound a bit cheesy, but I promise you, it really does help. Even if it's just something you do before bed to help clear your head for better sleep. I fell asleep the other night watching the bubbles be carried away, and I slept great!

Meditation is something that I think every single person could benefit from, especially living in such a busy world, it really makes it that much more beneficially to take five to ten minutes to just breath in a quiet space.

I have in mind to share a couple of other meditations I do, but those will come a little bit later. This is a great way to get started and will help open so many doors when you're ready to try deeper, or even guided meditations.

If that is something you would like to see from me in the future, don't be shy, tell me in the comments below! I would also love to hear how these meditations work for you.

Sending you loving light and peace,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

Friday, January 23, 2015

When Guides Come Knocking

Hello lovies,

Welcome to Part Five of my Open Heart Series!

If you have not read the previous parts of this series I would encourage you to follow the links below so that you can get all caught up! What started as a minor project has blossomed into a journey of how, why, and how to!
Following pieces of this series will include some meditations that I find helpful, ways to connect with your guides and of course the resulting experience of the February Full Moon Ritual through Sage Goddess.

Previous Series Postings
Behind Door Number Two
Why Answer the Why

So without further ado!

Prior to getting into the meditation, I'm going to provide a bit of context. That's right folks, we are jumping right in today! Whoohoo!! (You're still in for a long post, I warned you yesterday.)

Several months ago, I made a seemingly immediate and strong connection with someone. We had a brief encounter and continued to talk intermittently but nothing significant changed. Despite being perfectly content in my single life, I couldn't shake the connection we had made. I ended up with a fairly intense infatuation which I found quiet irritating. I knew nothing was going to develop between us, but that didn't seem to matter.

I was venting my frustration to one of my good friends and she suggested to me that, "Maybe your chakras were just wide open when you got together, and now he's just under your skin."

As previously stated, I am not well versed in charka work, so I wasn't entirely sure what she meant, but it sounded right. I decided the only thing to do was to wait it out, let whatever was going on with me run it's course and then I would be done with it. A few weeks later I felt like nothing had changed, so I opted to do a reading for myself to hopefully gain some insight on what I should be doing.

I ended up doing a series of five readings. Not all about the same thing mind you, and not even with the same deck. Doing so many readings in a row is not something that I would recommend simply because messages can get muddled and distorted and boy howdy is it draining. When I sat down to read I had no intention of doing so many, I just let my intuition guide me.

There was one resounding theme in every one of the readings I did-meditate, consult your guides. If that's not enough of a sign then I don't know what is. I did not do this right away as I was getting ready for finals, plus my energy was not focused, it was all over the place.

When I was in a place where I felt like I had enough energy to really commit to it, I decided that I had not Journeyed in a while and figured that would be the best way to do so. When I talk about Journeying, I am referring to the Shamanic practice as I was trained in 2011.

I set my music, took a few deep breaths and spent a good ten minutes trying to hone my focus. Let me tell you, it was just not happening. I began to get frustrated because I had never experienced resistance in the past, and I wasn't quiet sure what to do about it.

It occurred to me that perhaps I simply wasn't grounded enough, and that perhaps doing a quick grounding meditation would be helpful. As I was preparing myself for that I just felt that either I was going to meditate or I was going to Journey. My solution to the dilemma was to use some grounding crystals and try to Journey again.

I went to my desk that also serves as my alter space and reached in blindly for my crystals, trusting that I would know them by touch. I had a mind to use Hematite, or Tiger's Eye which I mentioned in my last post. I would have even been happy with my Tree Root Agate, I ended up with White Howlite and Emerald. I felt a resistance in my body when I went to put them back, clearly these were the ones I was meant to use.

Before settling down again I put on my wolf pendant that I always wear when I meditate or do Journey work, I feel that it creates a link back to the physical plane, and I always feel a great sense of protection when I wear it. You can see a photo of it here. I was also wearing my rose quartz point.

When I meditate with crystals, I usually cross my legs and rest my closed palms on my knees. I didn't do that this time, with a stone in each hand I rested my hands together with my palms facing each other. After just a few breaths I could feel the energies of the crystals working together and creating a kind of helix around me, and I although I couldn't see in my mind's eye where I was or where I was going, I could feel movement. When the feeling settled I felt myself looking around, but still not seeing anything, I called out,

"Hello, is someone there?" I heard a soft chuckle and felt a very warm and feminine presence.

"Oh, my daughter, you grow more beautiful every time I see you." I felt a kiss on each cheek and a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry, I don't recognize your voice." Still in a state of darkness and not wanting to be rude, I attempted to find out her identity.

"What matters is that you called, and I am the One Who Answers." I nodded, only an idiot would argue with that.

We discussed the readings, and the underlining tones of a romance, she spoke to me in a way that was somewhere between a loving parent and a best girlfriend. I expressed her how I hadn't been able to shake the familiarity I felt and more so the fact that he had felt it too. How I felt stuck between trying not to get any kind of hope up, and at the same time acknowledging how important it was being in a place where in fact, I was trying not to get any kind of hope up. I even felt bold enough to ask her if there was a chance that this was not the first life that we had crossed paths. She laughed, and it sounded like music.

"Oh my dear, you'll find that most men you feel drawn to have an air of familiarity. There is a reason they seek you out in this life." I didn't feel the need to inquire further, that in and of itself was enough to consider. By the time our conversation was drawing to a close I could see the sun on the horizon and that we were on a warm beach. The tide was gently coming in as if the ocean itself was slowly waking up. I was finally able to see my guide; she was an unnaturally beautiful woman with creamy skin, golden hair and hazel eyes, wearing what appeared to be a white and sky blue toga inspired dress.

It occurred to me somewhere in the back of my mind that I might be receiving counseling from Aphrodite, but thought it unlikely. Rather than ask again, I thanked her for her guidance. With one last smile she transformed into a dove, and flew away. I stayed for a moment to allow her message to sink in a bit more and to enjoy the warmth of the sand under my bare feet. As I was about to bring myself back, I heard a voice ringing out to me,

"Don't break the connection." So I waited. A series of heart beats passed me by and I was in a forest clearing. Hearing a noise behind me I slowly turned around, there was a black bodied centaur across the clearing. I could feel my breath catch in my throat; I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing. I had a psychic reading done a month or so prior to this and during the reading I was told that one of my spirit guides was centaur. While it resonated with me, I hadn't interacted with this guide up until this point.

When the reader originally described the vision to me, he said that when he first saw my guide, its back was facing him, just as it was with me.

"Are you...?" When she turned to face me, she had a very knowledgeable and patient face.

"Oh yes, it's me. I've been waiting for you." I was flabbergasted. It had been some time since I had worked so openly with a new guide, and now I was two for two. "Well, don't be shy girl, come closer."

I did as she instructed, hesitant at first. She gave me a small soft smile plainly sensing my uncertainty. I returned the gesture and confidence replace the hesitation. We spoke of patience, of stubbornness, of a determined spirit. She spoke to me about my heart, and the way I view the world. Without much thought as to how, I found myself on her back.

"Try seeing things the way I see them. I will always have a wider perspective then you simply because of what I am, but you can learn to observe from my point of view. I know that your patience has been worn thin, and that you have begun to feel the energy of your mate, but patience is key. You are of the Earth, as am I. It is our greatest strength, harness it, do not fear it. To do so would mean that you fear yourself."

As I sat on her back I felt a complete sense of calm, I felt grounded, and strong. I tried to do as she instructed, starting simply by noticing how different the forest looked with only a few feet off of the ground. 

"As tempting as it is, remember this, do not miss the forest for the trees." She turned her head to look at me, her eyes piercing and wise. "When you feel yourself struggling, call to me. I will send you strength and revive your spirit." I nodded silently, trying to take everything in as it was, not wanting to forget a single detail.

In the midst of it all though, I felt something else. I could feel another energy approaching, this time masculine. I dismounted as the energy was too familiar for me not to feel certain I knew who approached. Through the brush a wolf appeared, but it wasn't the wolf I was expecting. Rather than a white wolf or grey wolf as I was used to seeing, this wolf was black. Unsure of what to make of this I looked over to my guide for reassurance but she was far off. Still within my sight but she was making it clear that I was on my own for this one.

Then I remembered another detail that the reader shared with me. During the reading he saw my guide standing next to a black wolf, but the wolf was not a representation of my guide, it was a representation of my partner for this life. As I turned back to the wolf, it began to change, and took the shape of a man. There were no discernible features that I could make out, it was if his shadow had come in his place.

I stood there in complete shock, at a complete loss for words-what the hell was happening?! Never before had another's energy or guide entered my meditation. This was an invite only kind of gathering, and I did not send out invitations.

 "I don't understand..." The shadow seemed to chuckle. I looked back to my guide again hoping that maybe she would explain, this time the wolf was with her, standing side by side just like the reader had described.

"I'm sorry for surprising you, I honestly don't expect to get away with this a second time." The shadow's voice was deep and kind. Looking back in his direction I was still trying to wrap my head around what was taking place. He had moved and was now standing before me, taking my hands in his.

"You don't have to say anything, I'm sure this was the last thing you were expecting." It must have been reflex, why I looked into what would have been his face, and somehow without any indication of facial features, I could sense that his expression was filled with the utmost tenderness.

"Now, I know you've told this to yourself before, because I suspect you'll end up saying it to me when we finally do meet." Raising his hand he tucked some hair behind my ear, his would-be eyes intent on me.

"You know deep in your heart that you are not ready for me to be with you. Just as much as you know that you are not ready to be with me. We still have growing to do, self-discoveries that can only be done apart and because of that they are only going to make us appreciate each other and ourselves that much more." He took a moment to sigh and look at me, (if you can call it looking) as if his subconscious were trying to memorize me so that way I would be easier to find later on.

"I wish I could convey to you how much I know that I already love you. I want nothing more than to show you how precious you are to me. But if we were to meet tomorrow, I wouldn't be able to do that. The man I am right now would run away from you so fast because the man I am right now doesn't know how to appreciate someone as wondrous as you. You deserve the very best that I can possibly give, and the man before you now, well. Not only does he not have the foggiest idea of how to do that, but he's also too selfish."

Despite myself I started to laugh, by this point all I could do was just let whatever was going to happen, happen. Regardless of whether my higher self was doing this to prove a point, or my future partner really had found his way to me, I needed to hear it. Somewhere in the midst of everything it occurred to me that I had become a shadow form too. I hadn't realized up until that point of how connected I felt to this being, so much so that I felt engulfed by his presence. I felt warm and safe, it felt familiar and strange and new all at once.

"I know that I have no right asking anything of you, so I'll put it this way instead. Let us both agree to give ourselves our best chance; let us continue to focus on ourselves, whatever comes our way. It's the best thing we can do for ourselves, and each other." His voice carried resolved, but it sounded hard earned.

I was silent for a moment, feeling a slight struggle within myself. Being as deep into my meditation as I suspected I must have been, I decided to save any debates that were waiting for me until after I was back and grounded. I can only assume that my silence was taken as an agreement, because he spoke again.

"If nothing else I say is remembered, please just know that I am getting to you as fast as I can. My daily conscious may not know it yet, but the part of me that is here with you now, wants to spend every possible day with you." I took a breath and a step back, but did not let go of his hands, suddenly afraid that I might find myself lost in this magical place where a soul's heart could reach me.

For a moment I tried to decipher if the presence before me really was a manifestation of his soul reaching out to me, or if my higher self was feeling particularly elaborate that day. After a moment of studying the shadow man before me I came to the conclusion that it did not really matter. The message itself was the important thing, and I reconciled that as much as I wanted us to be ready for each other, that simply wasn't the case.

I could feel my physical shape starting to return, but before I lost the shadowy essence that so perfectly connected the two of us, I closed my eyes and let my inner light encircle my being. Opening my eyes, I could see he was still dark as night, but I was a shimmering white. While we were connected by our inner essence, we were separate individuals.

"Hopefully this will serve as a reminder." I'm not sure if saying so was more for my benefit or his, but I thought I should at least say something. With reluctance I released his hands and turned to go, making a doorway which opened to a winding staircase that would bring me back down.

"You realize that I'll be able to find you that way. When we meet again, I'll notice that white light around you."

Looking over my shoulder it appeared as though a hand rested in his pocket.  Smiling I answered, "Well, it's not really for you, is it?"

He chuckled, "No, it's all for you."


After I came out of my meditation I had to just sit for a while and breath, trying to memorize everything that my guides told me, trying to memorize the whole experience really. Then I remembered the stones, so of course I had to remind myself of their properties. I have a little journal I keep with all of the stones in my possession as well as some brief notes about each one.

White Howlite helps with awareness. It can prepare the user or wearer to receive wisdom from the Higher Self and the Divine.

That was enough to rock my socks off. I was filled with this impending, 'This is the mother load' feeling as I flipped through the pages of my journal.

Emerald was thought to preserve love, as well as being a long time symbol of hope. It is considered by many to be the stone of prophecy. For some the emerald acts as a tranquilizer for a troubled mind.

Never before had my intuition so clearly guided me. There was still one thing I was curious about. Only once before has such a specific deity come to me, so I searched for goddesses associated with doves.

The first result I came across was a blog post talking about Aphrodite and her connection to doves. I decided to dig a little be more and found that Emerald is considered the stone of Aphrodite. My jaw dropped, I had no clue prior to any of this about those connections. My mind was officially blown.

This meditative experience is something that I am going to remember for the rest of my life. It was such a profound experience for me, so much so that I don't expect it to happen again. I am certainly open to it don't get me wrong, but meditation, whether to clear your mind or to reach out to your guides is about being open to what they have for you. I wasn't sure what I was going to get or who was going to be there (clearly!) but I trusted in the Universe, and I trusted in my guides. That is how meditations should be.

I hope that you have been enjoying the Open Heart Series so far, as there is more to come! Next I'll be sharing a few different techniques for meditating, some tips on how I've connected with my guides and how you can connect with yours.

Sending you light and love as always until next time,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Why Answer The Why

Hello lovies,

Welcome to Part Four of my Open Heart Series!

If you have not read the previous parts of this series I would encourage you to follow the links below so that you can get all caught up! What started as a minor project has blossomed into a journey of how, why, and how to!

We are nearing the end of this series and I have to tell you, this has been one wild ride. I want to give a huge thank you to my soul sister Trisha, I never would have walked down this path without your suggestion and guidance. I am so excited for our ritual February 3rd, not only to share my experiences here but to share them with you as the grand finale to this amazing first series on Through the Open Door.

Do not forget that if you would like to join us on the full moon, follow the link February Full Moon Ritual through Sage Goddess.

Previous Series Postings
Behind Door Number Two

So without further ado!

Tomorrow I am going to share a personal experience of mine, that in all honesty I never expected to share with a wide audience. Prior to publishing the post, I have only shared with two people. So why share it here? Well, there are a couple of reasons. But first I wanted to clarify a couple of things.

I decided to make this it's own post simply because the other post is so long. I did my best to keep to the high lights, but I also wanted to convey as much as I could about the experience. I wanted both the mediation piece and my reason for sharing to be able to stand on their own.

So much of the time we see actions that don't have a lot of reasoning behind them, when in fact the reasoning is just as important as the action itself, in some instances even more so. If that vital piece of information is missing we're left with these seemingly pointless actions and then we have to deal with the repercussions of those actions, good or bad.

I sincerely believe that if we are more open about sharing our reasons, it not only encourages honesty with others and others with us, but it also helps to promote tolerance by removing the opportunity to make rash judgements. If someone needs further clarification, chances are they will ask for it. If someone is going to pass judgement regardless, then that is on them.

All of that being said, some times reasons are not needed. In circumstances that are private and personal, then the decision falls to the individual of how much they want to share. In this space, when you are here with me, I will do my best to be as open and vulnerable with you as if you were here sitting right next to me.

This sanctuary is not just for me to share my experiences and my thoughts, my hopes and fears. This is also a place for you. A place to learn and grow, and perhaps even share a little bit of yourself if you feel so inclined.

With all of that being said, I will get to those reason I mentioned before. After all, that is what this post is for.

Reason one-I sincerely feel that there are universal themes in what I am going to share with you. Admittedly being a child of the 90s Disney universe, I think that we (and I primarily am referring to girls, but guys are not exempt) grew up with a very different perspective, and certain ideas when it came to love.

Despite the fact that I am a child of not just one set of divorced parents, but two, I still harbored these specific ideas about true love. That regardless of the worlds troubles, and even my own, that my true love was out there some where, and that eventually he would find me.

That's not to say that I still don't believe that somewhere deep down, but being an adult with some seriously not so pleasant life experiences, I know that life and love are not made up of fairy tales. That being said, I am still a very romantic person, that is just part of who I am. I won't say that Disney didn't affect that to some degree, but I think there had to be some inclination already a part of my personality and that's why I resonated with the love stories so strongly.

Even with all of the hardships and trials that just come along with being alive, I still believe that there is a happy ending out there waiting for me to live it.

Reason two-In the meditation that I am going to be sharing, there is a lot of interaction with my guides. I sincerely believe with all of my being in the value of our guides. I know that I have been able to grow and proceed through life in the way that I have because of them.

And I do want to clarify that not all of our guides are of a spiritual nature, if you will. We have guides here on the physical plane with us too. They might be parents, teachers, friends, confidants, pets. Guides are only restricted by the limits we put on them. If you have not already I would encourage you to read the story of how I met one of my guides here in the material world, My Guardian Angel.

Reason three-I think it's important to show people that your guides connect with you on your level. If you think you're connecting but you have doubts like, "Oh, I'm talking with so and so, they wouldn't say that/talk like that/look like that." Your guides are there to connect with YOU, they are going to do so in the best way to give you the messages you need.

This is what I was referring to about setting limits. I understand how awkward and even difficult it can be to not let that affect things, but try to remember that they are doing everything they can to meet you on YOUR level, maybe try giving back a little and try to meet them at their level or even half way. Once you start to do so, it will get easier and you will be so thankful that you did.

In my next post I will be sharing some of the techniques that I have used to successfully connect with my guides as well as a few different meditations that I have been doing to help release the fear in my heart.

I want to thank you so much for joining me on this journey so far, your continued presence is very much appreciated.

Light and love to you and yours dears,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

For the Love of Imbolc

Hey there lovies,

You know how some times in life you find yourself looking and waiting for signs? You've come to a crossroads, there is a fork in the road, or maybe you find yourself lacking a direction. Maybe you have a direction in mind but you don't know how to take that first step.

I have been experiencing that feeling for that last few days. A HUGE change occurred and it left me feeling strangely numb. Initially there was a wave of various emotions, some I found myself fighting. And I say that because they were what I consider to be knee-jerk reactions. It's our go to response before we are able to really express what lies beneath it.

I have spent a few days pondering the events that have lead me to my current place. I've spent this time trying to sit, and listen to my gut, to my guides-much like I have encouraged you to do. I have received guidance and counsel, and as I have done all of these things I remembered that not only is the New Moon upon us, but so is Imbolc.

I had originally planned on only publishing one post for this holiday, but I think it's also important to share with you my experiences and love for this turn of the wheel. I still fully intend to do a separate post about rituals, crafts and recipes you can do for this holiday, that will be coming soon.

For now though I want to focus a little bit more on how aligning yourself with the wheel can not only be helpful in your practice, but also a very moving experience. Imbolc is potentially my favorite of the eight holidays that populate the wheel of the year. Probably because I have had a strong connection to the goddess Brighid since I was about eight.

My folks had just gotten married and we moved into a new family home. At that age I had a hard time sleeping in new places, so even though I was excited about the move, I was nervous about adjusting to life there.

My first night didn't start off too bad, but I was anxious enough to have trouble falling asleep. As I became frustrated all I could think was that this place didn't feel like home. When we had done the walk through together and I had picked out my room, I felt instantly comfortable in the space, so why was it different now?

Tears began to swell in my eyes and all I could think was how much I wanted to be held and comforted, but didn't want to seem like a baby by going to my parent's room. The tears began to fall and I was overwhelmed with the desire to be wrapped in a warm embrace. It was then that the heat kicked on, and as the room's temperature began to rise I felt a presence lower onto the mattress which had been placed on the floor for that first night.

I told myself that I was just worked up and it wasn't anything, tears still streaming down my face. A moment or so passed before I felt arms wrap around me and pull me close. I heard a soft cooing in my ear and had the sensation that I was being rocked back and forth. I could feel a cheek resting on my head and when I breathed in, there was a scent of barely, cotton and a soft smoky scent. Not how my mother usually smelled but I chalked it up to the new house smell.

A few moments passed and I began to calm down, thinking somehow my mother knew how I was up set, her room was above mine after all, and that perhaps she had snuck in. My tears dried up but I still felt overwhelmed by the new space. As I began to fall asleep I remember thinking that I didn't want her to leave. Just as if she heard my thoughts, I heard a soft murmur telling me that she would stay with me all night.

I slept soundly that night and when I woke up the next morning I greeted my mother with a hug. Breathing in her scent was the same as always, but it was no where near what I remembered from the night before. Rather than sounding like a imaginative child, I kept the night's events to myself. Going back down to my room I looked around,

"I'm not sure who you are, but it's okay with me if you stay."

And since then people who have visited the house have noticed the energy on the expanse of the property. When I visit home I am always welcomed with hugs not just from my folks, but also the house. It wasn't until several years later that I was discussing the energy of the property with my Dad that I told him who I thought it was. He agreed, and when he married his wife two years go come this February, there was a Brighid doll and bed on the hearth as they married in the family room of the house.

I never told anyone that story until now. Very few places I have visited have had a similar energy to them. Expect for one, when I went to visit my uncle and cousin a year and a half ago in Washington. When I was on the train home I felt homesick, I didn't want to leave.

Because of this new found freedom I am making plans to visit again within the next couple of weeks which will probably mean that I will be taking a short sabbatical from posting, but when that decision is officially made I will let you know.

Now, I'm sure you're curious as to what exactly brought all of this on.

I have talked about Anni before with her Youtube channel. She recently did a video about Imbolc and I got emotional watching it. In her video she describes how from Samhain to Yule is a quiet time and how in that time things die, and then come Imbolc, we begin planting the seeds of our intentions. And how we ourselves are seeds. We are slowly coming out of a time of rest, the world is starting to wake up.

She talks about a period of foundation, releasing what we have outgrown and what no longer serves us. When we arrive at Imbloc we enter a space of becoming, of growing. That we possess within us the power to decide how we are going to proceed through the rest of the year.

This brought me to tears. She reads a poem to us the last line of the poem states, "We are not leaving, we are arriving."

Those words struck a chord so deep inside of me because ever since my move two years ago I have had this feeling of trying to leave the past behind. Even in my work of releasing fear there has been this same sense.

As Imbolc approaches I realized that I will be done leaving, and I in fact will be arriving-to the rest of my life. When I decided to be open to the Universe, I meant it, not exactly knowing to what extent it would accept.

I keep hearing the same phrase over and over again, "Don't miss the forest for the trees." Every time I hear it, and am filled with just that more resolve to follow my heart and my path for they are quickly becoming the same.

The first time I heard the saying was during a meditation a few months ago from one of my guides. As I was doing a year-round oracle card reading for myself, the very first card held the exact same message. January for me has been all about focusing on the big picture, not getting caught up in the tiny details that have led me to the forest, and to be firm in my decisions as I chose how to move forward this year. February cautions me to ration myself and my resources because when March comes, that is the time of new beginnings, when my new adventure will really begin.

I will admit that I am holding my breath a bit as I don't know exactly how things will unfold, but I am trying to trust that it will all serve my highest good.

I look forward to this New Moon as it is a Super Moon which means that the moon is closer to the Earth so it will appear much larger than normal. Because of this, it also means that any intentions that are being set or magic being worked (if that's your thing), because we will be receiving more of the moons rays, it will had an extra oomph to what you are working on.

If you have not already done so I would encourage you to check out the ritual I wrote for this new moon, and you can read all about it here.

I want thank you all so sincerely for being on this journey with me. When I feel myself falling a little bit I imagine holding hands with those who support me, and I draw upon their energy to help lift me back up, just as I do for them when they ask.

I have a vision in my mind of what will transpire, where I will do on this new adventure. With every word that I type, with every thought I bring it that much closer to my reality just as the moon pulls in the waves and tides.

If you have a vision dears, do not give up on it. It can be yours.

Sending you light and love,


©2013-2015 Thealynn

Monday, January 19, 2015

Behind Door Number Two

Hey there lovies,

Welcome to Part Three of my Open Heart Series!

If you have not read Part One or Part Two you can click the links and get all caught up! What started as a minor project has blossomed into a journey of how, why, and how to!

Part Three is much more of a journal piece versus a spiritual one, but just like my Behind Door Number One, and A Little Bit Stronger posts, I feel that it is essential to the journey ahead. It will give you a little more background on me, and how I got to where I am. As we can all attest to, every journey begins with a single step, and this is my first step on a journey to heal and open my heart. 

Even though this is part three in the series, this was the first post that I wrote. I had intended it to be the first post, but with the new moon so close I wanted to make sure that that the ritual and tool information was available to you as soon as possible. 

Following pieces of this series will include a retelling of a of a personal meditative experience, some meditations that I find helpful, ways to connect with your guides and of course the resulting experience of the February Full Moon Ritual through Sage Goddess.

So without further ado!

I will readily admit that when I decided to follow through with the Open Heart Series I wasn't entirely sure what I was getting myself into. 

Since joining a couple of groups and working with like minded people I've been instilled with the courage to get out of my own head space and just follow what feels right, and it's been an amazing experience, however it's also been a huge influx of energy.

In all honesty it's been a bit overwhelming. Not in a negative sense by any means, but very draining. As I'm learning to balance school and all of the work I am doing personally, with my group and for this blog I am learning more and more the importance of working with my stones and meditating to center and ground myself. 

If you've been with me for a whole then you know that I have been working on releasing fear from my life, and it's been going well so far. Until I realized how close I was getting to dealing with the number one emotional obstacle I've ever faced. 

My fear of relationship getting into another relationship.

Typing that last sentence was easily one of the most difficult things I have done in this short year. But I knew that it was the first step, the second being that I would then need to figure out the big, "Why?"

In all honesty it's incredibly difficult for me to write about. Looking back to when I went to write about my anxiety it was something that I just needed to channel out of me. To get it right in front to me, to see it for what it really is. Somehow that has been easier than this. 

The truth of the matter is that this is absolutely terrifying. As important as I know that it is to face and deal with all of this, it's caused some serious anxiety for me. Which unfortunately has been piled on top of other worries, so the last few days have been very hard. 

Everything began piling up and before I knew it I felt like I was exactly where I started. I hate feeling so out of control, and the feelings of helplessness. It just feels as though everything that I have done hasn't been good enough, because look; I'm still here dealing with it. I haven't fixed it yet, why haven't I fixed it?

It wasn't until this most recent episode that I realized why I'm afraid to be in another relationship. I finally understood the reason why I am so scared for my life partner to actually find me.

I'm afraid of me. 

I am scared and worried that even after all of the work that I have been putting in to making myself, being happy with who I am, and self-sufficient, that it won't be enough. That I won't be able to keep up my progress, that I won't be ready when he gets here. 

I am terrified that no matter how hard I've tried to move on and let go of the past, that history will end up repeating itself, and that I'll have to start all over again. 

When I ended my engagement almost three years ago, it almost destroyed me on every single level. It wasn't so much that the relationship was over because in reality, it had been over for a long time, I just didn't know it. 

The way that it happened, the way that I was told, and learning how I had been living a lie for the previous three years, it was just too much. The events that followed were just as traumatic; seeing him move on so quickly with someone else, erasing every piece of evidence that we were ever together was just as heartbreaking. 

When I began spending time with my now ex-boyfriend, I felt compelled to tell him how much I felt I wasn't ready for a relationship, how broken I felt and how I just didn't think I could be with someone again so soon.

He was understanding and compassionate, and let me call the shots. After a week of spending almost every day together, I knew I had to make a decision. I knew that I wouldn't be staying in the area, I was leaving in a matter of months, did I really want to start something?

I followed my feelings, and I am grateful everyday that I did. We were together for thirteen months, more then half were spent long distance. In that short amount of time he took care of me in a way I had never been taken care of before, he showed me what it was like to be cherished and appreciated. Something I had never experienced in an almost ten year relationship.

I still cared for him immensely when we decided to call it quits. I knew in my heart that it was the right thing to do, that the situation wasn't fair to either of us, and at the time he was giving more to the relationship then I was. I knew I had to let him go. Even with all of that knowledge it took me over a year to fully let go. 

I am now worlds and even lifetimes away from those days, but when I really stop to think, it hits me how it hasn't been that long. Even though I have made tremendous progress with my life and within myself, I've been able to do all of those things because I made the decision to focus on me.

I've been adamantly against being in a relationship because it occurred to me that I had never really been single in my adult life. The five months between ending one relationship and getting into another doesn't provide a lot of personal discovery time.

When things ended this last time, I was determined to not jump into anything right away. A little over a year later, I still don't necessarily feel ready to get back out there. I know that I still have work to do, and that there are things I want to be better sorted before a relationship comes knocking.

So instead of worrying about it so much, and feeding the anxiety, I am going to trust that the Universe knows what is for my highest good, and continue focusing on what I can change. 

It something that it is much easier said then done, but I really believe that it is something that I can do. I certainly do not expect things to change overnight, just like I don't expect this to be an easy journey. One thing I do expect is that the rewards will be infinitely worth the effort. 

Sending you light and love,


As an additional note, I wanted to take a moment to recognize my friend J who was patient and helpful when I was struggling to write this piece. Our conversations were exactly what I needed, your encouragement especially. You have my deepest thanks.

©2013-2015 Thealynn

Friday, January 16, 2015

Open Heart Ritual Tools

Hey there lovies,

Welcome to Part Two of my Open Heart Mini-Series!

If you have not read Part One, there's a link for that!

Following pieces of this mini series will include a retelling of a of a personal meditative experience, some meditations that I find helpful and of course the resulting experience of the February Full Moon Ritual through Sage Goddess.

I should also disclose that as there are a couple of weeks to go before the full moon ritual, there may be a post or two in there that might not be a part of the series. There is more time between the next full moon than I have topics to write about, at least when it comes to love and romance.

So without further ado!

I promise that I will keep this post much shorter as it will mostly consist of pictures. There will be pictures of stones, and I will be including some information about each one. However, if you have further curiosities about any of the stones I will include a couple of links to my favorite stone sites at the end of the post.

The stones I will be including are by no means the only ones available to work on your heart space, these are the ones I happen to have and have thus decided to work with. I decided to include them all in one photo, they will be left to right, top to bottom.

None of your tools have to fancy or elaborate, you can make them all yourself if you're super crafty. That pun was only slightly unintended.  ;)

So, here we go!

When it comes to healing your heart space, or your heart charka, I believe that it is important to have a good foundation, which can equate to having a stable root charka.

I will openly admit that I am not well versed in the complexities of working with charkas, I have very little knowledge. I am speaking only of what has been taught to me, so this is how I personally am proceeding. 

When it comes to a foundation, I have a couple of favorite stones that I work with to help keep me grounded. 

Hematite, Tiger's Eye, and Smoky Quartz. My personal favorite right now is Red Tiger's Eye. The thing I love about Red Tiger's eye is that it all of the properties of regular Tiger's Eye, but it has a little bit more of a punch. It helps to maintain vitality, promotes courage and even assists with motivation for self care. It's also known as Dragon's Eye. 

I love Smoky Quartz SO MUCH. I wrote about this amazing stone in my post title They Find You, so you can click the link for a some additional info. Smoky Quartz is great at absorbing negative energy, which is why it's so important to cleanse them, which you can do in the light of the full moon. 

Another one of my favorite stones is Snake Skin Agate. This stone is actually connected with the sacral chakra which is located right above the root chakra. 

Snake Skin Agate comes in sever different forms, this one I picked up at the local shop in town. This stone is pretty self explanatory, but just in case; it encourages the removal of all that doesn't serve you. This stone helps to release the past just as a snake sheds it's old and tried skin leaving a shining new layer of scales. By shedding and releasing the past, we are letting go of what we have grown out of, so that we can continue to grow.

Three crystals that I will be working with for my heart space are Rose Quartz, Green Moonstone, and Emerald. 

Green Moonstone might seem like a strange choice, but there are a couple of reasons I decided to include it here. When I did my first full moon ritual back in December which you can read about here, Green Moonstone was one of the two crystals that act as a touch stone for my work on inner peace. 

This stone is fantastic for several things. Not only does it encourage a 'go with the flow' perspective, but it has a very nurturing and loving energy to it. It helps to promote self love, balance, self care, it helps to see the big picture and helps in stabilizing emotions when they're all topsy-turvy.

Next is Emerald, this might seem like an obvious choice, but Emerald actually has a very special place in my heart, which you will learn about in part four of this series. (That last pun was mostly unintended.)

Emerald is said to be the stone of successful love. It not only promotes love, but healing as well as having a protective quality.

Rose Quartz may sound like your stereotypical 'love stone' but there is a reason for that. Rose Quartz is not just about romantic love, it's a stone for all levels of love. Self love being one of the most important. My adorable kitty got her paws on my tumbled stone, so I decided to purchase a Rose Quartz point to wear, I rarely take it off.

Since I have a chalice specifically for ritual purposes, I will be using that to hold the water as my offering to the Goddess. 

I will be using my bell to clear myself and my space.

If you opt to have ritual specific tools, you'll want to make sure that ritual is all they are used for. Dedicating them is also a nice gesture to the Universe.

These candles I will light when I am ready to start the writing portion of my ritual. I chose these colors because they coincide with the intention for my ritual.

Red: Energy, vitality, and strength, health, passion, love, protection, strength, courage, warmth, action.

White:Spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, healing, truth-seeking, purity, peace, truth, protection.

Pink: Devotion, love, tenderness, faith, friendship, romance, forming partnerships, peace, emotional healing, care.

This is a Love votive that I picked up at the local metaphysical shop that will act as my working candle during the ritual.

I will be burning Lavender incense as it is associate with love, healing, protection and happiness.

 Now, I do realize that not everyone is able to burn candles where they live. If that's the case, try different colored votive holders with the little LED candles. It's the symbolism that we're looking for.

Same thing with incense, try using the herb that you're wanting to use and make your own, just remember to go with your gut!

Many blessings to you and yours, 


Charka Stone Guide


Magic of Crystals

Crystal Meanings

©2013-2015 Thealynn

Open Heart New Moon Ritual

Hey there lovies,

Welcome to Part One of my Open Heart Mini-Series!

If you're not quiet sure what I'm talking about, I mentioned this briefly in my Plans for the Bloggity, so if you're curious pop on over there and read if you have not already. 

Following pieces of this mini series will include a picture guide to my ritual tools for the new moon ritual, a retelling of a personal meditative experience, some meditations that I find helpful and of course the resulting experience of the February Full Moon Ritual through Sage Goddess.

I should also disclose that as there are a couple of weeks to go before the full moon ritual, there may be a post or two in there that might not be a part of the series. There is more time between the next full moon than I have topics to write about, at least when it comes to love and romance.

So without further ado!

I would first like to say that I usually do not plan my rituals out prior to them taking place. Planning ahead of time is not something I have a lot of practice in since I have just recently begun trying to keep track of moon phases, and holidays, etc.

I put some thought into this ritual and wanted it to be simple, nothing overly elaborate, but at the end of the day it really is up to you. Even though I am using specific wording and specific items, when you are doing a ritual it is much more powerful to use your own words. If you're just getting started and need a little guidance, that's what my specifics are there for. But do not feel like you have to use something I said or suggested if it doesn't feel right, the ritual is for you!

When I began to think about how I wanted this ritual to go, and the focus of this ritual, I began to think of what exactly I am trying to manifest. The tricky thing about doing so is to have a very clear idea of what it is you're trying to achieve.

For me, I am working on opening my heart to extend and receive love in preparation of meeting my partner for this life. 

I've known for some time of what I am looking for in a companion, but it occurred to me that knowing specifics about a person doesn't necessarily translate to what I want out of the relationship.

I think there is a misconception that if you know the details of what kind of partner you want, that it will automatically mean that the relationship will be a long lasting, healthy, mutually beneficial, respectful, loving relationship.

There is this mentality of, 'Oh, if only I could find x, y, and z in a person; then I'd be set.' Which as nice as that sounds, isn't always the case, or even realistic. 

With that in mind, we are going to jump right in. Since I have a little more time I'll be going into a bit more detail with step by step guide lines that you can follow as they are, mix them up, add your own stuff-this is really to help you get started.

Everything that I am listing is completely optional, these are the tools I usually work with.

Writing Utensil 
Clearing Agent (besome, bell, smudge stick)
Glass of Water

You'll want to have everything that you need before you begin. One really important aspect of doing ritual is that you a creating what is called sacred space. You are taking dedicated time to commune with your guides, you are connecting with the Universe, and your higher self.

I like to gather my things in the space I will be using, and take a few deep breaths. I usually like to clear myself first with whichever tool I decided to use. Since it is a new moon, I will be using my bell versus my sage.

Since the New Moon is time for planting seeds and new beginnings, I opt not to use sage. I associate sage with clearing all things away, negativity is the main focus, but I don't like the idea of the blessings being carried out by the smoke along with the negativity. Go with whatever your gut tells you.

As you are clearing yourself and the space you will be working in, be mindful of your breathing. Visualize the space around you being surrounded by a white shimmering veil, and once you have gone around it steals to create your sacred space.

It is so important that you cleanse your self and your work space before you do a ritual. When you create sacred space you are sending out your intentions to the Universe to manifest, regardless of what you are trying to achieve. If there is any negativity or ill feelings while you work, that will be sent out with whatever else you are working towards, and things might not go as planned.

If you're having trouble focusing before a ritual and you can't shake the not so happy juju, try mediating and clearing you mind of all things except for a white light, or whatever color you associate with calmness. Let your mind start in the dark and let that light grow brighter and brighter until you are completely encompassed and you feel that light washing away what's holding you down. Let it fill you up until you can feel it tingling in your toes and fingers and then slowly let it go. Let the calm say with you as the light dims. I find it helpful to let the light form into a little shining ball that you can pull out whenever you might need it.

Some times that's not always as helpful as we would like, so try taking a shower and letting yourself relax and unwind. A ritual bath with Epsom salt is another great way to not only clear yourself but to relax any time!

Moving right along! 

When I am clearing I have a little mantra I like to say, and again you can write your own, you can use what I say, you can go and find something on the internet-just make sure that it resonates with you. You are creating this space with your power, you want to make sure it sticks!

I usually start with the north corner and work my way around in a clockwise direction until I am back at north. (Again, this is all about your preference and what makes you comfortable.)

As I cleanse I repeat my mantra three times:

I cleanse myself of all negativity
I cleanse myself of all negativity
I cleanse myself of all negativity

I banish all negativity from this space
I banish all negativity from this space
I banish all negativity from this space

Once my circle is raised, I call the corners. I like to start with North and follow in a clockwise fashion. I also like to call my animal guides as I call the corners. I do this because I have a very strong tie to my totems, and they have all come to me in the form of an element. Most of the time they are the same guides, some times I have a special guide with me during the time of the ritual, so I let my intuition guide me.

If you have an totem that you wish to call to assist you in your goals, don't be shy, they are there to help! Invite them to join you after the corners have been called if that's what feels right to you. 

I call to the corners of the North. Element of Earth, our Mother. I ask for your presence  as I do work this night. Might I succeed in perfect love and perfect trust with the assistance of my guide of the North, Wolf. 

I always get a feeling within myself as a response, once I have received it I say,

I feel your presence Great North, and that of my guide, I thank you.

I call to the corners of the East. Element of Air, our Father. I ask for your presence  as I do work this night. Might I succeed in perfect love and perfect trust with the assistance of my guide of the East, Dragon.

I feel your presence Independent East and that of my guide, I thank you.

I call to the corners of the South. Element of Fire, ignighter of Passion and Creativity. I ask for your presence  as I do work this night. Might I succeed in perfect love and perfect trust with the assistance of my guide of the South, Horse. 

I feel your presence Spirited South and that of my guide, I thank you.

I call to the corners of the West. Element of Water, sustainer of all Life. I ask for your presence as I do work this night. Might I succeed in perfect love and perfect trust with the assistance of my guide of the West, Orca.

I feel your presence Mysterious West, and that of my guide, I thank you.

In the presence of my guides and of the Elements, I humbly invite the Lord and Lady into my circle. God and Goddess, may you watch over me and guide me in my work inside and outside of this circle. I come to you this night as I work towards my highest good, in perfect love and perfect trust, I welcome you to join me in circle tonight.

I feel your presence My Lord. I feel your presence My Lady. I thank you.

Once that is done I will usually take another deep breath and invite any other guides that might be near that wish to lend me their strength, and I thank them as well. 

At this point I usually light my incense and a candle. I state my intention for the ceremony. Because my focus is opening my heart, I'll probably say something along the lines of,

As I continue to release fear from my life, and heal my heart space, I wish to open my heart to the love of the world. I wish to extend love to those who are in need, as well as to receive love in return. My desire is to not only live free of fear but to live with true inner peace, knowing that this will ultimately serve my highest good. Let me not shy away from affection and appreciation, help me to accept them with an open and thankful heart. 

While I do ultimately wish to be connected with my twin flame, I wish to be prepared. I desire nothing more than to be what he needs as a friend, companion and partner, just as he will be for me. May I be shown the way towards this path and not be faint of heart with the work to be done. 

I ask this from a place of deep humility and respect for divine timing. Let this take place only to fulfill my highest good as I hope to use all of this life's experiences to help heal the world. May I find and maintain the strength in surrender as I send this intention to the four corners of the earth, to the ends of the Universe and beyond. 

I would then verbally tie off my intention, most commonly seen is the, 'So mote it be.'
I've used to in the past, but I've switched mine up a bit. 

Now is the time that I would pull out that paper and writing implement and begin to write. You can write what you ideal relationship would entail, characteristics of your next partner, all of the things that you want to express with your healed heart, it's up to you!

Once I am done writing, I will fold up the papers and put them somewhere safe, but where I will not be seeing them everyday. One thing I learned recently, and it has been a hard lesson, is that when you are working with your intentions the best way for them to manifest is to set them and forget them.

By sending them out to the Universe you are saying, "This is what I would like to happen, and I am trusting you with the timing." That's not to say that you stop working towards your goals, they won't get accomplished by themselves. It just means that you don't stress about them, you don't obsess over them. You do your part and the Universe will do the same.

If you have specific tools that you will be working with to help you on your journey, this is the perfect time to dedicate them. I like anointing my tools, so if you have an essential oil, or you could even use your incense depending on what you're burning.

Example: "I dedicate [insert tool here] to the God and Goddess as I work towards [insert goal here.] May it assist me in reaching my highest good, in perfect love and perfect trust."

It can be as simple as that. By dedicating tools, they become physical reminders of the work that you are doing. They are infused with the power of the ritual, of the divine, of your guides, and the elements. For example if you're working on self love you might choose a piece of Rose Quartz, if you're having a tough day, hold that stone in you hand, or to your heart and feel the love and dedication that is charged within that stone. It might end up helping more then you think.

Last thing I would like to mention is that I like to have a little offering to the Lord and Lady. I like to use regular water and salt. Mind you this can be a small glass of water and a teaspoon of table salt, it can be whatever you have on hand. At the end of the ritual before I release the circle and my guides, I hold each item in my hands and say something like,

In my hand I hold the element of the Lord/Lady. May you accept this offering as a token of my gratitude for your guidance and your presence here tonight.

Once I have done so with both offerings, I take a little bit of salt and sprinkle it into the water. 

As you love and respect each other, I love and respect you. As the two of you are one, am I one with you. As you have graced me with your presence in helping me toward my highest good, so I will go out to the world and help others towards theirs. I thank you for your presence this night. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again.

Once I feel their presence leave the circle I release my guides and the elements, once again starting from the North, releasing each one in turn.

Once everyone and thing has been released, it is time to release the circle. To do that, you'll want to go counterclockwise, or just the opposite way that you went when you were raising the circle. 

As I release my circle, I usually have a little bit I like to add on to the end,

As I release this circle, may my intentions be released to fulfill the greatest good of all, with harm to none, in free will, so mote it be.

I realize that this post is LONG as all get out, but I felt that it was important to share. I know when I first started doing ritual, I took a little bit from here and there, but it was hard for me to get started without any real direction. Making ritual your own is important but it's nice to have a frame of reference to work with.

If you made it all the way through this post, HOORAY!!! I hope this has been helpful! I will also be making a second post with pictures of what specifically I will be using, so that will be coming to you as well!

Be sure to stay tuned for that as well as the new Weekly Oracle Card coming on Sunday!

Sending light and love to you and yours,


©2013-2015 Thealynn